在mysql语句中按ORDER BY CASE

时间:2022-12-13 17:24:09

I have been checking out the forum a lot for this question but as I am just a beginner I could not find an answer that I could use to my code work with my little knowledge. This is what I am trying to solve:


I have many products in my shop. There are 4 different types.


  1. product_name starts with "AA-"
  2. product_name以“AA-”开头

  3. product_name starts with "BB-"
  4. product_name以“BB-”开头

  5. product_name starts with "CC-"
  6. product_name以“CC-”开头

  7. product_name starts with "DF-"
  8. product_name以“DF-”开头

No when I expose the products to the viewer I want to use ORDER BY ASC.

当我将产品暴露给观众时,我想使用ORDER BY ASC。

But with product "CC-" en "DF-" I want it to be ordered DESC.


And if my product_name starts with "BB-" it should be ordered by price ( which is also called in the select statement )


I learned I should use CASE for this. But I don't know how exactly.


1 个解决方案


I think you can also go with UNION in this case easily, like this :


select t1.product_name Name, t1.product_price Price from

 (select product_name, product_price from shop 
  where product_name like 'cc%' or product_name like 'de%'
  order by product_name desc) t1


 select t2.* from
 ( select  product_name, product_price from shop 
   where product_name like 'bb%'
   order by product_price ) t2


 select t3.* from
 ( select product_name, product_price from shop 
   where ( product_name not like 'cc%') and ( product_name not like 'de%')
   and (product_name not like 'bb%') 
   order by  product_name, product_price) t3 ;


I think you can also go with UNION in this case easily, like this :


select t1.product_name Name, t1.product_price Price from

 (select product_name, product_price from shop 
  where product_name like 'cc%' or product_name like 'de%'
  order by product_name desc) t1


 select t2.* from
 ( select  product_name, product_price from shop 
   where product_name like 'bb%'
   order by product_price ) t2


 select t3.* from
 ( select product_name, product_price from shop 
   where ( product_name not like 'cc%') and ( product_name not like 'de%')
   and (product_name not like 'bb%') 
   order by  product_name, product_price) t3 ;