在Eclipse Luna安装插件时,“无法获得PluginConverter服务”和“没有找到存储库”错误出现在日志中

时间:2023-01-20 16:39:47

I am using Luna version of Eclipse EE eclipse-jee-luna-M1-win32-x86_64 and trying to place the tomcat plugin (EclipseTotale - com.sysdeo.eclipse.tomcat_3.3.0) inside the dropins folder. When the tomcat icons didn't show up, I checked the eclipse logs, and it showed :

我正在使用月蚀EE Eclipse EE Eclipse -jee- Luna - m1 -win32-x86_64,并试图将tomcat插件(EclipseTotale - com.sysdeo.eclipse.tomcat_3.3.0)放在dropins文件夹中。当tomcat图标没有显示时,我检查了eclipse日志,它显示:

!ENTRY org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher.eclipse 4 0 2013-09-12 20:19:53.571
!MESSAGE Unable to acquire PluginConverter service during generation for: C:\Programs\eclipse-jee-luna-M1-win32-x86_64\eclipse\dropins\com.sysdeo.eclipse.tomcat_3.3.0.

!ENTRY org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core 4 0 2013-09-12 20:19:53.581
!MESSAGE Provisioning exception
org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core.ProvisionException: No repository found at file:/C:/Programs/eclipse-jee-luna-M1-win32-x86_64/eclipse/dropins/com.sysdeo.eclipse.tomcat_3.3.0/.
    at org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.repository.helpers.AbstractRepositoryManager.fail(AbstractRepositoryManager.java:395)
    at org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.repository.helpers.AbstractRepositoryManager.loadRepository(AbstractRepositoryManager.java:692)

The same plugin used to work perfectly for Juno (and Kepler). Any ideas ?


4 个解决方案



In case anyone else (like me) is trying to install a plugin that is unlikely to get updated for a while...


You can add the legacy "Eclipse 2.0" plugin support from the "Eclipse Tests, Examples, and Extras" category in the Luna updates repository. See the attachment to this comment, which you can eventually find by tracing the breadcrumbs from the link in Dan Dar3's answer.

您可以在Luna更新存储库中添加来自“Eclipse测试、示例和附加”类别的遗留“Eclipse 2.0”插件支持。请参阅该注释的附件,您最终可以通过在Dan Dar3的答案中跟踪链接中的面包屑来找到该注释。

You can also add the legacy plugin support like so from the command line:


./eclipse -nosplash -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director \
    -repository http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/updates/4.4/ \
    -installIU org.eclipse.osgi.compatibility.plugins.feature.feature.group

After that, older plugins should install successfully.




I think the cause is to be found in this Eclipse 4.4 Luna change, which went into M1. https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=407312

我认为原因是在这个Eclipse 4.4中发现的,月球变化进入了M1。https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=407312

For Luna we are considering removing the plugin converter support that allowed Eclipse 2.0 old-style plugins to run unchanged. There types of plugins have no OSGi bundle manifest (only a plugin/fragment xml file).

对于Luna,我们正在考虑删除插件转换器支持,该支持允许Eclipse 2.0旧式插件不加修改地运行。有类型的插件没有OSGi绑定包清单(只有一个插件/片段xml文件)。

Have contacted Sysdeo and Bruno Leroux was kind to provide an updated package which seems to work fine with Eclipse 4.4 RC3 (plugin v3.3.1) although he had no plans to support development for the plugin any further (12 years old). He's also waiting for feedback from other two other users and then he'll make the updated publicly available.

已经联系了Sysdeo, Bruno Leroux也很乐意提供一个更新过的包,这个包看起来和Eclipse 4.4 RC3(插件v3.3.1)一样好用,尽管他还没有计划支持这个插件的开发(12年了)。他还在等待其他两名用户的反馈,然后他会公开更新。


~ ~ ~

Version 3.3.1 of the plugin to support Eclipse 4.4 Luna is now publicly available. http://www.eclipsetotale.com/tomcatPlugin.html

支持Eclipse 4.4 Luna的插件的3.3.1版本现已公开。http://www.eclipsetotale.com/tomcatPlugin.html



For anyone trying to fix this problem. I used the eclipse plugin converter on this plugin which creates a META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file from the old plugin.xml file. This makes the above error disappear, however the plugin still does not work, but now there is no error message in the eclipse logs... I know nothing about plugin development so if anyone has any ideas let me know.




For individual plug-ins, put them in dropins/plugins, not dropins directly.




In case anyone else (like me) is trying to install a plugin that is unlikely to get updated for a while...


You can add the legacy "Eclipse 2.0" plugin support from the "Eclipse Tests, Examples, and Extras" category in the Luna updates repository. See the attachment to this comment, which you can eventually find by tracing the breadcrumbs from the link in Dan Dar3's answer.

您可以在Luna更新存储库中添加来自“Eclipse测试、示例和附加”类别的遗留“Eclipse 2.0”插件支持。请参阅该注释的附件,您最终可以通过在Dan Dar3的答案中跟踪链接中的面包屑来找到该注释。

You can also add the legacy plugin support like so from the command line:


./eclipse -nosplash -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director \
    -repository http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/updates/4.4/ \
    -installIU org.eclipse.osgi.compatibility.plugins.feature.feature.group

After that, older plugins should install successfully.




I think the cause is to be found in this Eclipse 4.4 Luna change, which went into M1. https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=407312

我认为原因是在这个Eclipse 4.4中发现的,月球变化进入了M1。https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=407312

For Luna we are considering removing the plugin converter support that allowed Eclipse 2.0 old-style plugins to run unchanged. There types of plugins have no OSGi bundle manifest (only a plugin/fragment xml file).

对于Luna,我们正在考虑删除插件转换器支持,该支持允许Eclipse 2.0旧式插件不加修改地运行。有类型的插件没有OSGi绑定包清单(只有一个插件/片段xml文件)。

Have contacted Sysdeo and Bruno Leroux was kind to provide an updated package which seems to work fine with Eclipse 4.4 RC3 (plugin v3.3.1) although he had no plans to support development for the plugin any further (12 years old). He's also waiting for feedback from other two other users and then he'll make the updated publicly available.

已经联系了Sysdeo, Bruno Leroux也很乐意提供一个更新过的包,这个包看起来和Eclipse 4.4 RC3(插件v3.3.1)一样好用,尽管他还没有计划支持这个插件的开发(12年了)。他还在等待其他两名用户的反馈,然后他会公开更新。


~ ~ ~

Version 3.3.1 of the plugin to support Eclipse 4.4 Luna is now publicly available. http://www.eclipsetotale.com/tomcatPlugin.html

支持Eclipse 4.4 Luna的插件的3.3.1版本现已公开。http://www.eclipsetotale.com/tomcatPlugin.html



For anyone trying to fix this problem. I used the eclipse plugin converter on this plugin which creates a META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file from the old plugin.xml file. This makes the above error disappear, however the plugin still does not work, but now there is no error message in the eclipse logs... I know nothing about plugin development so if anyone has any ideas let me know.




For individual plug-ins, put them in dropins/plugins, not dropins directly.
