jquery ui datepicker在IE 6.0中无法正确呈现(显示)

时间:2022-11-30 08:40:10

I have a display problem with jquery ui datepicker in IE 6.0.

我在IE 6.0中遇到了jquery ui datepicker的显示问题。

The border of the datepicker pop-up is not shown in IE 6.0, the background of the pop-up window is white (should be gray) and the back- and forward navigation icons are shown in a wrong color. FF and later versions of IE are showing the expected correct result.

在IE 6.0中未显示日期选择器弹出窗口的边框,弹出窗口的背景为白色(应为灰色),后向导航图标以错误的颜色显示。 FF和更高版本的IE显示预期的正确结果。

Am I missing something really stupid here?


Thanks a lot in advance for your help! Markus



<script type="text/javascript" src="../30_JS/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../30_JS/ui/i18n/ui.datepicker-de.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../30_JS/jquery-ui-personalized-1.6rc4.js"></script>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../00_CSS/00_jquery_theme/ui.all.css">

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {
        $('#date-pick-occupied-1').datepicker({ showOn: "button",
            buttonImage: "../20_IMG/icon_date_picker.png",
            dateFormat: 'dd.mm.yy',
            buttonImageOnly: true });

1 个解决方案


For what it's worth, you could take a peek at styles. Datepicker should have everything under '#ui-datepicker-div'. If you don't get a better answer, tweak the styles and add the conditional comment and include the style.

对于它的价值,你可以看看风格。 Datepicker应该包含'#ui-datepicker-div'下的所有内容。如果您没有得到更好的答案,请调整样式并添加条件注释并包含样式。

To be completely honest, I don't even test compatibility in IE6 out of religious views, so I don't know if it plays nice in IE6. I'd try running datepicker with default settings, if it still doesn't work I'd start trimming and modifying the CSS.



For what it's worth, you could take a peek at styles. Datepicker should have everything under '#ui-datepicker-div'. If you don't get a better answer, tweak the styles and add the conditional comment and include the style.

对于它的价值,你可以看看风格。 Datepicker应该包含'#ui-datepicker-div'下的所有内容。如果您没有得到更好的答案,请调整样式并添加条件注释并包含样式。

To be completely honest, I don't even test compatibility in IE6 out of religious views, so I don't know if it plays nice in IE6. I'd try running datepicker with default settings, if it still doesn't work I'd start trimming and modifying the CSS.
