ASP.NET MVC - 使用AJAX渲染PartialView?

时间:2022-11-30 17:43:07

Earlier today I posted another post where @Darin Dimitrov helped me great, however once again I'm stucked... My javascript calls the AddWebsite ActionResult which does it job as it should, however the error function in the $.ajax() is always firing since

今天早些时候我发布了另一篇帖子,其中@Darin Dimitrov帮助了我很棒,但是我又一次被卡住......我的javascript调用了AddWebsite ActionResult,它可以正常工作,但$ .ajax()中的错误函数是从那以后总是开火

return PartialView(ListPartialView, MapUserToViewModel); 

isn't valid JSON.


I've come across examples where people use something like


RenderPartialViewToString(partialview, model);

and throws it into a JSON object... but it's just too "hackish" if you ask me.. isn't there an easier way to accomplish this?


... And the code:


// DashboardController.cs

public ActionResult AddWebsite(CreateWebsiteViewModel website)
    if (!ModelState.IsValid)
        throw new HttpException(400, "Client-side validation failed.");

    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(website.URL))
        throw new ArgumentNullException("URL", "The URL cannot be empty nor contain only whitespaces.");

    using (_session.BeginTransaction())
        _session.Query(new AddWebsite(_contextProvider.GetUserSession.UserId, website.URL));

    return PartialView(ListPartialView, MapUserToViewModel);

// MyJs.js

$("#testform").live('submit', function () {

    var test = { URL: $("#URL").val() };

            url: "/Dashboard/AddWebsite",
            type: "POST",
            data: JSON.stringify(test),
            dataType: "json",
            contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
            success: function (data) {
            error: function () {

    return false;

Thanks in advance!


2 个解决方案



In your particular instance I think the problem is with your javascript code. You are specifying the dataType (which is what the function expects to parse in the response) as json. Based on the Action you posted you should have html as the dataType and it should solve your problem. There's nothing wrong with doing that (you don't have to use JSON for everything).




Simple data

Why are you setting dataType and contentType in the first place? Since your object test is very simple you can just provide it as is and it will be consumed by MVC without any problems and you will return your partial view.

为什么要首先设置dataType和contentType?由于您的对象测试非常简单,您可以按原样提供它,它将被 MVC使用而没有任何问题,您将返回您的局部视图。

Complex data

If your object would be more complex then you could use a different jQuery plugin that will make it possible to send complex JSON objects without strigification.




In your particular instance I think the problem is with your javascript code. You are specifying the dataType (which is what the function expects to parse in the response) as json. Based on the Action you posted you should have html as the dataType and it should solve your problem. There's nothing wrong with doing that (you don't have to use JSON for everything).




Simple data

Why are you setting dataType and contentType in the first place? Since your object test is very simple you can just provide it as is and it will be consumed by MVC without any problems and you will return your partial view.

为什么要首先设置dataType和contentType?由于您的对象测试非常简单,您可以按原样提供它,它将被 MVC使用而没有任何问题,您将返回您的局部视图。

Complex data

If your object would be more complex then you could use a different jQuery plugin that will make it possible to send complex JSON objects without strigification.
