
时间:2022-11-28 09:35:49

I want to implement a feature where user can "add additional details" to his profile. Here he should be able to create the label for the detail and the actual details like:


Education : Degree 

where Education is the label for the detail and Degree is the detail.


Apart from this, he should also have an option to decide whether this details should be made visible or hidden.


How can I implement this using a new model Profile with the association User has_one Profile.

如何使用具有关联User has_one Profile的新模型Profile实现此功能。

If I just had Label and Text for the new details, I could have tried hash, but since I would also have to get the details from the user on whether the user wants the detail to be made hidden or visible, I might require an extra field to store that value (true or false).


I am really confused as to how I can get the whole thing implemented together.


Please suggest me how I can implement this and also how can I update the model each time a user creates a new detail without changing the schema of the db.


I am working on Rails 3.2.

我正在研究Rails 3.2。

2 个解决方案



I don't really see your problem (or I don't get it), but:


Why don't you just create a has_many AdditionalData with user_id:integer name:string content:string visible:boolean?

为什么不用user_id创建一个has_many AdditionalData:integer name:string content:string visible:boolean?

So you can loop through @user.additional_datas.visible (assuming you defined a scope scope :visible, where("visible = 1").

因此,您可以遍历@ user.additional_datas.visible(假设您定义了范围范围:visible,where(“visible = 1”)。

Added benefit: You could make this model polymorph and add additional information to other things you have in your app without the need to create an extra "information" table for every model you want to store these.


For validation, you could also add a data_type field and create validations according to the data type (needs to be an url, a phone number, just text, ...)




I don't see the problem too; I think an hash-like table could be the solution, something like this:


rails generate model UserDetails label:string value:string \
  visible:boolean user:references

in which you put records like this:


user.details.create(:label => 'Dog name', :value => 'Fuffy' :visible => false)



I don't really see your problem (or I don't get it), but:


Why don't you just create a has_many AdditionalData with user_id:integer name:string content:string visible:boolean?

为什么不用user_id创建一个has_many AdditionalData:integer name:string content:string visible:boolean?

So you can loop through @user.additional_datas.visible (assuming you defined a scope scope :visible, where("visible = 1").

因此,您可以遍历@ user.additional_datas.visible(假设您定义了范围范围:visible,where(“visible = 1”)。

Added benefit: You could make this model polymorph and add additional information to other things you have in your app without the need to create an extra "information" table for every model you want to store these.


For validation, you could also add a data_type field and create validations according to the data type (needs to be an url, a phone number, just text, ...)




I don't see the problem too; I think an hash-like table could be the solution, something like this:


rails generate model UserDetails label:string value:string \
  visible:boolean user:references

in which you put records like this:


user.details.create(:label => 'Dog name', :value => 'Fuffy' :visible => false)