YII - 当你可以在Save()函数之前编码时,为什么要使用beforeSave()

时间:2023-01-14 10:50:38

I am aware of functionality of function beforeSave() in YII that this function is used to perform something, which we want to perform before our data saved.


However, as far as we want to implement this before our data got save to database, can't we directly write this code before save() is calling (-> save () is storing out records to database )

但是,就我们想要在我们的数据保存到数据库之前实现这一点,我们不能在save()调用之前直接编写这段代码( - > save()将记录存储到数据库)

Hence, I am not sure why exactly we need to create specific function like beforeSave () to perform action which we need to fire before Save() called, when we directly write that code before save() line as well.


can someone please explain this ? I have searched lot for reason of this but on every page, it redirect to explanation of beforeSave() function only.


2 个解决方案


Yii and other MVC frameworks have those kind of functions.


While you can write your "before save" code in the controller, prior to the save() function - it's more recommended and useful to use the beforeSave() function.

虽然您可以在控制器中编写“保存前”代码,但在save()函数之前 - 使用beforeSave()函数更有建议和有用。

Reason 1: The M in the MVC


The beforeSave relates to the model, so it would be more logical to have a code that handles the model's properties (fields) in the model's file rather than having that code in the controller.


Reason 2: Saving is for insert & update


You use save() when you insert a new record and also when you update an existing record. Without using the beforeSave built-in function, you'll have to have 2 instances of your "manual" before save code. ("Waste" of code lines)

插入新记录时以及更新现有记录时使用save()。如果不使用beforeSave内置函数,在保存代码之前,您必须拥有2个“手册”实例。 (代码行“浪费”)

Reason 3: Saving a model from another controller


What if you'll be asked to expand your application and now you'd have to face a new controller that need to save that same model (from some reason - just a possible scenario) - you'll have to copy your "before save" code to that controller. While if you're using the built-in beforeSave function - you don't.

如果你被要求扩展你的应用程序,现在你必须面对一个需要保存相同模型的新控制器(出于某种原因 - 只是一种可能的情况),你将不得不复制你的“保存之前” “该控制器的代码。如果您使用的是内置的beforeSave功能,则不会。

In conclusion, the main purpose of frameworks is to reduce the code you need to write while keeping anything logical (MVC separation). While you can do things differently, why not using what's already exists?



A simple example:


I have a table with two date fields. Every time I try to perform insert or update I need to get current system date and make my operation depending on operation type.


public function beforeSave() {

    if ($this->isNewRecord) {
        $this->insertDate = new CDbExpression('NOW()');
    } else {
        $this->updateDate = new CDbExpression('NOW()');

    return parent::beforeSave();

I wrote this once so I dont have to write everytime I call save() on that object.


Also some databases prefer different time formats so you can handle them here:


public function beforeSave() {
    $this->date = date('Y-m-d', $this->date);
    return parent::beforeSave();


Yii and other MVC frameworks have those kind of functions.


While you can write your "before save" code in the controller, prior to the save() function - it's more recommended and useful to use the beforeSave() function.

虽然您可以在控制器中编写“保存前”代码,但在save()函数之前 - 使用beforeSave()函数更有建议和有用。

Reason 1: The M in the MVC


The beforeSave relates to the model, so it would be more logical to have a code that handles the model's properties (fields) in the model's file rather than having that code in the controller.


Reason 2: Saving is for insert & update


You use save() when you insert a new record and also when you update an existing record. Without using the beforeSave built-in function, you'll have to have 2 instances of your "manual" before save code. ("Waste" of code lines)

插入新记录时以及更新现有记录时使用save()。如果不使用beforeSave内置函数,在保存代码之前,您必须拥有2个“手册”实例。 (代码行“浪费”)

Reason 3: Saving a model from another controller


What if you'll be asked to expand your application and now you'd have to face a new controller that need to save that same model (from some reason - just a possible scenario) - you'll have to copy your "before save" code to that controller. While if you're using the built-in beforeSave function - you don't.

如果你被要求扩展你的应用程序,现在你必须面对一个需要保存相同模型的新控制器(出于某种原因 - 只是一种可能的情况),你将不得不复制你的“保存之前” “该控制器的代码。如果您使用的是内置的beforeSave功能,则不会。

In conclusion, the main purpose of frameworks is to reduce the code you need to write while keeping anything logical (MVC separation). While you can do things differently, why not using what's already exists?



A simple example:


I have a table with two date fields. Every time I try to perform insert or update I need to get current system date and make my operation depending on operation type.


public function beforeSave() {

    if ($this->isNewRecord) {
        $this->insertDate = new CDbExpression('NOW()');
    } else {
        $this->updateDate = new CDbExpression('NOW()');

    return parent::beforeSave();

I wrote this once so I dont have to write everytime I call save() on that object.


Also some databases prefer different time formats so you can handle them here:


public function beforeSave() {
    $this->date = date('Y-m-d', $this->date);
    return parent::beforeSave();