
时间:2020-12-21 18:52:42

How can I create an array of numbers starting from 1 and ending to n while not including k given numbers in the array ? For example n=10 k=2 and two numbers for the value of k are 3 and 6 then my array is 1,2,4,5,7,8,9,10.

如何在数组中不包含给定的k个数字的情况下,创建从1到n的数字数组?例如n= 10k =2 k的值是3和6那么我的数组是1 2 4 5 7 8 9 10。

I have to do this for large numbers like when


1 < n < 10^9

1 < n < 10 ^ 9



0 < k < min(10^5,n)

0 < k < min(10 ^ 5,n)

For small numbers I tried indexing and then storing it in a different array which took lot of space and time.How can I do it efficiently?


            long long int a[100010]={0};
            long long int b[100010]={0};

1 个解决方案



Using n as the end of the range, k as the number of skipped numbers, narr as the array holding the results, and karr as the array holding the numbers to skip: karr need only be k elements long. If karr is sorted, you only need to compare each new number against one element from karr, moving to the next karr when they match and adding the new number to narr when they don't. The following example shows this (but has no error checks):


#include <stdlib.h> // for malloc and qsort
#include <stdio.h>  // for printf

// compare function for qsort
static int llcompare(const void *a, const void *b)
    if (*(long long *)a > *(long long *)b) return 1;
    if (*(long long *)b < *(long long *)b) return -1;
    return 0;

int main()
    long long n = 0, k = 0;
    scanf("%lld%lld",&n,&k); // get n and k, as in your code

    // allocate arrays: k elements for karr, and (n - k) for results in narr
    long long *karr = malloc(sizeof(long long) * k);
    long long *narr = malloc(sizeof(long long) * (n - k));

    // read numbers to skip into karr
    for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
        scanf("%lld", &karr[i]);
    // sort karr ascending
    qsort(karr,k,sizeof(long long),llcompare);

    // using pointers to move through narr and karr
    long long *pn = narr; // element of narr to set
    long long *pk = karr; // element of karr to compare against

    // pkend marks the end of karr, to check when we've passed the last omitted
    // number
    long long *pkend = karr + k;

    // loop over the needed range
    for (long long i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
        if (pk != pkend && i == *pk) {
            // if i is the next number to omit, move pk to the next omitted
            // number (without adding i to results)
        } else {
            // otherwise, add i to results then move pn to the next element
            *(pn++) = i;

    // print results from narr
    for (long long i = 0; i < (n - k); i++)
        printf("%lld ", narr[i]);

    // free karr and narr when done

  return 0;

There's no need for a huge lookup table, and since the numbers being added to the results only increase, the next number to skip will always be the lowest number in karr that hasn't already been reached... so it's only necessary to check one element from karr for each new number.


The code above also assumes that there are no numbers in karr that won't be checked in the loop, that is that there are no numbers in karr that are outside the range of 1..n. And because of the lack of error checking/handling, it may behave badly if you give it invalid input or malloc() fails for some reason.




Using n as the end of the range, k as the number of skipped numbers, narr as the array holding the results, and karr as the array holding the numbers to skip: karr need only be k elements long. If karr is sorted, you only need to compare each new number against one element from karr, moving to the next karr when they match and adding the new number to narr when they don't. The following example shows this (but has no error checks):


#include <stdlib.h> // for malloc and qsort
#include <stdio.h>  // for printf

// compare function for qsort
static int llcompare(const void *a, const void *b)
    if (*(long long *)a > *(long long *)b) return 1;
    if (*(long long *)b < *(long long *)b) return -1;
    return 0;

int main()
    long long n = 0, k = 0;
    scanf("%lld%lld",&n,&k); // get n and k, as in your code

    // allocate arrays: k elements for karr, and (n - k) for results in narr
    long long *karr = malloc(sizeof(long long) * k);
    long long *narr = malloc(sizeof(long long) * (n - k));

    // read numbers to skip into karr
    for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
        scanf("%lld", &karr[i]);
    // sort karr ascending
    qsort(karr,k,sizeof(long long),llcompare);

    // using pointers to move through narr and karr
    long long *pn = narr; // element of narr to set
    long long *pk = karr; // element of karr to compare against

    // pkend marks the end of karr, to check when we've passed the last omitted
    // number
    long long *pkend = karr + k;

    // loop over the needed range
    for (long long i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
        if (pk != pkend && i == *pk) {
            // if i is the next number to omit, move pk to the next omitted
            // number (without adding i to results)
        } else {
            // otherwise, add i to results then move pn to the next element
            *(pn++) = i;

    // print results from narr
    for (long long i = 0; i < (n - k); i++)
        printf("%lld ", narr[i]);

    // free karr and narr when done

  return 0;

There's no need for a huge lookup table, and since the numbers being added to the results only increase, the next number to skip will always be the lowest number in karr that hasn't already been reached... so it's only necessary to check one element from karr for each new number.


The code above also assumes that there are no numbers in karr that won't be checked in the loop, that is that there are no numbers in karr that are outside the range of 1..n. And because of the lack of error checking/handling, it may behave badly if you give it invalid input or malloc() fails for some reason.
