leetcode-【中等题】5. Longest Palindromic Substring

时间:2022-12-22 18:57:14


Given a string S, find the longest palindromic substring in S. You may assume that the maximum length of S is 1000, and there exists one unique longest palindromic substring.


一道动规题目,每次用当前位置columnIndex跟前面位置rowIndex去比较时,如果相同的话,就去看columnIndex- 1和rowIndex+1字母的状态,其实在走到columnIndex时,columnIndex-1和它自己前面的字母是比较过了的,将这个状态记下来就行。



 #define MAX_LENGTH 1001
class Solution {
string longestPalindrome(string s) {
return string("");
bool charRelFlag[MAX_LENGTH][MAX_LENGTH];
int sLen = s.size();
int subStart = ;
int subEnd = ;
int rowIndex,columnIndex; for(rowIndex = ; rowIndex < sLen; ++ rowIndex)
charRelFlag[rowIndex][rowIndex] = true;
for(columnIndex = rowIndex + ; columnIndex < sLen; ++ columnIndex)
charRelFlag[rowIndex][columnIndex] = false;
} int maxLen = ;
for(columnIndex = ; columnIndex < sLen; ++ columnIndex)
for(rowIndex = ; rowIndex < columnIndex; ++ rowIndex)
if(s[rowIndex] == s[columnIndex])
if(rowIndex + == columnIndex)
charRelFlag[rowIndex][columnIndex] = true;
if(maxLen < )
maxLen = ;
subStart = rowIndex;
subEnd = columnIndex;
if(charRelFlag[rowIndex + ][columnIndex - ] == true)
charRelFlag[rowIndex][columnIndex] = true;
if(maxLen < columnIndex - rowIndex + )
maxLen = columnIndex - rowIndex + ;
subStart = rowIndex;
subEnd = columnIndex;
} }
} return s.substr(subStart,maxLen);

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