mvc:在使用LINQ to Entities时如何为模型创建自定义绑定

时间:2022-11-30 16:27:28

I've got a number of tables in my db that share common cols: modified by, modified date, etc. Not every table has these cols. We're using LINQ to Enties to generate the


I'd like to create a custom binder class that can handle the automatic binding of these fields. Is there a way to do this without having a custom binding class for each entity class?


Here's the code I have:


In global.asax.cs, Application_Start():


  ModelBinders.Binders.Add(typeof(Foo),new FooBinder());

Then in FooBinder.cs:


public override Object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
  var obj = (Foo)base.BindModel(controllerContext, bindingContext);
  var user = controllerContext.HttpContext.User.Identity;
  obj.modified_by = user.Name;
  obj.modified_date = DateTime.Now;
  return obj;

Is there a way to generalize this so it can handle multiple types?


2 个解决方案



We do this in the repository, not in the binder. We have an interface with the common fields (Modified on). We implement the interface in partial classes which we codegen for our entities using a T4 template.




You can use reflection to set fields by name, so that you can do foreach over property names. This is not a big deal since model binder uses reflection itself to get to the properties, anyway. Then you can just register binder for each of the "common" types - which is also OK to do using reflection, for example by checking that entity has all fields required present - so it works even if you add new such entities.

您可以使用反射按名称设置字段,以便您可以对属性名称进行预处理。这不是什么大问题,因为无论如何,模型绑定器使用反射本身来获取属性。然后你可以为每个“常见”类型注册binder - 这也可以使用反射,例如通过检查实体是否存在所需的所有字段 - 所以即使你添加新的这样的实体它也可以工作。

Just have your binder call default one and then update the fields.




We do this in the repository, not in the binder. We have an interface with the common fields (Modified on). We implement the interface in partial classes which we codegen for our entities using a T4 template.




You can use reflection to set fields by name, so that you can do foreach over property names. This is not a big deal since model binder uses reflection itself to get to the properties, anyway. Then you can just register binder for each of the "common" types - which is also OK to do using reflection, for example by checking that entity has all fields required present - so it works even if you add new such entities.

您可以使用反射按名称设置字段,以便您可以对属性名称进行预处理。这不是什么大问题,因为无论如何,模型绑定器使用反射本身来获取属性。然后你可以为每个“常见”类型注册binder - 这也可以使用反射,例如通过检查实体是否存在所需的所有字段 - 所以即使你添加新的这样的实体它也可以工作。

Just have your binder call default one and then update the fields.
