
时间:2023-01-22 16:27:56

I want to use my webrtc .a static library in swift. Can you help please? I read you can´t use static libraries in swift, is that true?

我想在swift中使用我的webrtc .a静态库。你能帮帮忙吗?我读过你不能在swift中使用静态库,这是真的吗?

3 个解决方案



Have you fixed this problem you asked? I meet this problem on today too, and I've fixed it just a moment. If you don't have fixed this problem, you can try the below steps:


p.s.: the 2 projects are in the same workspace (the static lib project and the App project), the static lib project is build before the app project. The workspace structure as the pic shows:



  1. In the static lib project, all the .h files are need add to "Build Phases/Copy Files":
  2. 在静态lib项目中,所有.h文件都需要添加到“Build Phases / Copy Files”:


  1. Drag the static lib product file (the .a file) to the app project, see the pic:
  2. 将静态lib产品文件(.a文件)拖到app项目中,请参阅图片:

(path: "app project/Build Phases/Link Binary With Libraries")

(路径:“app project / Build Phase / Link Binary with Libraries”)


*if you care about the red color mark for the .a file, you just need choose the "generic iOS device" as the build device to re-build the static lib project, and re-drag the .a to the app project(the red one can be delete)


  1. Set the "Library Search Path" in you app project:
  2. 在您的app项目中设置“Library Search Path”:


this is the .a file path which the project built in: $(USER_LIBRARY_DIR)/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/StockApp-fkjqyvsniiauxogkivalcduqeotj/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos

这是项目内置的.a文件路径:$(USER_LIBRARY_DIR)/ Developer / Xcode / DerivedData / StockApp -fkjqyvsniiauxogkivalcduqeotj / Build / Products / Debug-iphoneos

  1. Create Bridging-Header file for your app project, and import the static lib in it, in my case I include "StaticLib/StaticLib.h" and "CommonFoundation/CommonFoundation.h":
  2. 为您的应用程序项目创建Bridging-Header文件,并在其中导入静态库,在我的例子中,我包含“StaticLib / StaticLib.h”和“CommonFoundation / CommonFoundation.h”:


  1. Add the Bridging-Header file path to "Objective-C Bridging Header" of you app project:
  2. 将Bridging-Header文件路径添加到您的app项目的“Objective-C Bridging Header”:


Then all done, you can use the functions of the static libraries now. 如何在swift中使用.a静态库?




Yes, you can use static libraries in Swift. Go to your Build Phases and under "Link Binary With Libraries" and add them there.



Alternatively, you can go under Build Settings and in "Search Paths" append the "Library Search Paths" value to include the path to the folder that your .a file is in.



You can add headers for your library the same way under the "Header Search Paths"


Also keep in mind that if this library is written in Objective-C, you will need a Bridging Header to use it in Swift.

还要记住,如果这个库是用Objective-C编写的,那么你需要一个Bridging Header才能在Swift中使用它。



With Xcode 9 using static libraries supported with Swift. You can use like using in Objective-C. Xcode Release Notes

使用Xcode 9使用Swift支持的静态库。你可以在Objective-C中使用like。 Xcode发行说明

Xcode supports static library targets which contain Swift code. Debugging applications that use Swift static libraries may require a complete set of build artifacts that are in their original location




Have you fixed this problem you asked? I meet this problem on today too, and I've fixed it just a moment. If you don't have fixed this problem, you can try the below steps:


p.s.: the 2 projects are in the same workspace (the static lib project and the App project), the static lib project is build before the app project. The workspace structure as the pic shows:



  1. In the static lib project, all the .h files are need add to "Build Phases/Copy Files":
  2. 在静态lib项目中,所有.h文件都需要添加到“Build Phases / Copy Files”:


  1. Drag the static lib product file (the .a file) to the app project, see the pic:
  2. 将静态lib产品文件(.a文件)拖到app项目中,请参阅图片:

(path: "app project/Build Phases/Link Binary With Libraries")

(路径:“app project / Build Phase / Link Binary with Libraries”)


*if you care about the red color mark for the .a file, you just need choose the "generic iOS device" as the build device to re-build the static lib project, and re-drag the .a to the app project(the red one can be delete)


  1. Set the "Library Search Path" in you app project:
  2. 在您的app项目中设置“Library Search Path”:


this is the .a file path which the project built in: $(USER_LIBRARY_DIR)/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/StockApp-fkjqyvsniiauxogkivalcduqeotj/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos

这是项目内置的.a文件路径:$(USER_LIBRARY_DIR)/ Developer / Xcode / DerivedData / StockApp -fkjqyvsniiauxogkivalcduqeotj / Build / Products / Debug-iphoneos

  1. Create Bridging-Header file for your app project, and import the static lib in it, in my case I include "StaticLib/StaticLib.h" and "CommonFoundation/CommonFoundation.h":
  2. 为您的应用程序项目创建Bridging-Header文件,并在其中导入静态库,在我的例子中,我包含“StaticLib / StaticLib.h”和“CommonFoundation / CommonFoundation.h”:


  1. Add the Bridging-Header file path to "Objective-C Bridging Header" of you app project:
  2. 将Bridging-Header文件路径添加到您的app项目的“Objective-C Bridging Header”:


Then all done, you can use the functions of the static libraries now. 如何在swift中使用.a静态库?




Yes, you can use static libraries in Swift. Go to your Build Phases and under "Link Binary With Libraries" and add them there.



Alternatively, you can go under Build Settings and in "Search Paths" append the "Library Search Paths" value to include the path to the folder that your .a file is in.



You can add headers for your library the same way under the "Header Search Paths"


Also keep in mind that if this library is written in Objective-C, you will need a Bridging Header to use it in Swift.

还要记住,如果这个库是用Objective-C编写的,那么你需要一个Bridging Header才能在Swift中使用它。



With Xcode 9 using static libraries supported with Swift. You can use like using in Objective-C. Xcode Release Notes

使用Xcode 9使用Swift支持的静态库。你可以在Objective-C中使用like。 Xcode发行说明

Xcode supports static library targets which contain Swift code. Debugging applications that use Swift static libraries may require a complete set of build artifacts that are in their original location
