
时间:2023-01-15 17:43:21

For the java class, what are the differences between using "new" inside the constructor and using "new" outside the class? Take an example as follow,


abstract class PowerStat{
    final int numOfComponent = UserProperty.numOfComponent;
    final int windowSize = 8;

    CircularFifoQueue<ArrayList<Double>> movingEnergy;
    CircularFifoQueue<Double> movingStartTimes;
    CircularFifoQueue<Double> movingEndTimes;

    private double [] maxPower = new double[numOfComponent];
    private double [] minPower = new double[numOfComponent];

    public ArrayList<Double> intervalEnergy = new ArrayList<Double>(numOfComponent);

    private ArrayList<UsageNode> usageList = new ArrayList<UsageNode>();

    public PowerStat(){
        setUsageList(new ArrayList<UsageNode>());
        for (int i = 0; i < numOfComponent; i++) {

        movingEnergy = new CircularFifoQueue<ArrayList<Double>>(windowSize);
        movingStartTimes = new CircularFifoQueue<Double>(windowSize);
        movingEndTimes = new CircularFifoQueue<Double>(windowSize);

maxPower is created in the class outside the constructor. However, movingEnergy is instantiated inside the constructor. What are the differences between these two methods.


4 个解决方案



The new operations for the fields (outside the constructor) are executed before the constructor.




The keyword new allocates memory in the size of the object you are creating. For example int[] arr = new int[5]; will allocate 5 * 4 bytes of memory for arr.

关键字new以您正在创建的对象的大小分配内存。例如int [] arr = new int [5];将为arr分配5 * 4字节的内存。

There is no difference where you are doing it.




private double [] maxPower = new double[numOfComponent];

Creates a new double array with numOfComponent number of elements.


movingEnergy = new CircularFifoQueue<ArrayList<Double>>(windowSize);

Here, new keyword calls CircularFifoQueue constructor, thus creating a new CircularFifoQueue object and assigning it to movingEnergy variable


If you are interested in the order of execution, see Are fields initialized before constructor code is run in Java?.


  1. Static variable initialisers and static initialisation blocks, in textual order, if the class hasn't been previously initialised.
  2. 静态变量初始化和静态初始化块,以文本顺序排列,如果该类先前尚未初始化。
  3. The super() call in the constructor, whether explicit or implicit.
  4. 构造函数中的super()调用,无论是显式调用还是隐式调用。
  5. Instance variable initialisers and instance initialisation blocks, in textual order.
  6. 实例变量初始化和实例初始化块,按文本顺序排列。
  7. Remaining body of constructor after super().
  8. super()之后的剩余构造函数体。

See sections §2.17.5-6 of the Java Virtual Machine Specification.




Logically, the compiler rearranges your code to the following code. It adds the super() call you didn't specify, and moves all the initializers into the constructor.


As a result, there is really no difference.


Initializing fields in the constructor will however allow you to use constructor parameters and/or intermediate calculations. If you don't need that, it makes no difference whether you initialize the field on the field declaration or in the constructor.


As for exact order object object initialization, see this answer: https://*.com/a/23094875/5221149


abstract class PowerStat{
    final int numOfComponent;
    final int windowSize;

    CircularFifoQueue<ArrayList<Double>> movingEnergy;
    CircularFifoQueue<Double> movingStartTimes;
    CircularFifoQueue<Double> movingEndTimes;

    private double [] maxPower;
    private double [] minPower;

    public ArrayList<Double> intervalEnergy;

    private ArrayList<UsageNode> usageList;

    public PowerStat(){
        this.numOfComponent = UserProperty.numOfComponent;
        this.windowSize = 8;
        this.maxPower = new double[this.numOfComponent];
        this.minPower = new double[this.numOfComponent];
        this.intervalEnergy = new ArrayList<Double>(this.numOfComponent);
        this.usageList = new ArrayList<UsageNode>();

        setUsageList(new ArrayList<UsageNode>());
        for (int i = 0; i < numOfComponent; i++) {

        movingEnergy = new CircularFifoQueue<ArrayList<Double>>(windowSize);
        movingStartTimes = new CircularFifoQueue<Double>(windowSize);
        movingEndTimes = new CircularFifoQueue<Double>(windowSize);



The new operations for the fields (outside the constructor) are executed before the constructor.




The keyword new allocates memory in the size of the object you are creating. For example int[] arr = new int[5]; will allocate 5 * 4 bytes of memory for arr.

关键字new以您正在创建的对象的大小分配内存。例如int [] arr = new int [5];将为arr分配5 * 4字节的内存。

There is no difference where you are doing it.




private double [] maxPower = new double[numOfComponent];

Creates a new double array with numOfComponent number of elements.


movingEnergy = new CircularFifoQueue<ArrayList<Double>>(windowSize);

Here, new keyword calls CircularFifoQueue constructor, thus creating a new CircularFifoQueue object and assigning it to movingEnergy variable


If you are interested in the order of execution, see Are fields initialized before constructor code is run in Java?.


  1. Static variable initialisers and static initialisation blocks, in textual order, if the class hasn't been previously initialised.
  2. 静态变量初始化和静态初始化块,以文本顺序排列,如果该类先前尚未初始化。
  3. The super() call in the constructor, whether explicit or implicit.
  4. 构造函数中的super()调用,无论是显式调用还是隐式调用。
  5. Instance variable initialisers and instance initialisation blocks, in textual order.
  6. 实例变量初始化和实例初始化块,按文本顺序排列。
  7. Remaining body of constructor after super().
  8. super()之后的剩余构造函数体。

See sections §2.17.5-6 of the Java Virtual Machine Specification.




Logically, the compiler rearranges your code to the following code. It adds the super() call you didn't specify, and moves all the initializers into the constructor.


As a result, there is really no difference.


Initializing fields in the constructor will however allow you to use constructor parameters and/or intermediate calculations. If you don't need that, it makes no difference whether you initialize the field on the field declaration or in the constructor.


As for exact order object object initialization, see this answer: https://*.com/a/23094875/5221149


abstract class PowerStat{
    final int numOfComponent;
    final int windowSize;

    CircularFifoQueue<ArrayList<Double>> movingEnergy;
    CircularFifoQueue<Double> movingStartTimes;
    CircularFifoQueue<Double> movingEndTimes;

    private double [] maxPower;
    private double [] minPower;

    public ArrayList<Double> intervalEnergy;

    private ArrayList<UsageNode> usageList;

    public PowerStat(){
        this.numOfComponent = UserProperty.numOfComponent;
        this.windowSize = 8;
        this.maxPower = new double[this.numOfComponent];
        this.minPower = new double[this.numOfComponent];
        this.intervalEnergy = new ArrayList<Double>(this.numOfComponent);
        this.usageList = new ArrayList<UsageNode>();

        setUsageList(new ArrayList<UsageNode>());
        for (int i = 0; i < numOfComponent; i++) {

        movingEnergy = new CircularFifoQueue<ArrayList<Double>>(windowSize);
        movingStartTimes = new CircularFifoQueue<Double>(windowSize);
        movingEndTimes = new CircularFifoQueue<Double>(windowSize);