我需要从SpriteKit GameViewController转换到iOS应用程序中的常规View Controller(Objective-C)

时间:2023-01-22 23:03:24

I am making a game in Objective-C using SpriteKit, but there are also some view controllers. I need to transition from a SpriteKit scene to the non-SpriteKit view controller at a push of a button. The button is simply made of a SpriteKit Node, and can be pressed using this code:


-(void)touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {

    UITouch *touch = [touches anyObject];
    CGPoint location = [touch locationInNode:self];
    SKNode *node = [self nodeAtPoint:location];

    //if back button touched, show other view
    if ([node.name isEqualToString:@"backbutton"]) {
        //transition code goes here

Now, I'm not quite sure what to put in the if statement that figures out if the back button is pressed. I have no idea, though I tried this. Any help would be appreciated.


1 个解决方案


Well, one way of going about it would be to use the main.storyboard, actually. Have you tried setting up both view controllers that way? Let me know if this doesn't work:


You can actually use an 'Sprite Kit View Controller' and a 'View Controller' to fit your game. Set up the scene-transitioning button using the storyboard, and fit the rest of the game by using code. The button will be stuck there, so put it in a good place.

您实际上可以使用“Sprite Kit View Controller”和“View Controller”来适应您的游戏。使用故事板设置场景转换按钮,并使用代码适应游戏的其余部分。按钮将卡在那里,所以把它放在一个好地方。

Merely set up a transition between the button and the 'View Controller' like you would in any Single View Application.



Well, one way of going about it would be to use the main.storyboard, actually. Have you tried setting up both view controllers that way? Let me know if this doesn't work:


You can actually use an 'Sprite Kit View Controller' and a 'View Controller' to fit your game. Set up the scene-transitioning button using the storyboard, and fit the rest of the game by using code. The button will be stuck there, so put it in a good place.

您实际上可以使用“Sprite Kit View Controller”和“View Controller”来适应您的游戏。使用故事板设置场景转换按钮,并使用代码适应游戏的其余部分。按钮将卡在那里,所以把它放在一个好地方。

Merely set up a transition between the button and the 'View Controller' like you would in any Single View Application.
