
时间:2024-01-15 17:30:14

00. 目录

声明: 该博客来源于传智播客C++学院相关培训参考手册

01. 事件概述


  • 文件描述符已经准备好读或写
  • 文件描述符正在变为就绪,准备好读或写(仅限于边沿触发)
  • 超时事件
  • 信号发生
  • 用户触发事件


02. 创建事件


Allocate and asssign a new event structure, ready to be added. The function event_new() returns a new event that can be used in
future calls to event_add() and event_del(). The fd and events
arguments determine which conditions will trigger the event; the
callback and callback_arg arguments tell Libevent what to do when the
event becomes active. If events contains one of EV_READ, EV_WRITE, or EV_READ|EV_WRITE, then
fd is a file descriptor or socket that should get monitored for
readiness to read, readiness to write, or readiness for either operation
(respectively). If events contains EV_SIGNAL, then fd is a signal
number to wait for. If events contains none of those flags, then the
event can be triggered only by a timeout or by manual activation with
event_active(): In this case, fd must be -1. The EV_PERSIST flag can also be passed in the events argument: it makes
event_add() persistent until event_del() is called. The EV_ET flag is compatible with EV_READ and EV_WRITE, and supported
only by certain backends. It tells Libevent to use edge-triggered
The EV_TIMEOUT flag has no effect here. It is okay to have multiple events all listening on the same fds; but
they must either all be edge-triggered, or all not be edge triggerd. When the event becomes active, the event loop will run the provided
callbuck function, with three arguments. The first will be the provided
fd value. The second will be a bitfield of the events that triggered:
EV_READ, EV_WRITE, or EV_SIGNAL. Here the EV_TIMEOUT flag indicates
that a timeout occurred, and EV_ET indicates that an edge-triggered
event occurred. The third event will be the callback_arg pointer that
you provide. @param base the event base to which the event should be attached.
@param fd the file descriptor or signal to be monitored, or -1.
@param events desired events to monitor: bitfield of EV_READ, EV_WRITE,
@param callback callback function to be invoked when the event occurs
@param callback_arg an argument to be passed to the callback function @return a newly allocated struct event that must later be freed with
@see event_free(), event_add(), event_del(), event_assign()
struct event *event_new(struct event_base *base, evutil_socket_t fd, short what, event_callback_fn cb, void *arg);
base event_base指针
fd 被监视的文件描述符或者信号
what 标志
cb 事件处理函数
arg 回调函数的参数 返回值:
成功 struct event指针








A callback function for an event. It receives three arguments: @param fd An fd or signal
@param events One or more EV_* flags
@param arg A user-supplied argument. @see event_new()
typedef void (*event_callback_fn)(evutil_socket_t, short, void *);


Deallocate a struct event * returned by event_new(). If the event is pending or active, first make it non-pending and
void event_free(struct event *base);
base struct event指针


#include <event2/event.h>

void cb_func(evutil_socket_t fd, short what, void *arg)
        const char *data = arg;
        printf("Got an event on socket %d:%s%s%s%s [%s]",
            (int) fd,
            (what&EV_TIMEOUT) ? " timeout" : "",
            (what&EV_READ)    ? " read" : "",
            (what&EV_WRITE)   ? " write" : "",
            (what&EV_SIGNAL)  ? " signal" : "",
} void main_loop(evutil_socket_t fd1, evutil_socket_t fd2)
        struct event *ev1, *ev2;
        struct timeval five_seconds = {5,0};
        struct event_base *base = event_base_new();
        /* The caller has already set up fd1, fd2 somehow, and make them
           nonblocking. */
        ev1 = event_new(base, fd1, EV_TIMEOUT|EV_READ|EV_PERSIST, cb_func,
           (char*)"Reading event");
        ev2 = event_new(base, fd2, EV_WRITE|EV_PERSIST, cb_func,
           (char*)"Writing event");
        event_add(ev1, &five_seconds);
        event_add(ev2, NULL);

上述函数定义在<event2/event.h>中,首次出现在libevent 2.0.1-alpha版本中。event_callback_fn类型首次在2.0.4-alpha版本中作为typedef出现。

03. 事件的标志

* @name event flags
* Flags to pass to event_new(), event_assign(), event_pending(), and
* anything else with an argument of the form "short events"
/** Indicates that a timeout has occurred. It's not necessary to pass
* this flag to event_for new()/event_assign() to get a timeout. */
#define EV_TIMEOUT 0x01
/** Wait for a socket or FD to become readable */
#define EV_READ 0x02
/** Wait for a socket or FD to become writeable */
#define EV_WRITE 0x04
/** Wait for a POSIX signal to be raised*/
#define EV_SIGNAL 0x08
* Persistent event: won't get removed automatically when activated.
* When a persistent event with a timeout becomes activated, its timeout
* is reset to 0.
#define EV_PERSIST 0x10
/** Select edge-triggered behavior, if supported by the backend. */
#define EV_ET 0x20










  • EV_ET




04. 事件持久性




  • 套接字已经准备好被读取的时候

  • 从最后一次成为激活的开始,已经逝去5秒

05. 超时事件


@name evtimer_* macros Aliases for working with one-shot timer events */
#define evtimer_assign(ev, b, cb, arg) \
event_assign((ev), (b), -1, 0, (cb), (arg))
#define evtimer_new(b, cb, arg) event_new((b), -1, 0, (cb), (arg))
#define evtimer_add(ev, tv) event_add((ev), (tv))
#define evtimer_del(ev) event_del(ev)
#define evtimer_pending(ev, tv) event_pending((ev), EV_TIMEOUT, (tv))
#define evtimer_initialized(ev) event_initialized(ev)


06. 信号事件


#define evsignal_new(b, x, cb, arg)             \
event_new((b), (x), EV_SIGNAL|EV_PERSIST, (cb), (arg))



struct event *hup_event;

struct event_base *base = event_base_new();

/* call sighup_function on a HUP signal */
hup_event = evsignal_new(base, SIGHUP, sighup_function, NULL);




@name evsignal_* macros Aliases for working with signal events
#define evsignal_add(ev, tv) event_add((ev), (tv))
#define evsignal_assign(ev, b, x, cb, arg) \
event_assign((ev), (b), (x), EV_SIGNAL|EV_PERSIST, cb, (arg))
#define evsignal_new(b, x, cb, arg) \
event_new((b), (x), EV_SIGNAL|EV_PERSIST, (cb), (arg))
#define evsignal_del(ev) event_del(ev)
#define evsignal_pending(ev, tv) event_pending((ev), EV_SIGNAL, (tv))
#define evsignal_initialized(ev) event_initialized(ev)





07. 设置不使用堆分配的事件


  • 内存分配器在堆上分配小对象的开销.

  • 对event结构体指针取值的时间开销.

  • 如果事件不在缓存中,因为可能的额外缓存丢失而导致的时间开销.



Prepare a new, already-allocated event structure to be added. The function event_assign() prepares the event structure ev to be used
in future calls to event_add() and event_del(). Unlike event_new(), it
doesn't allocate memory itself: it requires that you have already
allocated a struct event, probably on the heap. Doing this will
typically make your code depend on the size of the event structure, and
thereby create incompatibility with future versions of Libevent. The easiest way to avoid this problem is just to use event_new() and
event_free() instead. A slightly harder way to future-proof your code is to use
event_get_struct_event_size() to determine the required size of an event
at runtime. Note that it is NOT safe to call this function on an event that is
active or pending. Doing so WILL corrupt internal data structures in
Libevent, and lead to strange, hard-to-diagnose bugs. You _can_ use
event_assign to change an existing event, but only if it is not active
or pending!
The arguments for this function, and the behavior of the events that it
makes, are as for event_new(). @param ev an event struct to be modified
@param base the event base to which ev should be attached.
@param fd the file descriptor to be monitored
@param events desired events to monitor; can be EV_READ and/or EV_WRITE
@param callback callback function to be invoked when the event occurs
@param callback_arg an argument to be passed to the callback function @return 0 if success, or -1 on invalid arguments. @see event_new(), event_add(), event_del(), event_base_once(),
int event_assign(struct event *, struct event_base *, evutil_socket_t, short, event_callback_fn, void *);


#include <event2/event.h>

/* Watch out!  Including event_struct.h means that your code will not
 * be binary-compatible with future versions of Libevent. */
#include <event2/event_struct.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct event_pair {
         evutil_socket_t fd;
         struct event read_event;
         struct event write_event;
}; void readcb(evutil_socket_t, short, void *);
void writecb(evutil_socket_t, short, void *);
struct event_pair *event_pair_new(struct event_base *base, evutil_socket_t fd)
        struct event_pair *p = malloc(sizeof(struct event_pair));
        if (!p) return NULL;
        p->fd = fd;
        event_assign(&p->read_event, base, fd, EV_READ|EV_PERSIST, readcb, p);
        event_assign(&p->read_event, base, fd, EV_WRITE|EV_PERSIST, writecb, p);
        return p;





#define evtimer_assign(event, base, callback, arg) /
    event_assign(event, base, -1, 0, callback, arg)
#define evsignal_assign(event, base, signum, callback, arg) /
    event_assign(event, base, signum, EV_SIGNAL|EV_PERSIST, callback, arg)

如果需要使用event_assign(),又要保持与将来版本libevent的二进制兼容性,可以请求libevent告知struct event在运行时应该有多大:

Return the size of struct event that the Libevent library was compiled
with. This will be NO GREATER than sizeof(struct event) if you're running with
the same version of Libevent that your application was built with, but
otherwise might not. Note that it might be SMALLER than sizeof(struct event) if some future
version of Libevent adds extra padding to the end of struct event.
We might do this to help ensure ABI-compatibility between different
versions of Libevent.
size_t event_get_struct_event_size(void);


注意,将来版本的event_get_struct_event_size()的返回值可能比sizeof(struct event)小,这表示event结构体末尾的额外字节仅仅是保留用于将来版本libevent的填充字节。


#include <event2/event.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/* When we allocate an event_pair in memory, we'll actually allocate
 * more space at the end of the structure.  We define some macros
 * to make accessing those events less error-prone. */
struct event_pair {
         evutil_socket_t fd;
/* Macro: yield the struct event 'offset' bytes from the start of 'p' */
#define EVENT_AT_OFFSET(p, offset) /
            ((struct event*) ( ((char*)(p)) + (offset) ))
/* Macro: yield the read event of an event_pair */
#define READEV_PTR(pair) /
            EVENT_AT_OFFSET((pair), sizeof(struct event_pair))
/* Macro: yield the write event of an event_pair */
#define WRITEEV_PTR(pair) /
            EVENT_AT_OFFSET((pair), /
                sizeof(struct event_pair)+event_get_struct_event_size())
/* Macro: yield the actual size to allocate for an event_pair */
#define EVENT_PAIR_SIZE() /
            (sizeof(struct event_pair)+2*event_get_struct_event_size())
void readcb(evutil_socket_t, short, void *);
void writecb(evutil_socket_t, short, void *);
struct event_pair *event_pair_new(struct event_base *base, evutil_socket_t fd)
        struct event_pair *p = malloc(EVENT_PAIR_SIZE());
        if (!p) return NULL;
        p->fd = fd;
        event_assign(READEV_PTR(p), base, fd, EV_READ|EV_PERSIST, readcb, p);
        event_assign(WRITEEV_PTR(p), base, fd, EV_WRITE|EV_PERSIST, writecb, p);
        return p;


08. 事件的未决和非未决



Add an event to the set of pending events. The function event_add() schedules the execution of the ev event when the
event specified in event_assign()/event_new() occurs, or when the time
specified in timeout has elapesed. If atimeout is NULL, no timeout
occurs and the function will only be
called if a matching event occurs. The event in the
ev argument must be already initialized by event_assign() or event_new()
and may not be used
in calls to event_assign() until it is no longer pending. If the event in the ev argument already has a scheduled timeout, calling
event_add() replaces the old timeout with the new one, or clears the old
timeout if the timeout argument is NULL. @param ev an event struct initialized via event_set()
@param timeout the maximum amount of time to wait for the event, or NULL
to wait forever
@return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
@see event_del(), event_assign(), event_new()
int event_add(struct event *ev, const struct timeval *timeout);






Remove an event from the set of monitored events. The function event_del() will cancel the event in the argument ev. If the
event has already executed or has never been added the call will have no
effect. @param ev an event struct to be removed from the working set
@return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
@see event_add()
int event_del(struct event *);




09. 事件的优先级

​ 多个事件同时触发时,libevent没有定义各个回调的执行次序。可以使用优先级来定义某些事件比其他事件更重要。

​ 在前一章讨论过,每个event_base有与之相关的一个或者多个优先级。在初始化事件之后,但是在添加到event_base之前,可以为其设置优先级。


Assign a priority to an event. @param ev an event struct
@param priority the new priority to be assigned
@return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
@see event_priority_init()
int event_priority_set(struct event *ev, int priority);



#include <event2/event.h>

void read_cb(evutil_socket_t, short, void *);
void write_cb(evutil_socket_t, short, void *); void main_loop(evutil_socket_t fd)
  struct event *important, *unimportant;
  struct event_base *base;
  base = event_base_new();
  event_base_priority_init(base, 2);
  /* Now base has priority 0, and priority 1 */
  important = event_new(base, fd, EV_WRITE|EV_PERSIST, write_cb, NULL);
  unimportant = event_new(base, fd, EV_READ|EV_PERSIST, read_cb, NULL);
  event_priority_set(important, 0);
  event_priority_set(unimportant, 1);
  /* Now, whenever the fd is ready for writing, the write callback will
     happen before the read callback.  The read callback won't happen at
     all until the write callback is no longer active. */



10. 检查事件状态


Checks if a specific event is pending or scheduled. @param ev an event struct previously passed to event_add()
@param events the requested event type; any of EV_TIMEOUT|EV_READ|
@param tv if this field is not NULL, and the event has a timeout,
this field is set to hold the time at which the timeout will
expire. @return true if the event is pending on any of the events in 'what', (that
is to say, it has been added), or 0 if the event is not added.
int event_pending(const struct event *ev, short events, struct timeval *tv); /**
Get the signal number assigned to a signal event
#define event_get_signal(ev) ((int)event_get_fd(ev)) /**
Get the socket or signal assigned to an event, or -1 if the event has
no socket.
evutil_socket_t event_get_fd(const struct event *ev); /**
Get the event_base associated with an event.
struct event_base *event_get_base(const struct event *ev); /**
Return the events (EV_READ, EV_WRITE, etc) assigned to an event.
short event_get_events(const struct event *ev);
Return the callback assigned to an event.
event_callback_fn event_get_callback(const struct event *ev); /**
Return the callback argument assigned to an event.
void *event_get_callback_arg(const struct event *ev); /**
Extract _all_ of arguments given to construct a given event. The
event_base is copied into *base_out, the fd is copied into *fd_out, and so
on. If any of the "_out" arguments is NULL, it will be ignored.
void event_get_assignment(const struct event *event,
struct event_base **base_out, evutil_socket_t *fd_out, short *events_out,
event_callback_fn *callback_out, void **arg_out);








#include <event2/event.h>
#include <stdio.h> /* Change the callback and callback_arg of 'ev', which must not be
 * pending. */
int replace_callback(struct event *ev, event_callback_fn new_callback,
    void *new_callback_arg)
    struct event_base *base;
    evutil_socket_t fd;
    short events;
    int pending; 
    pending = event_pending(ev, EV_READ|EV_WRITE|EV_SIGNAL|EV_TIMEOUT,NULL);
    if (pending) {
        /* We want to catch this here so that we do not re-assign a
         * pending event.  That would be very very bad. */
                "Error! replace_callback called on a pending event!/n");
        return -1;
    event_get_assignment(ev, &base, &fd, &events,
                         NULL /* ignore old callback */ ,
                         NULL /* ignore old callback argument */);
    event_assign(ev, base, fd, events, new_callback, new_callback_arg);
    return 0;


11. 一次触发事件


Schedule a one-time event The function event_base_once() is similar to event_set(). However, it
schedules a callback to be called exactly once, and does not require the
caller to prepare an event structure. Note that in Libevent 2.0 and earlier, if the event is never triggered,
the internal memory used to hold it will never be freed. This may be
fixed in a later version of Libevent. @param base an event_base
@param fd a file descriptor to monitor, or -1 for no fd.
@param events event(s) to monitor; can be any of EV_READ |
@param callback callback function to be invoked when the event occurs
@param arg an argument to be passed to the callback function
@param timeout the maximum amount of time to wait for the event. NULL
makes an EV_READ/EV_WRITE event make forever; NULL makes an
EV_TIMEOUT event succees immediately.
@return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred
int event_base_once(struct event_base *, evutil_socket_t, short, event_callback_fn, void *, const struct timeval *);



12. 手动激活事件


Make an event active. You can use this function on a pending or a non-pending event to make it
active, so that its callback will be run by event_base_dispatch() or
event_base_loop(). One common use in multithreaded programs is to wake the thread running
event_base_loop() from another thread. @param ev an event to make active.
@param res a set of flags to pass to the event's callback.
@param ncalls an obsolete argument: this is ignored.
void event_active(struct event *ev, int res, short ncalls);



13. 优化公用超时




libevent通过放置一些超时值到队列中,另一些到二进制堆中来解决这个问题。要使用这个机制,需要向libevent请求一个“公用超时(common timeout)”值,然后使用它来添加事件。如果有大量具有单个公用超时值的事件,使用这个优化应该可以改进超时处理性能。

Prepare an event_base to use a large number of timeouts with the same
duration. Libevent's default scheduling algorithm is optimized for having a large
number of timeouts with their durations more or less randomly
distributed. But if you have a large number of timeouts that all have
the same duration (for example, if you have a large number of
connections that all have a 10-second timeout), then you can improve
Libevent's performance by telling Libevent about it. To do this, call this function with the common duration. It will return a
pointer to a different, opaque timeout value. (Don't depend on its actual
contents!) When you use this timeout value in event_add(), Libevent will
schedule the event more efficiently. (This optimization probably will not be worthwhile until you have thousands
or tens of thousands of events with the same timeout.)
const struct timeval *event_base_init_common_timeout(struct event_base *base,
const struct timeval *duration);



#include <event2/event.h>
#include <string.h> /* We're going to create a very large number of events on a given base,
 * nearly all of which have a ten-second timeout.  If initialize_timeout
 * is called, we'll tell Libevent to add the ten-second ones to an O(1)
 * queue. */
struct timeval ten_seconds = { 10, 0 };
void initialize_timeout(struct event_base *base)
    struct timeval tv_in = { 10, 0 };
    const struct timeval *tv_out;
    tv_out = event_base_init_common_timeout(base, &tv_in);
    memcpy(&ten_seconds, tv_out, sizeof(struct timeval));
int my_event_add(struct event *ev, const struct timeval *tv)
    /* Note that ev must have the same event_base that we passed to
       initialize_timeout */
    if (tv && tv->tv_sec == 10 && tv->tv_usec == 0)
        return event_add(ev, &ten_seconds);
        return event_add(ev, tv);



14. 从已清除的内存识别事件


Test if an event structure might be initialized. The event_initialized() function can be used to check if an event has been
initialized. Warning: This function is only useful for distinguishing a a zeroed-out
piece of memory from an initialized event, it can easily be confused by
uninitialized memory. Thus, it should ONLY be used to distinguish an
initialized event from zero. @param ev an event structure to be tested
@return 1 if the structure might be initialized, or 0 if it has not been
int event_initialized(const struct event *ev);
#define evsignal_initialized(ev) event_initialized(ev)
#define evtimer_initialized(ev) event_initialized(ev)





#include <event2/event.h>
#include <stdlib.h> struct reader {
    evutil_socket_t fd;
    (sizeof(struct reader) + /
     event_get_struct_event_size())  #define READER_EVENT_PTR(r) /
    ((struct event *) (((char*)(r))+sizeof(struct reader)))
struct reader *allocate_reader(evutil_socket_t fd)
    struct reader *r = calloc(1, READER_ACTUAL_SIZE());
    if (r)
        r->fd = fd;
    return r;
} void readcb(evutil_socket_t, short, void *);
int add_reader(struct reader *r, struct event_base *b)
    struct event *ev = READER_EVENT_PTR(r);
    if (!event_initialized(ev))
        event_assign(ev, b, r->fd, EV_READ, readcb, r);
    return event_add(ev, NULL);


15. 废弃的事件操作函数


void event_set(struct event *event, evutil_socket_t fd, short what,

        void(*callback)(evutil_socket_t, short, void *), void *arg);

int event_base_set(struct event_base *base, struct event *event);



2.0版本之前的libevent使用“signal_”作为用于信号的event_set()等函数变体的前缀,而不是“evsignal_”(也就是说,有signal_set()、signal_add()、signal_del()、signal_pending()和signal_initialized())。远古版本(0.6版之前)的libevent使用“timeout_”而不是“evtimer_”。因此,做代码考古(code archeology)(注:这个翻译似乎不正确,是否有更专业的术语?比如说,“代码复审”)时可能会看到timeout_add()、timeout_del()、timeout_initialized()、timeout_set()和timeout_pending()等等。






04. 参考

相关书籍: http://www.wangafu.net/~nickm/libevent-book/Ref2_eventbase.html

官方参考网站: https://www.monkey.org/~provos/libevent/doxygen-2.0.1/index.html