
时间:2023-01-16 16:57:24

When it comes to organizing python modules, my Mac OS X system is a mess. I've packages lying around everywhere on my hdd and no particular system to organize them.

在组织python模块时,我的Mac OS X系统很乱。我的硬盘上到处都是软件包,没有特定的系统来组织它们。

How do you keep everything manageable?


8 个解决方案



My advice:

  • Read Installing Python Modules.
  • 阅读安装Python模块。

  • Read Distributing Python Modules.
  • 阅读分发Python模块。

  • Start using easy_install from setuptools. Read the documentation for setuptools.
  • 从setuptools开始使用easy_install。阅读setuptools的文档。

  • Always use virtualenv. My site-packages directory contains setuptools and virtualenv only.
  • 始终使用virtualenv。我的site-packages目录仅包含setuptools和virtualenv。

  • Check out Ian Bicking's new project pyinstall.
  • 查看Ian Bicking的新项目pyinstall。

  • Follow everything Ian Bicking is working on. It is always goodness.
  • 关注Ian Bicking正在努力的一切。永远是善良。

  • When creating your own packages, use distutils/setuptools. Consider using paster create (see http://pythonpaste.org) to create your initial directory layout.
  • 创建自己的包时,请使用distutils / setuptools。考虑使用paster create(请参阅http://pythonpaste.org)来创建初始目录布局。



In addition to PEP8 and easy_install, you should check out virtualenv. Virtualenv allows you to have multiple different python library trees. At work, we use virtualenv with a bootstrapping environment to quickly set up a development/production environment where we are all in sync w.r.t library versions etc. We generally coordinate library upgrades.

除了PEP8和easy_install之外,你应该看看virtualenv。 Virtualenv允许您拥有多个不同的python库树。在工作中,我们使用virtualenv和bootstrapping环境来快速建立一个开发/生产环境,我们都在同步w.r.t库版本等。我们通常协调库升级。



There are several families of Python componentry.


  1. The stuff that comes with Python. This takes care of itself.


  2. The stuff that you got with easy_install. This, also, takes care of itself.


  3. The packages that you had to get some other way, either as TARballs or SVN checkouts. Create a Components folder. Put the downloads or the SVN's in there first. Every Single Time. Do installs from there.


  4. The packages that you wrote that are reusable. I have a Projects folder with each project in that folder. If the project is a highly reusable thing, it has a setup.py and I actually run the install as if I downloaded it. I don't have many of these, but a few. Some of them might become open source projects.


  5. The final applications you write. I have a folder in Projects with each of these top-level applications. These are usually big, rambling things (like Django sites) and don't have setup.py. Why? They're often pretty complex with only a few server installations to manage, and each of those server installations is unique. These generally rely on PYTHONPATH to identify their parts.


Notice the common theme. Either they're Components you downloaded or they're Projects you're working on.


Also, I keep this separate (to an extent) from the client. I have a master directory of Client folders, each of which has Projects and each project has Sales and Delivery. Not all projects have both sales and delivery.




Maybe PEP8 and easy_install can help you?




I keep all the source for my packages inside ~/Packages/ , and then I do a standard install with "python2.5 setup.py install" on them. This tosses into (for me) /Library/Frameworks/Python/Versions/current/lib/python2.5/site-packages/ . For the development of my own software, I have aliases set up to switch between trunk/ branches/1.0, etc, by pre-prending onto PYTHONPATH. (I have to run 'setup.py build_ext --inplace' in each of these directories before they will import properly.)

我在〜/ Packages /中保存了我的软件包的所有源代码,然后我在其上进行了“python2.5 setup.py install”的标准安装。这个(对我来说)扔进/Library/Frameworks/Python/Versions/current/lib/python2.5/site-packages/。为了开发我自己的软件,我通过预先添加到PYTHONPATH来设置别名以在trunk / branches / 1.0等之间切换。 (我必须在每个目录中运行'setup.py build_ext --inplace'才能正确导入。)

It's worth noting that Python2.6 has a per-user site-packages directory, which you may find more convenient.




The "Modules" Python documentation page is a useful guide on organising code, specifically the "packages" sections




My advice is to try to put everything into your site-packages directory(ies) unless you have a good reason not to. And I try to avoid easy_install because I find that it tends to cruft up my sys.path with egg locations, but that's just me. Some people find it useful.


If you have lots of programs that use different libraries that may conflict with each other, you may also want to check out virtualenv.




Just ran across this site from another * question: http://infinitemonkeycorps.net/docs/pph/ This addresses more than just module placement, but once you place it write how you can easily handle documentation, testing, and distribution.




My advice:

  • Read Installing Python Modules.
  • 阅读安装Python模块。

  • Read Distributing Python Modules.
  • 阅读分发Python模块。

  • Start using easy_install from setuptools. Read the documentation for setuptools.
  • 从setuptools开始使用easy_install。阅读setuptools的文档。

  • Always use virtualenv. My site-packages directory contains setuptools and virtualenv only.
  • 始终使用virtualenv。我的site-packages目录仅包含setuptools和virtualenv。

  • Check out Ian Bicking's new project pyinstall.
  • 查看Ian Bicking的新项目pyinstall。

  • Follow everything Ian Bicking is working on. It is always goodness.
  • 关注Ian Bicking正在努力的一切。永远是善良。

  • When creating your own packages, use distutils/setuptools. Consider using paster create (see http://pythonpaste.org) to create your initial directory layout.
  • 创建自己的包时,请使用distutils / setuptools。考虑使用paster create(请参阅http://pythonpaste.org)来创建初始目录布局。



In addition to PEP8 and easy_install, you should check out virtualenv. Virtualenv allows you to have multiple different python library trees. At work, we use virtualenv with a bootstrapping environment to quickly set up a development/production environment where we are all in sync w.r.t library versions etc. We generally coordinate library upgrades.

除了PEP8和easy_install之外,你应该看看virtualenv。 Virtualenv允许您拥有多个不同的python库树。在工作中,我们使用virtualenv和bootstrapping环境来快速建立一个开发/生产环境,我们都在同步w.r.t库版本等。我们通常协调库升级。



There are several families of Python componentry.


  1. The stuff that comes with Python. This takes care of itself.


  2. The stuff that you got with easy_install. This, also, takes care of itself.


  3. The packages that you had to get some other way, either as TARballs or SVN checkouts. Create a Components folder. Put the downloads or the SVN's in there first. Every Single Time. Do installs from there.


  4. The packages that you wrote that are reusable. I have a Projects folder with each project in that folder. If the project is a highly reusable thing, it has a setup.py and I actually run the install as if I downloaded it. I don't have many of these, but a few. Some of them might become open source projects.


  5. The final applications you write. I have a folder in Projects with each of these top-level applications. These are usually big, rambling things (like Django sites) and don't have setup.py. Why? They're often pretty complex with only a few server installations to manage, and each of those server installations is unique. These generally rely on PYTHONPATH to identify their parts.


Notice the common theme. Either they're Components you downloaded or they're Projects you're working on.


Also, I keep this separate (to an extent) from the client. I have a master directory of Client folders, each of which has Projects and each project has Sales and Delivery. Not all projects have both sales and delivery.




Maybe PEP8 and easy_install can help you?




I keep all the source for my packages inside ~/Packages/ , and then I do a standard install with "python2.5 setup.py install" on them. This tosses into (for me) /Library/Frameworks/Python/Versions/current/lib/python2.5/site-packages/ . For the development of my own software, I have aliases set up to switch between trunk/ branches/1.0, etc, by pre-prending onto PYTHONPATH. (I have to run 'setup.py build_ext --inplace' in each of these directories before they will import properly.)

我在〜/ Packages /中保存了我的软件包的所有源代码,然后我在其上进行了“python2.5 setup.py install”的标准安装。这个(对我来说)扔进/Library/Frameworks/Python/Versions/current/lib/python2.5/site-packages/。为了开发我自己的软件,我通过预先添加到PYTHONPATH来设置别名以在trunk / branches / 1.0等之间切换。 (我必须在每个目录中运行'setup.py build_ext --inplace'才能正确导入。)

It's worth noting that Python2.6 has a per-user site-packages directory, which you may find more convenient.




The "Modules" Python documentation page is a useful guide on organising code, specifically the "packages" sections




My advice is to try to put everything into your site-packages directory(ies) unless you have a good reason not to. And I try to avoid easy_install because I find that it tends to cruft up my sys.path with egg locations, but that's just me. Some people find it useful.


If you have lots of programs that use different libraries that may conflict with each other, you may also want to check out virtualenv.




Just ran across this site from another * question: http://infinitemonkeycorps.net/docs/pph/ This addresses more than just module placement, but once you place it write how you can easily handle documentation, testing, and distribution.
