
时间:2022-11-29 10:41:49

I am pulling data from a database and presenting it in Excel for the customer. The only problem is some of the data is too big for the column, and since the data is dynamic (of course) I basically need to be able to either do some text wrapping or have the width of the columns expand as necesarry.


My code is posted below


<!---Used for streaming to browser--->
<cfset context = getPageContext()>
<cfset context.setFlushOutput(false)>
<cfset response = context.getResponse().getResponse()>
<cfset out = response.getOutputStream()>
<cfset response.setContentType("application/vnd.ms-excel")>
<cfset response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=ERD_Report.xls" )>

<!---Create Workbook and Sheets in workbook--->
<cfset wb = createObject("java","org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook").init()/>
<cfset sheet1 = wb.createSheet("ERD Report")/>

<cfset cellStyleStatic = createObject("java","org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCellStyle")/>
<cfset cellHSSFFont = createObject("java","org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFFont")/>

<cfset fontTitle = wb.createFont()/>
<cfset fontTitle.setFontName("Calibri") />
<cfset fontTitle.setFontHeightInPoints(javacast("int",11))/> 
<cfset styleTitle = wb.createCellStyle()/>
<cfset styleTitle.setfont(fontTitle)/>
<cfset styleTitle.setFillPattern(styleTitle.SOLID_FOREGROUND)/>
<cfset styleTitle.setFillForegroundColor(createObject("java","org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFColor$GREY_25_PERCENT").getIndex())/>
<cfset styleTitle.setBorderBottom(styleTitle.BORDER_THIN)/>
<cfset styleTitle.setBorderLeft(styleTitle.BORDER_THIN)/>
<cfset styleTitle.setBorderRight(styleTitle.BORDER_THIN)/>
<cfset styleTitle.setBorderTop(styleTitle.BORDER_THIN)/>

<!---Regular centered white cell with Borders--->
<cfset styleCenter = wb.createCellStyle()/>
<cfset styleCenter.setAlignment(cellStyleStatic.ALIGN_CENTER)/>

<cfset styleDate = wb.createCellStyle()/>
<cfset styleDate.setDataFormat(createObject("java","org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFDataFormat").getBuiltinFormat("m/d/yy"))/>

<!--- Text Wrapping--->
<cfset sheet1.FormatColumn(6, {textwrap="true"})/>

    <!---Sheet 1 (Numbers)--->
<!---Rows and columns--->
    <cfset row = sheet1.createRow(0)/>
    <cfset sheet1.setColumnWidth(0,6000)/>
    <cfset sheet1.setColumnWidth(1,6000)/>
    <cfset sheet1.setColumnWidth(2,6000)/>
    <cfset sheet1.setColumnWidth(3,6000)/>
    <cfset sheet1.setColumnWidth(4,6000)/>
    <cfset sheet1.setColumnWidth(5,6000)/>
    <cfset sheet1.setColumnWidth(6,6000)/>
    <cfset sheet1.setColumnWidth(7,6000)/>
    <cfset sheet1.setColumnWidth(8,6000)/>
    <cfset sheet1.setColumnWidth(9,6000)/>
    <cfset sheet1.setColumnWidth(10,6000)/>
    <cfset sheet1.setColumnWidth(11,6000)/>
    <cfset sheet1.setColumnWidth(12,6000)/>
    <cfset sheet1.setColumnWidth(13,6000)/>
    <cfset sheet1.setColumnWidth(14,6000)/>
    <cfset sheet1.setColumnWidth(15,6000)/>
    <cfset sheet1.setColumnWidth(16,6000)/>
    <cfset sheet1.setColumnWidth(17,6000)/>
    <cfset sheet1.setColumnWidth(18,6000)/>
    <cfset cell = row.createCell(0)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('Header1')/>
        <cfset cell.setCellStyle(styleTitle)/>
    <cfset cell = row.createCell(1)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('Header2')/>
        <cfset cell.setCellStyle(styleTitle)/>
    <cfset cell = row.createCell(2)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('Header3')/>
        <cfset cell.setCellStyle(styleTitle)/>
    <cfset cell = row.createCell(3)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('Header4')/>
        <cfset cell.setCellStyle(styleTitle)/>
    <cfset cell = row.createCell(4)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('Header5')/>
        <cfset cell.setCellStyle(styleTitle)/>
    <cfset cell = row.createCell(5)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('Header6')/>
        <cfset cell.setCellStyle(styleTitle)/>
    <cfset cell = row.createCell(6)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('Header7')/>
        <cfset cell.setCellStyle(styleTitle)/>
    <!---<cfset cell = row.createCell(7)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('Header8')/>
        <cfset cell.setCellStyle(styleTitle)/>--->
    <cfset cell = row.createCell(7)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('Header9')/>
        <cfset cell.setCellStyle(styleTitle)/>
    <cfset cell = row.createCell(8)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('Header10')/>
        <cfset cell.setCellStyle(styleTitle)/>  
    <cfset cell = row.createCell(9)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('Header11')/>
        <cfset cell.setCellStyle(styleTitle)/>
    <cfset cell = row.createCell(10)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('Header12')/>
        <cfset cell.setCellStyle(styleTitle)/>
    <cfset cell = row.createCell(11)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('Header13')/>
        <cfset cell.setCellStyle(styleTitle)/>
    <cfset cell = row.createCell(12)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('Header14')/>
        <cfset cell.setCellStyle(styleTitle)/>
    <cfset cell = row.createCell(13)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('Header15')/>
        <cfset cell.setCellStyle(styleTitle)/>
    <cfset cell = row.createCell(14)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('Header16')/>
        <cfset cell.setCellStyle(styleTitle)/>
    <cfset cell = row.createCell(15)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('Header17')/>
        <cfset cell.setCellStyle(styleTitle)/>
    <cfset cell = row.createCell(16)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('Header18)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellStyle(styleTitle)/>
    <cfset cell = row.createCell(17)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('Header19')/>
        <cfset cell.setCellStyle(styleTitle)/>
    <cfset cell = row.createCell(18)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('Header20')/>
        <cfset cell.setCellStyle(styleTitle)/>  

<cfloop query="getall">

    <!--- Query Engineer Notes for this Tracking Number --->

    <cfquery name="Eng_Notes" datasource="#request.dsn#">
        SELECT Eng_Notes AS Note
        FROM tbl_ERD_Eng_NOTES
        WHERE ERD_ID = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#getAll.ID#" />

    <cfset variables.lstNotes = valueList(Eng_Notes.Note, " *** ") />

    <cfset row = sheet1.createRow(javacast("int",#getall.currentrow#))/>   
    <cfset cell = row.createCell(0)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('#getall.info1#')/>
    <cfset cell = row.createCell(1)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('#getall.info2#')/>
    <cfset cell = row.createCell(2)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('#getall.info3#')/>
    <cfset cell = row.createCell(3)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('#getall.info4#')/>
    <cfset cell = row.createCell(4)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('#getall.info5#')/>   
    <cfset cell = row.createCell(5)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('#getall.info6#')/>
              <cfset cell = row.createCell(6)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('#variables.info7#')/>
    <!---<cfset cell = row.createCell(7)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('#getall.info8#')/>--->
    <cfset cell = row.createCell(7)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('#getall.info9#')/>
    <cfset cell = row.createCell(8)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('#getall.info10#')/>
    <cfset cell = row.createCell(9)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('#getall.info11#')/>   
    <cfset cell = row.createCell(10)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('#getall.info12#')/>
    <cfset cell = row.createCell(11)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('#getall.info13#')/>
    <cfset cell = row.createCell(12)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('#getall.info14#')/>
    <cfset cell = row.createCell(13)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('#getall.info13#')/>
    <cfset cell = row.createCell(14)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('#getall.info14#')/>
    <cfset cell = row.createCell(15)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('#getall.info15#')/>
    <cfset cell = row.createCell(16)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('#getall.info16#')/>
    <cfset cell = row.createCell(17)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('#getall.info17#')/>
    <cfset cell = row.createCell(18)/>
        <cfset cell.setCellValue('#getall.info18#')/>            

I have tried to use the SpreadsheetFormatCell, as posted here, although I am aware that it would only text wrap 1 cell. All that accomplished is for my Excel page to display the HTTP 500 page.

我已经尝试过使用SpreadsheetFormatCell,正如这里所贴的,尽管我知道它只包含文本wrap 1 cell。完成的全部工作是让我的Excel页面显示HTTP 500页面。

I have also tried the SpreadsheetFormatColumn method, as posted here, and got a lot a errors.


Any help would be awesome, and if there is another post similar to this one please point me in that direction. There is always the possibility I missed it.


2 个解决方案



Using ColdFusion 9, right? It's frustrating because the ColdFusion 9 documentation states that it works, but it's horribly broken. I think this may have been fixed in the recent ColdFusion 11, but it still uses Apache POI libraries that are multiple versions old.

使用ColdFusion 9,对吧?这很令人沮丧,因为ColdFusion 9文档说明它是有效的,但是它非常糟糕。我认为这可能在最近的ColdFusion 11中得到了修正,但是它仍然使用了多个版本的Apache POI库。

Try using spreadsheetWrite(). I've found that there are differences when saving using tag versus script:




NOTE: It'd be great if this type of testing could be done using CFLive.net or TryCF.com, but they don't allow for file generation for security reasons.






<cfset sheet1.FormatColumn(6, {textwrap="true"})/>

< cfset sheet1。FormatColumn({ textwrap = " true " })/ >

Without knowing more, my guess is that line causes an error. The variable #sheet1# is an instance of the POI class: org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Sheet. That class does not contain a method named FormatColumn(..), so it would definitely cause some sort of error. But again, is extremely difficult to troubleshoot errors without an actual error message or even a screen shot.


(If you do not have access to the necessary tools for some reason, I would suggest installing the CF Developer version locally (free). Then you will have full access to the CF Administrator, logs, etcetera and can configure the debug settings however you like.)

(如果由于某些原因您无法访问必要的工具,我建议您在本地安装CF Developer版本(免费)。然后,您可以完全访问CF管理员、日志等,并可以配置调试设置。

That said, I am not sure why you are using all that low level java code in the first place. Typically, you only need to dip into java if you are looking for some extra functionality that CF does not provide, or perhaps to work around a bug. Frankly, I am not yet convinced either one applies here ... Did you ever try the example below "as is"? It worked fine with 9.0.1. YMMV


I have tried to use the SpreadsheetFormatCell ... All that accomplished is for my Excel page to display the HTTP 500 page.

我尝试过使用SpreadsheetFormatCell……完成的全部工作是让我的Excel页面显示HTTP 500页面。

Can you post the actual code you tried and the error message from the logs (and your full version)? There are definitely some bugs with spreadsheet functions in CF9, but a quick test of "textwrap" worked fine for me with CF9.0.1.


<cfset sheet = spreadSheetNew()>

<!--- enabled wrapping for single cell --->
<cfset SpreadsheetFormatCell(sheet, {textwrap="true"}, 2, 1)>

   enable wrapping for entire column
<cfset SpreadsheetFormatColumn(sheet, {textwrap="true"}, 2)>

<!--- add text --->
<cfset SpreadSheetSetCellValue(sheet, "Short text", 1, 1)>
<cfset SpreadSheetSetCellValue(sheet, RepeatString("aaa ", 50), 2, 1)>
<cfset SpreadSheetSetCellValue(sheet, "More text", 3, 1)>
<cfset SpreadSheetSetCellValue(sheet, "Short text", 1, 2)>
<cfset SpreadSheetSetCellValue(sheet, "More text", 2, 2)>

<!--- resize column --->
<cfset SpreadSheetSetColumnWidth(sheet, 1, 35)>

<!--- display results --->
<cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="attachment; filename=test.xls">
<cfcontent type="application/vnd.ms-excel" 



Using ColdFusion 9, right? It's frustrating because the ColdFusion 9 documentation states that it works, but it's horribly broken. I think this may have been fixed in the recent ColdFusion 11, but it still uses Apache POI libraries that are multiple versions old.

使用ColdFusion 9,对吧?这很令人沮丧,因为ColdFusion 9文档说明它是有效的,但是它非常糟糕。我认为这可能在最近的ColdFusion 11中得到了修正,但是它仍然使用了多个版本的Apache POI库。

Try using spreadsheetWrite(). I've found that there are differences when saving using tag versus script:




NOTE: It'd be great if this type of testing could be done using CFLive.net or TryCF.com, but they don't allow for file generation for security reasons.






<cfset sheet1.FormatColumn(6, {textwrap="true"})/>

< cfset sheet1。FormatColumn({ textwrap = " true " })/ >

Without knowing more, my guess is that line causes an error. The variable #sheet1# is an instance of the POI class: org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Sheet. That class does not contain a method named FormatColumn(..), so it would definitely cause some sort of error. But again, is extremely difficult to troubleshoot errors without an actual error message or even a screen shot.


(If you do not have access to the necessary tools for some reason, I would suggest installing the CF Developer version locally (free). Then you will have full access to the CF Administrator, logs, etcetera and can configure the debug settings however you like.)

(如果由于某些原因您无法访问必要的工具,我建议您在本地安装CF Developer版本(免费)。然后,您可以完全访问CF管理员、日志等,并可以配置调试设置。

That said, I am not sure why you are using all that low level java code in the first place. Typically, you only need to dip into java if you are looking for some extra functionality that CF does not provide, or perhaps to work around a bug. Frankly, I am not yet convinced either one applies here ... Did you ever try the example below "as is"? It worked fine with 9.0.1. YMMV


I have tried to use the SpreadsheetFormatCell ... All that accomplished is for my Excel page to display the HTTP 500 page.

我尝试过使用SpreadsheetFormatCell……完成的全部工作是让我的Excel页面显示HTTP 500页面。

Can you post the actual code you tried and the error message from the logs (and your full version)? There are definitely some bugs with spreadsheet functions in CF9, but a quick test of "textwrap" worked fine for me with CF9.0.1.


<cfset sheet = spreadSheetNew()>

<!--- enabled wrapping for single cell --->
<cfset SpreadsheetFormatCell(sheet, {textwrap="true"}, 2, 1)>

   enable wrapping for entire column
<cfset SpreadsheetFormatColumn(sheet, {textwrap="true"}, 2)>

<!--- add text --->
<cfset SpreadSheetSetCellValue(sheet, "Short text", 1, 1)>
<cfset SpreadSheetSetCellValue(sheet, RepeatString("aaa ", 50), 2, 1)>
<cfset SpreadSheetSetCellValue(sheet, "More text", 3, 1)>
<cfset SpreadSheetSetCellValue(sheet, "Short text", 1, 2)>
<cfset SpreadSheetSetCellValue(sheet, "More text", 2, 2)>

<!--- resize column --->
<cfset SpreadSheetSetColumnWidth(sheet, 1, 35)>

<!--- display results --->
<cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="attachment; filename=test.xls">
<cfcontent type="application/vnd.ms-excel" 