
时间:2022-11-24 00:16:11

I want to redirect all pages from the .com/blog directory to the .com/error directory.

我想将.com / blog目录中的所有页面重定向到.com / error目录。

I have searched the web, and found loads of different ways of doing it, but I want it to redirect to a single page.


All the things I have tried redirect to the same file name, but in different directory. For example, .com/blog/index.nonexisting redirects to .com/error/index.nonexisting.

我尝试的所有东西都重定向到相同的文件名,但在不同的目录中。例如,.com / blog / index.nonexisting重定向到.com / error / index.nonexisting。

I would like all files in the first directory to redirect to a certain file, so if you go to .com/blog/whatever.php it would go to .com/error/index.php, and if you go to .com/blog/random.xml you would be redirected to .com/error/index.php.

我希望第一个目录中的所有文件都重定向到某个文件,所以如果你去.com / blog / whatever.php它会转到.com / error / index.php,如果你去.com / blog / random.xml您将被重定向到.com / error / index.php。

Is there any way to do this?


1 个解决方案



Try putting this in your .htaccess:


RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^blog/(.+) error/index.php [L,R]

Replace R with R=301 if you want a 301 redirect, and get rid of R entirely if you don't want an external redirect.

如果你想要301重定向,用R = 301替换R,如果你不想要外部重定向,则完全去除R.



Try putting this in your .htaccess:


RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^blog/(.+) error/index.php [L,R]

Replace R with R=301 if you want a 301 redirect, and get rid of R entirely if you don't want an external redirect.

如果你想要301重定向,用R = 301替换R,如果你不想要外部重定向,则完全去除R.