
时间:2023-01-16 09:48:33

I am trying to gain a better understanding of MVC architecture. I write both front end and back end web applications using LAMP stack. I don't use any frameworks yet. I code in Notepad++ and use WinSCP for file transfer (Putty for terminal). All of the server side coding is done in PHP.

我正在努力更好地理解MVC架构。我使用LAMP堆栈编写前端和后端Web应用程序。我还没有使用任何框架。我在Notepad ++中编码并使用WinSCP进行文件传输(Putty for terminal)。所有服务器端编码都是用PHP完成的。

Based on the reading I've done, this is my best guess on how MVC's files are structured:


+ -- Project1
|    + -- models
|    |    + -- model.php
|    + -- views
|    |    + -- view.php
|    + -- controllers
|    |    + -- controller.php
+ -- Project2
|    + -- models
|    |    + -- model.php
|    + -- views
|    |    + -- view.php
|    + -- controllers
|    |    + -- controller.php

So, while there are a lot of articles and blogs about what models, views, and controllers are, I haven't seen anything about how to set this up past what I've gathered above.


I have no idea how this becomes integrated in relation to my public folder on my server. Here is my guess, assuming that /var/www/html/ is my public directory.

我不知道这是如何与我服务器上的公共文件夹相关联的。假设/ var / www / html /是我的公共目录,这是我的猜测。

+ -- var
|    + -- www
|    |    + -- html
|    |    |    + -- my-application-1.php
|    |    |    |
|    |    |    + -- my-application-2.php
|    |    + -- Project1
|    |    |    + -- models
|    |    |    |    + -- model.php
|    |    |    + -- views
|    |    |    |    + -- view.php
|    |    |    + -- controllers
|    |    |    |    + -- controller.php
|    |    + -- Project2
|    |    |    + -- models
|    |    |    |    + -- model.php
|    |    |    + -- views
|    |    |    |    + -- view.php
|    |    |    + -- controllers
|    |    |    |    + -- controller.php

I am assuming based on what I've read (maybe I'm wrong) that people put their entire project "behind" their public folder. I am also assuming that you take your final application file (my-application1.php or my-application-2.php), put it in your public folder for people on the internet to use, and reference (php's include/require) your models, views and controllers from that application file. I've never referenced files behind my public file, but I'm assuming a lot here.

我假设基于我所读过的(也许我错了)人们将他们的整个项目“置于”他们的公共文件夹之后。我还假设您将最终的应用程序文件(my-application1.php或my-application-2.php)放入您的公共文件夹*互联网上的人使用,并参考(php的include / require)您的该应用程序文件中的模型,视图和控制器。我从来没有在我的公共文件后面引用文件,但我在这里假设很多。

Can someone verify any of this for me? How is this supposed to be set up in relation to the rest of my linux server? Is there anything I am assuming that is incorrect that you'd care to correct?


I am trying to gain a good understanding of this before I pick up any frameworks (probably leaning toward Zend, Laravel, or CakePHP). I have read that frameworks help with this, but I currently don't have the resources to set up a framework and I would like to gain a full understanding of this before trying to pitch this to my team.


2 个解决方案


You're saying in your question that you don't have the resources to set up a framework but yet you have to resources to build one from scratch without even having the slightest idea what you're doing?


Believe me, you don't want to do it yourself. At the very least, you should first try some existing framework like symfony2 or zf2 or whatever you like.


When you'll become familiar with some of these and understand how they work, you will be able to create your own and give up in front of the tons of work it require.


Anyway, to answer the question, here's how zend framework 1 is structured


|-- application
|   |-- Bootstrap.php
|   |-- configs
|   |   `-- application.ini
|   |-- controllers
|   |   |-- ErrorController.php
|   |   `-- IndexController.php
|   |-- models
|   `-- views
|       |-- helpers
|       `-- scripts
|           |-- error
|           |   `-- error.phtml
|           `-- index
|               `-- index.phtml
|-- library
|-- public
|   |-- .htaccess
|   `-- index.php

With this framework, you would setup your web root to /path/to/project/public. As you can see, none of the application code is directly accessible from the web. All incoming requests come throught the index.php where all the magic is.

使用此框架,您可以将Web根目录设置为/ path / to / project / public。如您所见,没有任何应用程序代码可以直接从Web访问。所有传入的请求都来自index.php所有的魔法。

If you're interested in knowing what the magic really is, all the php web framework are open source so feel free to check it out for yourself :

如果你有兴趣了解真正的神奇之处,那么所有的php web框架都是开源的,所以请随意查看:

ZF2 on github


Sf2 on guthub



It's very dependant on the framework you choose to use, but the general idea is that the actual source directory is NOT stored in the web root. I use /web/projects on my deployments, then symlinking the public folder out to the htdocs

它非常依赖于您选择使用的框架,但一般的想法是实际的源目录不存储在Web根目录中。我在部署中使用/ web / projects,然后将公共文件夹符号链接到htdocs

> cd /var/www/html
> ln -s /web/projects/myProject/public myproject

You'll then usually have an index.php file in the public file that kicks things off. There's also usually a .htaccess file that intercepts all requests and points them at that file.


Best option is to choose a framework (Laravel and Symfony are excellent options) and follow the getting started guides.



You're saying in your question that you don't have the resources to set up a framework but yet you have to resources to build one from scratch without even having the slightest idea what you're doing?


Believe me, you don't want to do it yourself. At the very least, you should first try some existing framework like symfony2 or zf2 or whatever you like.


When you'll become familiar with some of these and understand how they work, you will be able to create your own and give up in front of the tons of work it require.


Anyway, to answer the question, here's how zend framework 1 is structured


|-- application
|   |-- Bootstrap.php
|   |-- configs
|   |   `-- application.ini
|   |-- controllers
|   |   |-- ErrorController.php
|   |   `-- IndexController.php
|   |-- models
|   `-- views
|       |-- helpers
|       `-- scripts
|           |-- error
|           |   `-- error.phtml
|           `-- index
|               `-- index.phtml
|-- library
|-- public
|   |-- .htaccess
|   `-- index.php

With this framework, you would setup your web root to /path/to/project/public. As you can see, none of the application code is directly accessible from the web. All incoming requests come throught the index.php where all the magic is.

使用此框架,您可以将Web根目录设置为/ path / to / project / public。如您所见,没有任何应用程序代码可以直接从Web访问。所有传入的请求都来自index.php所有的魔法。

If you're interested in knowing what the magic really is, all the php web framework are open source so feel free to check it out for yourself :

如果你有兴趣了解真正的神奇之处,那么所有的php web框架都是开源的,所以请随意查看:

ZF2 on github


Sf2 on guthub



It's very dependant on the framework you choose to use, but the general idea is that the actual source directory is NOT stored in the web root. I use /web/projects on my deployments, then symlinking the public folder out to the htdocs

它非常依赖于您选择使用的框架,但一般的想法是实际的源目录不存储在Web根目录中。我在部署中使用/ web / projects,然后将公共文件夹符号链接到htdocs

> cd /var/www/html
> ln -s /web/projects/myProject/public myproject

You'll then usually have an index.php file in the public file that kicks things off. There's also usually a .htaccess file that intercepts all requests and points them at that file.


Best option is to choose a framework (Laravel and Symfony are excellent options) and follow the getting started guides.
