使用php在mysql db中存储整个json字符串

时间:2023-01-05 22:17:33

I am trying to store a string of data in mysql using a text field, but I keep getting an error, even though if i try putting the entire string through phpmyadmin it works fine.


Error in the consult..You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '\"0\":\"kevin9anderson\",\"1\":\"altitudedesign\",\"2\":\"JobSearchLO\",\"3\":\"' at line 1

咨询中的错误。您的SQL语法有错误;查看与MySQL服务器版本对应的手册,以便在'\“0 \”附近使用正确的语法:\“kevin9anderson \”,\“1 \”:\“altitudedesign \”,\“2 \”:\“第1行的JobSearchLO \“,\”3 \“:\”'

  $list = addslashes(json_encode($screen_names));

  $datetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');

  $query = "INSERT INTO `db`.`lists` (`id`, `list`, `date`) VALUES (NULL, $list, '2014-12-16 03:29:17')";
  # execute the query.
  $result = $link->query($query) or die("Error in the consult.." . mysqli_error($link));

  // WHAT IS CURRENTLY IN $LIST IS (without slashes):


3 个解决方案



Me to OP: Try what FuzzyTree said (NULL,'$list','2014-12-16 03:29:17') quoting $list or '".$list."'

我对OP:尝试使用FuzzyTree所说的(NULL,'$ list','2014-12-16 03:29:17')引用$ list或'“。$ list。”'

OP to me: tried it earlier, it didn't work. but the one you just added did. put it as an answer?


Encapsulate the $list variable in quoted format, since you're passing JSON string.

以引用格式封装$ list变量,因为您传递的是JSON字符串。

(NULL, '".$list."', '2014-12-16 03:29:17')



You really should consider using PDO which will allow you to use a prepared statement with parameters. You don't need to worry about escaping parameter values:


$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=mydb', $username, $password);
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('INSERT INTO `db`.`lists` (`list`, `date`) VALUES (:list, :date)');
$stmt->bindParam(':list', json_encode($screen_names));
$stmt->bindParam(':date', $date);

As you've tagged your question 'mysql', this will help you determine your connection string: http://php.net/manual/en/ref.pdo-mysql.connection.php


And, for more on PDO and prepared statements: http://php.net/manual/en/pdo.prepared-statements.php




$list = addslashes(json_encode($screen_names))

In your $list at beginning and end added slash because of addslashes() used so, it did not made proper string. Changed your insert query to following:

在你的$ list开头和结尾添加了斜杠,因为使用了addslashes(),它没有做出正确的字符串。将您的插入查询更改为以下内容:

$query = "INSERT INTO db.lists (`id`, `list`, `date`) VALUES (NULL, '".$list."', '2014-12-16 03:29:17')";

it stored your json string within quote.




Me to OP: Try what FuzzyTree said (NULL,'$list','2014-12-16 03:29:17') quoting $list or '".$list."'

我对OP:尝试使用FuzzyTree所说的(NULL,'$ list','2014-12-16 03:29:17')引用$ list或'“。$ list。”'

OP to me: tried it earlier, it didn't work. but the one you just added did. put it as an answer?


Encapsulate the $list variable in quoted format, since you're passing JSON string.

以引用格式封装$ list变量,因为您传递的是JSON字符串。

(NULL, '".$list."', '2014-12-16 03:29:17')



You really should consider using PDO which will allow you to use a prepared statement with parameters. You don't need to worry about escaping parameter values:


$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=mydb', $username, $password);
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('INSERT INTO `db`.`lists` (`list`, `date`) VALUES (:list, :date)');
$stmt->bindParam(':list', json_encode($screen_names));
$stmt->bindParam(':date', $date);

As you've tagged your question 'mysql', this will help you determine your connection string: http://php.net/manual/en/ref.pdo-mysql.connection.php


And, for more on PDO and prepared statements: http://php.net/manual/en/pdo.prepared-statements.php




$list = addslashes(json_encode($screen_names))

In your $list at beginning and end added slash because of addslashes() used so, it did not made proper string. Changed your insert query to following:

在你的$ list开头和结尾添加了斜杠,因为使用了addslashes(),它没有做出正确的字符串。将您的插入查询更改为以下内容:

$query = "INSERT INTO db.lists (`id`, `list`, `date`) VALUES (NULL, '".$list."', '2014-12-16 03:29:17')";

it stored your json string within quote.
