C++ Leetcode Median of Two Sorted Arrays

时间:2022-12-14 11:23:31


题目:There are two sorted arrays nums1 and nums2 of size m and n respectively.Find the median of the two sorted arrays. The overall run time complexity should be O(log (m+n)).

Example 1: nums1 = [1, 3],nums2 = [2], The median is 2.0 


class Solution {
double findMedianSortedArrays(vector<int>& nums1, vector<int>& nums2) {
int max = ;
int m = nums1.size() + nums2.size();
int nums[m];
int i = , j = , f = ;
while(i<nums1.size() || j<nums2.size()){
int k = (i<nums1.size()?nums1[i]:max)<=(j<nums2.size()?nums2[j]:max)?(nums1[i++]):(nums2[j++]);
nums[f++] = k;
} float ans = m%==?((nums[m/]+nums[m/-])/2.0):(nums[(m-)/]);
return ans;


提交过程中犯了一个小错误, float i = 3/2;   // i为1.0,而不是1.5   ps:这都能忘,大概上了家里蹲大学吧。。。



class Solution {
double findMedianSortedArrays(vector<int>& nums1, vector<int>& nums2) {
int max = ;
int m = nums1.size() + nums2.size() ;
int i = , j = , f = , k, kk;
int end = m/; //m为偶数,找到m/2和m/2-1,m为奇数,找到m/2
kk = k; //用来记录m/2-1
k = (i<nums1.size()?nums1[i]:max)<=(j<nums2.size()?nums2[j]:max)?(nums1[i++]):(nums2[j++]);
float ans = m%==?( k+kk)/2.0:k;
return ans;


m为nums1的长度,n为nums2的长度,若m>n,交换两个数组。寻找i、j满足1) i+j=m-i+n-j(或者m-i+n-j+1)  2) max(nums1[i-1], nums2[j-1])<=min(nums[i],nums2[j]), 则中位数为 (max(nums1[i-1], nums2[j-1])+min(nums1[i],nums2[j]))/2(或者min(nums1[i],nums2[j])


i = (nums1_l + nums1_r)/2 , j = (m+n)/2-i

if  nums1[i-1]<=nums2[j] &&  nums2[j-1]<=nums1[i]  找到答案。

if nums1[i-1] > nums2[j]     nums1_r = i;  i应该在左半边

if nums2[i-1] < nums2[j]    nums1_l = i;    i应该在右半边

class Solution {
double findMedianSortedArrays(vector<int>& nums1, vector<int>& nums2) {
int n = nums1.size(), m = nums2.size();
if (n > m) {
swap(n, m);
swap(nums1, nums2);
int l, r, mid, pos, id = (n + m + ) / ;
l = , r = n;
while (l <= r)
mid = (l + r) >> ;
pos = id - mid;
if (pos >= && mid < n && nums2[pos - ] > nums1[mid]) l = mid + ;
else if (mid >= && pos < m && nums2[pos] < nums1[mid - ]) r = mid - ;
else break;
double ans;
if (mid == ) ans = nums2[pos - ];
else if (pos == ) ans = nums1[mid - ];
else ans = max(nums1[mid - ], nums2[pos - ]);
if ((n + m) & ) return ans;
if (mid == n) ans = (ans + nums2[pos]) / 2.0;
else if (pos == m) ans = (ans + nums1[mid]) / 2.0;
else ans = (ans + min(nums1[mid], nums2[pos])) / 2.0;
return ans;


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