
时间:2023-01-14 10:59:57

I am working on a very long stored proc in SSMS. In addition to having the stored proc in the database I have the ALTER PROC statement saved to a .sql file. If I run a portion of the stored proc (such as a SELECT or UPDATE statement), can I continue to make changes and save those changes to the .sql file while the query is running?

我正在SSMS中进行一个非常长的存储过程。除了在数据库中存储proc之外,我还将ALTER PROC语句保存到.sql文件中。如果我运行部分存储过程(例如SELECT或UPDATE语句),我可以继续进行更改并在查询运行时将这些更改保存到.sql文件中吗?

NOTE: I am only concerned about saving to the .sql file, not to the DB by running an ALTER PROC statement.

注意:我只关心通过运行ALTER PROC语句保存到.sql文件,而不是DB。

1 个解决方案



Yes, saving the .sql file only saves the script, regardless of what is running inside of it.




Yes, saving the .sql file only saves the script, regardless of what is running inside of it.
