RabbitMQ Network Partitions 服务日志对比

时间:2022-12-14 13:47:40

如果你一直使用RabbitMQ作为业务的消息中间件,难免会遇到网络分区(Network Partitions)的故障,也许你当时会束手无策,一脸懵逼,不过希望在看完这篇文章之后,能给你一点解决网络分区的思路。



模拟网络分区的方法:关闭node2节点的网卡(ifdown eth0),之后再恢复。注:测试采用的两个节点都是单网卡的。
网络分区的恢复方法:关闭node2节点(rabbitmqctl stop),之后再恢复node节点(rabbitmq-server -detached)即可恢复网络分区。
网络分区的查看方式:rabbitmqctl cluster_status命令之后查看partititons中是否有相关节点信息。或者也可以通过WebUI的方式查看。

1.在node2上执行ifdown eth0。

=ERROR REPORT==== 24-Jun-2017::17:08:55 ===
** Node 'rabbit@node2' not responding **
** Removing (timedout) connection **

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Jun-2017::17:08:55 ===
rabbit on node 'rabbit@node2' down

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Jun-2017::17:08:55 ===
node 'rabbit@node2' down: net_tick_timeout


NG REPORT==== 24-Jun-2017::17:35:31 ===
epmd does not know us, re-registering rabbit at port 25672

=ERROR REPORT==== 24-Jun-2017::17:36:00 ===
** Node 'rabbit@node1' not responding **
** Removing (timedout) connection **

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Jun-2017::17:36:00 ===
rabbit on node 'rabbit@node1' down

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Jun-2017::17:36:00 ===
node 'rabbit@node1' down: net_tick_timeout


NG REPORT==== 24-Jun-2017::xx:xx:xx ===
epmd does not know us, re-registering rabbit at port 25672

2.在node2上执行ifup eth0。

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Jun-2017::17:10:32 ===
node 'rabbit@node2' up

=ERROR REPORT==== 24-Jun-2017::17:10:32 ===
Mnesia('rabbit@node1'): ** ERROR ** mnesia_event got {inconsistent_database, running_partitioned_network, 'rabbit@node2'}


=INFO REPORT==== 24-Jun-2017::17:42:21 ===
node 'rabbit@node1' up

=ERROR REPORT==== 24-Jun-2017::17:42:21 ===
Mnesia('rabbit@node2'): ** ERROR ** mnesia_event got {inconsistent_database, running_partitioned_network, 'rabbit@node1'}

3.此时在node1上执行rabbitmqctl cluster_status可以看到:

[root@node1 ~]# rabbitmqctl cluster_status
Cluster status of node 'rabbit@node1' ...

4.此时在node2上执行rabbitmqctl cluster_status可以看到:

[root@node2 ~]# rabbitmqctl cluster_status
Cluster status of node 'rabbit@node2' ...


5.在node2上执行rabbitmqctl stop之后。

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Jun-2017::17:25:11 ===
rabbit on node 'rabbit@node2' down

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Jun-2017::17:25:12 ===
Keep rabbit@node2 listeners: the node is already back

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Jun-2017::17:25:13 ===
node 'rabbit@node2' down: connection_closed


=INFO REPORT==== 24-Jun-2017::17:56:21 ===
Stopping RabbitMQ

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Jun-2017::17:56:21 ===
stopped TCP Listener on [::]:5672

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Jun-2017::17:56:21 ===
Stopped RabbitMQ application

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Jun-2017::17:56:21 ===
Halting Erlang VM

6.在node2上执行rabbitmq-server -detached以恢复网络分区。

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Jun-2017::17:58:27 ===
node 'rabbit@node2' up

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Jun-2017::17:58:27 ===
rabbit on node 'rabbit@node2' up


ERROR REPORT==== 24-Jun-2017::17:58:55 ===
Mnesia('rabbit@node2'): ** ERROR ** mnesia_event got {inconsistent_database, starting_partitioned_network, 'rabbit@node1'}

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Jun-2017::17:58:55 ===
Starting RabbitMQ 3.5.7 on Erlang 19.1
Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Pivotal Software, Inc.
Licensed under the MPL. See http://www.rabbitmq.com/

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Jun-2017::17:58:55 ===
node : rabbit@node2
home dir : /root
config file(s) : /opt/rabbitmq/sbin/../etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config (not found)
cookie hash : VCwbL3S9/ydrGgVsrLjVkA==
log : /opt/rabbitmq/sbin/../var/log/rabbitmq/rabbit@node2.log
sasl log : /opt/rabbitmq/sbin/../var/log/rabbitmq/rabbit@node2-sasl.log
database dir : /opt/rabbitmq/sbin/../var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/rabbit@node2

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Jun-2017::17:58:55 ===
Memory limit set to 392MB of 980MB total.

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Jun-2017::17:58:55 ===
Disk free limit set to 50MB

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Jun-2017::17:58:55 ===
Limiting to approx 924 file handles (829 sockets)

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Jun-2017::17:58:55 ===
FHC read buffering: ON
FHC write buffering: ON

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Jun-2017::17:58:55 ===
Priority queues enabled, real BQ is rabbit_variable_queue

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Jun-2017::17:58:55 ===
msg_store_transient: using rabbit_msg_store_ets_index to provide index

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Jun-2017::17:58:55 ===
msg_store_persistent: using rabbit_msg_store_ets_index to provide index

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Jun-2017::17:58:55 ===
started TCP Listener on [::]:5672

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Jun-2017::17:58:55 ===
rabbit on node 'rabbit@node2' up

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Jun-2017::17:58:55 ===
Server startup complete; 0 plugins started.

此时可以在任何一个节点中输入rabbitmqctl cluster_status命令

[root@node1 ~]# rabbitmqctl cluster_status
Cluster status of node 'rabbit@node1' ...
[{nodes,[{disc,['rabbit@node1', 'rabbit@node2']}]},
