从asp.net mvc中的部分视图中的文本框获取值

时间:2022-12-02 11:38:10

I want to get the value of textbox inside partial view inside the anchor link tag so that i can pass the value to the controller from the anchor link tag every time i click on the link. How can i perform this action. Please give some suggestion.. Thanks...



      @model IEnumerable<Search_Paging.Models.tbl_product>
    <script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery-1.5.1.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function () {
            $('.linkAction').click(function (e) {
                $('.linkAction').attr('href', '@Url.Action("UsersList", "Home", new { str = "---" })'.replace("---", $('.txtString').val()));
    @Html.TextBox("Strings", null, new { @class = "txtString" })
    <input type="button" value="filter" id="Button1" />
    <div class="pagination">
        @for (int p = 1; p <= ViewBag.Total; p++)
            <a href="@Url.Action("UsersList", "Home", new { str = "---" })" class="linkAction">@p</a>

getUsersList.cshtml (Partial View)




        public ActionResult ViewUser()
            ViewBag.Total = 15;
            return View();

        public ActionResult UsersList(string str)

            ViewBag.strings = str;
            return PartialView("UsersList");

2 个解决方案



if you are just wanting to redirect you could also just do a window.location instead of setting the source of the link. change the href of the source to "#" and for your click event


$('.linkAction').click(function () {
    alert("link clicked");
    window.location = '@Url.Action("getUsersList", "Home", new { page = "----" })'.replace("----", $('.txtString').val());



I believe you need to put the p in quotes or it will think it is a variable. If you want p passed that should work fine. looking at your code though it looks like you want the p that is specific to that link to be passed with it. For that I would recommend putting p as the id on the link. Then in your script you should be able to do something like



to get the value of p, you will need to put that in the replace for it to be included in the link. Let me know if you have any questions. I would also suggest you don't use p as the value to replace on. If there are any p's in the link they will be replaced by the value. So use something unique.




If you use a link to call the action it will result in a HttpGet


ViewUser is decorated with HttpPost. You need to drop that attribute.




if you are just wanting to redirect you could also just do a window.location instead of setting the source of the link. change the href of the source to "#" and for your click event


$('.linkAction').click(function () {
    alert("link clicked");
    window.location = '@Url.Action("getUsersList", "Home", new { page = "----" })'.replace("----", $('.txtString').val());



I believe you need to put the p in quotes or it will think it is a variable. If you want p passed that should work fine. looking at your code though it looks like you want the p that is specific to that link to be passed with it. For that I would recommend putting p as the id on the link. Then in your script you should be able to do something like



to get the value of p, you will need to put that in the replace for it to be included in the link. Let me know if you have any questions. I would also suggest you don't use p as the value to replace on. If there are any p's in the link they will be replaced by the value. So use something unique.




If you use a link to call the action it will result in a HttpGet


ViewUser is decorated with HttpPost. You need to drop that attribute.
