
时间:2022-12-04 08:02:06

I'm pretty new to MVC and I'm just thinking ahead to my next project. I haven't been able to find any examples of how to do this, so I apologize if it seems like a question that may have already been answered somewhere else.


I'm going to want to create asynchronous cascading dropdown menus. So menu B will update as the values in menu A change, and menu C will update as either A or B update. What is the normal pattern for this?


Normally, as list events fire, I would use ajax to call a service that would process my input data and return json which I would use to update my lists. In this case, there is no service, only the controller feeding the view. We could create a service, but we prefer not to if at all possible. So I'm wondering if there is a technique in MVC4 that can feed me back what I need to update the view without re-rendering the page.


If someone could refer me to an example or at least explain what I might be looking for, that would be a great help. TIA

如果有人可以将我推荐给一个例子或者至少解释一下我可能正在寻找什么,那将是一个很大的帮助。 TIA

2 个解决方案



You can implement the Ajax callback URL as a controller action (in fact, that is how I typically do it).


There is no need for a separate service.


public class CallbackController : Controller
    public ActionResult MenuOptions()
        // return e.g. JSON 

The Ajax URL would be

Ajax URL将是





There are a lot of answers around the web for this type of functionality. Here is one, and here is another similar example. What you should really do is read up on MVC actions / controllers and do some spiking / messing around.


Building the example starter app will help you get a grasp on the differences between classic ASP.NET and MVC.




You can implement the Ajax callback URL as a controller action (in fact, that is how I typically do it).


There is no need for a separate service.


public class CallbackController : Controller
    public ActionResult MenuOptions()
        // return e.g. JSON 

The Ajax URL would be

Ajax URL将是





There are a lot of answers around the web for this type of functionality. Here is one, and here is another similar example. What you should really do is read up on MVC actions / controllers and do some spiking / messing around.


Building the example starter app will help you get a grasp on the differences between classic ASP.NET and MVC.
