deep learning tutorial 学习笔记

时间:2022-12-14 22:43:59

Deep learning Tutorial

cs231n 讲义,作业

why deep is better?

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Choosing Proper Loss

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  • dropout is kind of ensembel

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 Why CNN for Image

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卷积核处理后的尺寸:Feature Map 的尺寸等于(input_size+ 2 * padding_size-filter_size) / stride +1

cross-validation strategy

coarse -> fine cross-validation in stages

  • first stage: only a few epochs to get rough idea of what params work

  • second stage: longer running time,finer search.. repeat as necessary

  • tip for detecting explosions in the solver: if the cost is ever > 3*original cost ,break out early


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 adagrad, adam

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# Adam
m = beta1*m + (1-beta1)*dx      # update first moment
v = beta2*v + (1-beta2)*(dx**2) # update second moment
x += -learning_rate * m / (np.sqrt(v) + 1e-7) 

# Adam
m,v =  # ... initialize caches to zeros
for t in  xrange(0, big_number):
    dx = # ... evaluate gradient
    m = beta1 * m + (1-beta1) * dx
    v = beta2 * v + (1-beta2) * (dx**2)
    m /= 1-beta1**t     # correct bias
    v /= 1-beta2**t     # correct bias
    x += -learning_rate * m / ( np.sqrt(v) + 1e-7)

# Adagrad update
cache += dx**2
x += -learning_rate * dx / ( np.sqrt(cache) + 1e-7 )

# RMSProp
cache = decay_rate * cache + ( 1 - decay_rate) * (dx**2)
x += -learning_rate * dx / ( np.sqrt(cache) + 1e-7 )


batch normalization

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deep learning tutorial 学习笔记

deep learning tutorial 学习笔记