
时间:2023-01-18 07:48:42

I have an issue with a project where we are using node and brunch. The issue is current specific to brunch, but could occur for any module would be my guess.


The easiest way to currently reproduce this, is to do the following in a new folder:


npm init
npm install --save-dev brunch

The issue here is that brunch depends on loggy, which in turn depends on ansi-color, which no longer has an entry in the npmregistry:


I think this might be the github project:


In any case, I am unable to proceed, and all our builds fail because they are not able to fetch the given dependency.


I could perhaps use npm shrinkwrap in some way, but that depends on the modules already existing in node_modules, which I am currently missing.

我可能会以某种方式使用npm shrinkwrap,但这取决于node_modules中已存在的模块,我目前缺少这些模块。

So how can I force npm to use ansi-color from a different location, or ignore the dependency?


2 个解决方案



Not sure about npm 2 but you can fix this with beta npm 3. npm 3 has flat node_modules directory. So sub modules can sit in the top level. Read the Changelog.

不确定npm 2但是你可以用beta npm 3解决这个问题.npm 3有flat node_modules目录。所以子模块可以位于顶层。阅读更改日志。

The missing modules can be installed directly from their Github repo as a toplevel dependency in your project. If npm finds the module with the same version in node_modules directory, it won't look for it anymore in the registry.


Install npm 3:

安装npm 3:

npm install -g npm@3-latest 

Then install depencies:


//install missing module from other location
npm install --save-dev
npm install --save-dev brunch



It looks like ansi-color is back on the npm registry ("" is back online)




Not sure about npm 2 but you can fix this with beta npm 3. npm 3 has flat node_modules directory. So sub modules can sit in the top level. Read the Changelog.

不确定npm 2但是你可以用beta npm 3解决这个问题.npm 3有flat node_modules目录。所以子模块可以位于顶层。阅读更改日志。

The missing modules can be installed directly from their Github repo as a toplevel dependency in your project. If npm finds the module with the same version in node_modules directory, it won't look for it anymore in the registry.


Install npm 3:

安装npm 3:

npm install -g npm@3-latest 

Then install depencies:


//install missing module from other location
npm install --save-dev
npm install --save-dev brunch



It looks like ansi-color is back on the npm registry ("" is back online)
