
时间:2022-12-06 09:02:33

I run a typical price comparison website, where the user browses products, then clicks on a link to go to the merchant's website.


Before being redirected to the merchant's website, the user is presented with a "we are redirecting you..." page.


This page is only there to allow tracking codes (Google Analytics, Adwords, Bing Ads...) to track the event.

这个页面只允许跟踪代码(谷歌分析,Adwords, Bing Ads…)跟踪事件。

I've placed the tracking codes right before the closing </body> tag, to avoid blocking the rendering of the page while the scripts are loaded.


I'm redirecting the user with a meta refresh tag:


<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=...">

It seems to work alright, but I'm worried that, depending on the browser / speed of the internet connection, the redirect can happen before the tracking scripts have fired.


I could just delay the redirect for a few seconds to be on the safe side, but I want to keep the experience smooth for the user.


I could also include the scripts in the <head>, but:


  • This would delay the display on the "redirecting..." page while the scripts are loaded
  • 在加载脚本时,这会延迟“重定向…”页面上的显示
  • This would not guarantee that the tracking scripts have done their job before the user is redirected: the tracking script is first loaded, then triggers another action asynchronously to track the event.
  • 这不能保证跟踪脚本在用户重定向之前就完成了它们的工作:首先加载跟踪脚本,然后异步触发另一个动作来跟踪事件。

How can I guarantee that the tracking scripts have done their jobs, while still redirecting the user ASAP?


Any feedback on a similar experience will be appreciated.


7 个解决方案



For Google analytics there is an official way to do this by tracking outbound links as 'events'. You need to set up an onclick function as below, and Google will call a callback when it has received the analytics message.




    (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),

ga('create', 'UA-0000000-5', 'auto');
ga('send', 'pageview');

var trackOutboundLink = function(url) {
    ga('send', 'event', 'outbound_link', url,
            'hitCallback': function () {
                document.location = url;



<a href='<url>' onclick="trackOutboundLink('<url>'); return false;'>buy me now</a>"

return false prevents the link being followed as such, and leaves it to trackOutboundLinks to redirect to the new Url when called back by GA.


Let me know if you need more. For example I use more granularity in my event calls to distinguish between links to the websites of the product and websites where you can purchase.




TL;DR In short, every library has their own way of tracking users. You should handle every library differently and redirect when they all finished. Below, I've explained the different ways of tracking I could think of on the top of head. Especially, pay attention to the beacons part, I haven't seen it between the answers here, though it will be used more and more in the future I think.


This actually depends on the way other parties track the users. In general, I think there are three kind of ways to track a user. JavaScript, images and (maybe) iframes. Some methods allow you to check if the tracking is done. I'll try to explain the different methods. In short, per 3rd party you'll have to check if they finished tracking the user and redirect when all have finished (using window.location).

这实际上取决于其他方跟踪用户的方式。一般来说,我认为有三种跟踪用户的方法。JavaScript、图像和(可能)iframe。有些方法允许您检查跟踪是否完成。我将尝试解释不同的方法。简而言之,对于每个第三方,您必须检查他们是否完成了跟踪用户和重定向(使用windows .location)。

1. Javascript

In JavaScript, tracking can be implemented in different ways. I can think of 4 different methods on the top of my head. I'll try to explain how you can track if everything is loaded and processed correctly.


1.1. Beacons

Beacons are not very well known. It is a new technology, which allows the browser to send small packets of data to the server before the page unloads. Those are the easiest to handle. At the moment the page has unloaded (so after the redirect is initiated) they can still send their final data to the server. In short, don't worry to much about this way.


(But be aware, this is not yet supported in every browser. If you want to read more about it, please see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator/sendBeacon . I'm not sure, but I thought Google Analytics was using this).


1.2. AJAX Requests

The AJAX requests are the most difficult. I see others have suggested $.ajaxComplete from the jQuery library. It's worth a try, but I'm not sure if you can catch AJAX calls which are made from scripts that are loaded from a different domain. From the same domains should work, I've used this myself to keep track of the AJAX calls on a page. You could test this however. Take two domains. On the first domain, use jQuery to catch the AJAX calls. On the second domain, host a file which makes an AJAX call (without using jQuery). This way, you should be able to find out if this works.


Otherwise, you should check if the libraries have a callback method for their tracking methods. Once this callback is called, you can assume the tracking part has finished.


1.3. Append image

With JavaScript, it is also possible to append an image tag to the HTML. In short, see the section below about tracking images. But, you will need to write some small piece of JavaScript to detect the tracking pixel which is appended. I think most libraries will add something to the image so you can identify them with JS.


1.4. Append iframe

Of course, appending an iframe is also an option. I don't think it will be used that often in combination with JavaScript, but the idea should be the same as with the tracking pixels.


2. Images

Images should not be that difficult. If you place the images in the body yourself, add a certain class or ID and use jQuery's load event. Again, I'm not sure this will always launch, but there are ways which can make you sure it does. For example, see this questions on SO: Check if an image is loaded (no errors) in JavaScript


For the tracking pixels append with JavaScript, if the always use a certain class, you write some JavaScript right after the <body> tag. For example:


<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).on('load', '.trackingPixelClass', function () {
        // increase counter and check if every tracking work is done

3. IFrames

IFrames should be the same as tracking if images are done. This should work, but I'm not a 100% certain what happens if the iframe loads content from another domain. Browsers might think this is a security risk.




There are a few solutions that come to my mind, I'll show you the one I think it fits best for your case.


Although, there is one single pre-requisite for this solution to work: you must take a look what their code does, so you can figure out what global object is created when the script is run. All those tracking codes generate global variables, so the code below should work as a piece of cake.


For example, the Google Analytics creates a ga object, and as soon as it's fully loaded, it creates an answer property with a value 42in this object, so, you could do:


document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
  function check(arr, callback) {        
    if (arr.filter(function(item) {
      var final = window;
      item = item.split('.');
      for (var i = 0; i < item.length; i++)
        final = final[item[i]];      
      return typeof final !== 'undefined' ? true : false;    
    }).length < arr.length) {
      setTimeout(function() { check(arr, callback) }, 0);

  check(['ga.answer'], function() {
    location.replace('http://www.pudim.com.br/'); // change it to the merchant's website

    (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),

ga('create', 'UA-0000000-5', 'auto');
ga('send', 'pageview');

The code above keeps calling a check function until all the elements are already loaded, and then, as soon as they are all available, it immediately redirects the user to the page you want.


Note: You can pute the code above anywhere in your page (better to put it inline than in a separate file).




The answer really depends on what "trackers" you use. Some of them use asynchronous calls which are hard to track.


Your best bet is to check if all of them provide callbacks and hen count them, and if they all fire use javascript window.location to redirect user instead of meta-refresh.


Another option would be to check which elements appear when those scripts finish loading, then wait either till they all appear or preset max number of seconds and redirect the user.




When you have a Javascript element, the page loading is halted. the script loads and run, then your page continues, unless you mark it async, that makes the script loading asynchronous.


This example loads google webpage but only after the script is executed, note that the second script is not on the main HTML. Create these three files on a folder:


file test.htm


<script src="test.js"></script>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=http://www.google.com/">

file test.js

. js的文件

document.write('<script src="test2.js"></script>');

file test2.js


img = new Image();
img.src = 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/30/Googlelogo.png/800px Googlelogo.png';
alert('Loaded image ' + img.outerHTML); // Note sure about this
alert('Will redirect now.');

The alerts are at the second script file, and they run before the redirect. You will see the text "Text" only after the alerts, and the browser will load the next page.


Of course this depends on how the script works. If it puts an onload event and write some img element on the body, it may not work, or work sometimes (that is the worst case because you may think it is ok).


I am not really sure about the new Image, but I think it works.


If the tracking codes depends on document loading, you may try to use the document.onload or a specific function from the tracking mechanism API.


You will have to test your specific case.


The image element constructor: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLImageElement/Image


There is information about javascript synchronicity here, on the answers and their links: When is JavaScript synchronous?




Another idea would be to use $.ajaxComplete to capture the ajax responses (made by tracking providers), and then redirect the user to the specified page.


But I don't know if $.ajaxComplete() also captures non-jquery ajax requests.

但是我不知道$. ajaxcomplete()是否也捕获了非jquery ajax请求。



You could try using JQuery's $(document).ready() Read more about it here




For Google analytics there is an official way to do this by tracking outbound links as 'events'. You need to set up an onclick function as below, and Google will call a callback when it has received the analytics message.




    (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),

ga('create', 'UA-0000000-5', 'auto');
ga('send', 'pageview');

var trackOutboundLink = function(url) {
    ga('send', 'event', 'outbound_link', url,
            'hitCallback': function () {
                document.location = url;



<a href='<url>' onclick="trackOutboundLink('<url>'); return false;'>buy me now</a>"

return false prevents the link being followed as such, and leaves it to trackOutboundLinks to redirect to the new Url when called back by GA.


Let me know if you need more. For example I use more granularity in my event calls to distinguish between links to the websites of the product and websites where you can purchase.




TL;DR In short, every library has their own way of tracking users. You should handle every library differently and redirect when they all finished. Below, I've explained the different ways of tracking I could think of on the top of head. Especially, pay attention to the beacons part, I haven't seen it between the answers here, though it will be used more and more in the future I think.


This actually depends on the way other parties track the users. In general, I think there are three kind of ways to track a user. JavaScript, images and (maybe) iframes. Some methods allow you to check if the tracking is done. I'll try to explain the different methods. In short, per 3rd party you'll have to check if they finished tracking the user and redirect when all have finished (using window.location).

这实际上取决于其他方跟踪用户的方式。一般来说,我认为有三种跟踪用户的方法。JavaScript、图像和(可能)iframe。有些方法允许您检查跟踪是否完成。我将尝试解释不同的方法。简而言之,对于每个第三方,您必须检查他们是否完成了跟踪用户和重定向(使用windows .location)。

1. Javascript

In JavaScript, tracking can be implemented in different ways. I can think of 4 different methods on the top of my head. I'll try to explain how you can track if everything is loaded and processed correctly.


1.1. Beacons

Beacons are not very well known. It is a new technology, which allows the browser to send small packets of data to the server before the page unloads. Those are the easiest to handle. At the moment the page has unloaded (so after the redirect is initiated) they can still send their final data to the server. In short, don't worry to much about this way.


(But be aware, this is not yet supported in every browser. If you want to read more about it, please see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator/sendBeacon . I'm not sure, but I thought Google Analytics was using this).


1.2. AJAX Requests

The AJAX requests are the most difficult. I see others have suggested $.ajaxComplete from the jQuery library. It's worth a try, but I'm not sure if you can catch AJAX calls which are made from scripts that are loaded from a different domain. From the same domains should work, I've used this myself to keep track of the AJAX calls on a page. You could test this however. Take two domains. On the first domain, use jQuery to catch the AJAX calls. On the second domain, host a file which makes an AJAX call (without using jQuery). This way, you should be able to find out if this works.


Otherwise, you should check if the libraries have a callback method for their tracking methods. Once this callback is called, you can assume the tracking part has finished.


1.3. Append image

With JavaScript, it is also possible to append an image tag to the HTML. In short, see the section below about tracking images. But, you will need to write some small piece of JavaScript to detect the tracking pixel which is appended. I think most libraries will add something to the image so you can identify them with JS.


1.4. Append iframe

Of course, appending an iframe is also an option. I don't think it will be used that often in combination with JavaScript, but the idea should be the same as with the tracking pixels.


2. Images

Images should not be that difficult. If you place the images in the body yourself, add a certain class or ID and use jQuery's load event. Again, I'm not sure this will always launch, but there are ways which can make you sure it does. For example, see this questions on SO: Check if an image is loaded (no errors) in JavaScript


For the tracking pixels append with JavaScript, if the always use a certain class, you write some JavaScript right after the <body> tag. For example:


<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).on('load', '.trackingPixelClass', function () {
        // increase counter and check if every tracking work is done

3. IFrames

IFrames should be the same as tracking if images are done. This should work, but I'm not a 100% certain what happens if the iframe loads content from another domain. Browsers might think this is a security risk.




There are a few solutions that come to my mind, I'll show you the one I think it fits best for your case.


Although, there is one single pre-requisite for this solution to work: you must take a look what their code does, so you can figure out what global object is created when the script is run. All those tracking codes generate global variables, so the code below should work as a piece of cake.


For example, the Google Analytics creates a ga object, and as soon as it's fully loaded, it creates an answer property with a value 42in this object, so, you could do:


document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
  function check(arr, callback) {        
    if (arr.filter(function(item) {
      var final = window;
      item = item.split('.');
      for (var i = 0; i < item.length; i++)
        final = final[item[i]];      
      return typeof final !== 'undefined' ? true : false;    
    }).length < arr.length) {
      setTimeout(function() { check(arr, callback) }, 0);

  check(['ga.answer'], function() {
    location.replace('http://www.pudim.com.br/'); // change it to the merchant's website

    (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),

ga('create', 'UA-0000000-5', 'auto');
ga('send', 'pageview');

The code above keeps calling a check function until all the elements are already loaded, and then, as soon as they are all available, it immediately redirects the user to the page you want.


Note: You can pute the code above anywhere in your page (better to put it inline than in a separate file).




The answer really depends on what "trackers" you use. Some of them use asynchronous calls which are hard to track.


Your best bet is to check if all of them provide callbacks and hen count them, and if they all fire use javascript window.location to redirect user instead of meta-refresh.


Another option would be to check which elements appear when those scripts finish loading, then wait either till they all appear or preset max number of seconds and redirect the user.




When you have a Javascript element, the page loading is halted. the script loads and run, then your page continues, unless you mark it async, that makes the script loading asynchronous.


This example loads google webpage but only after the script is executed, note that the second script is not on the main HTML. Create these three files on a folder:


file test.htm


<script src="test.js"></script>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=http://www.google.com/">

file test.js

. js的文件

document.write('<script src="test2.js"></script>');

file test2.js


img = new Image();
img.src = 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/30/Googlelogo.png/800px Googlelogo.png';
alert('Loaded image ' + img.outerHTML); // Note sure about this
alert('Will redirect now.');

The alerts are at the second script file, and they run before the redirect. You will see the text "Text" only after the alerts, and the browser will load the next page.


Of course this depends on how the script works. If it puts an onload event and write some img element on the body, it may not work, or work sometimes (that is the worst case because you may think it is ok).


I am not really sure about the new Image, but I think it works.


If the tracking codes depends on document loading, you may try to use the document.onload or a specific function from the tracking mechanism API.


You will have to test your specific case.


The image element constructor: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLImageElement/Image


There is information about javascript synchronicity here, on the answers and their links: When is JavaScript synchronous?




Another idea would be to use $.ajaxComplete to capture the ajax responses (made by tracking providers), and then redirect the user to the specified page.


But I don't know if $.ajaxComplete() also captures non-jquery ajax requests.

但是我不知道$. ajaxcomplete()是否也捕获了非jquery ajax请求。



You could try using JQuery's $(document).ready() Read more about it here
