
时间:2022-12-31 00:21:47

i'm trying to update kernel with my linux device drivers , but kernel provide the same drivers . according to driver precedence in /etc/depmod.d/dist.conf built-in drivers take precedence over weak-updates. there is way to change the precedence in kernel by crating you own config file in /etc/depmod.d/yourdriver.conf override sym53c8xx 2.6.32-* weak-updates/sym53c8xx http://people.redhat.com/jcm/el6/dup/docs/dup_book.pdf

我试图用linux设备驱动程序更新内核,但是内核提供了相同的驱动程序。根据驱动程序在/etc/depmod.d/ dist中的优先级。conf内置的驱动程序优先于弱更新。通过在/etc/depmod.d/yourdriver中调用自己的配置文件,可以改变内核的优先级。conf override sym53c8xx 2.6.32-* weak-updates/sym53c8xx http://people.redhat.com/jcm/el6/dup/docs/dup_book.pdf

however i'm trying the same thing but it doesn't include my driver after i run depmod . has anyone done that before here ? any help is appreciated.


2 个解决方案



There is special folder under /lib/modules/<version>, i.e. /lib/modules/<version>/extra. If you put modules there they will override whatever you have in kernel for the same device. I checked this on Fedora, but I think it's a standard practice.

在/lib/modules/ <版本> 下有一个特殊的文件夹,即/lib/modules/ <版本> /extra。如果你把模块放在那里,它们会覆盖你在内核中对同一设备的所有内容。我在Fedora上检查过,但我认为这是一个标准的做法。



http://people.redhat.com/jcm/el6/dup/docs/dup_book.pdf had the correct answer , i didn't read it carefully . create a conf file in /etc/depmod/foo.conf and add this to file

http://people.redhat.com/jcm/el6/dup/docs/dup_book.pdf有正确的答案,我没有仔细阅读。在/etc/ depmod/foo创建conf文件。conf并将其添加到文件中

override foo * weak-updates/foofolder

覆盖foo * weak-updates / foofolder



There is special folder under /lib/modules/<version>, i.e. /lib/modules/<version>/extra. If you put modules there they will override whatever you have in kernel for the same device. I checked this on Fedora, but I think it's a standard practice.

在/lib/modules/ <版本> 下有一个特殊的文件夹,即/lib/modules/ <版本> /extra。如果你把模块放在那里,它们会覆盖你在内核中对同一设备的所有内容。我在Fedora上检查过,但我认为这是一个标准的做法。



http://people.redhat.com/jcm/el6/dup/docs/dup_book.pdf had the correct answer , i didn't read it carefully . create a conf file in /etc/depmod/foo.conf and add this to file

http://people.redhat.com/jcm/el6/dup/docs/dup_book.pdf有正确的答案,我没有仔细阅读。在/etc/ depmod/foo创建conf文件。conf并将其添加到文件中

override foo * weak-updates/foofolder

覆盖foo * weak-updates / foofolder