HTML提交按钮不起作用(不与PHP / JavaScript相关)

时间:2022-11-23 14:06:11

I have looked over all your suggestions as to an answer to my question, but every question asked on this subject also uses PHP or JavaScript. I do not use either of these, so none of the available answers helps me in any way.


My problem is the same, except that I'm making an HTML form. I have my opening form code as:


<form action="mailto:dj.*******@*****.com" method="post" target="_blank" id="JewelryPoll" title="My Jewelry Poll">

and my submit button as:


<input name="SUBMIT" type="submit" id="SUBMIT" title="SUBMIT" value="SUBMIT" align="center">

I am not sure what I am doing wrong.


I tried putting value as my email. I even tried putting "method=get" on it as well, and that didn't do anything either.

我试着把价值作为我的电子邮件。我甚至尝试将“method = get”放在上面,这也没有做任何事情。

I do not use PHP as I don't know it. I do not use JavaScript as I don't know enough of it to be able to use it. I used to know how to make the "submit" button work only with HTML, but my memory lapses prevent me from remembering some things.


Can you help with this please? I would really like to know what I'm doing wrong as to why it isn't working.




Here is the code in its entirety:


<!doctype html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Jewelry Poll</title>

<form action="" method="post" target="_blank" id="JewelryPoll" title="My Jewelry Poll">
<label><h1 align="center">Of the answers below, which types of handmade beaded jewelry would you be willing to purchase if the price were right?</h1></label>
<p align="center"><input name="Bracelets" type="checkbox" id="Bracelets" title="Bracelets" value="Bracelets" checked>Bracelets<br>
<input name="Earrings" type="checkbox" id="Earrings" title="Earrings" value="Earrings">Earrings<br>
<input name="Necklaces" type="checkbox" id="Necklaces" title="Necklaces" value="Necklaces">Necklaces<br>
<input name="Rings" type="checkbox" id="Rings" title="Rings" value="Rings" checked>Rings<br>
<input name="Watches" type="checkbox" id="Watches" title="Watches" value="Watches">Watches<br>
<input name="BESet" type="checkbox" id="BESet" title="Bracelet/Earring Set" value="BESet">Bracelet/Earring Set<br>
<input name="BNSet" type="checkbox" id="BNSet" title="Bracelet/Necklace Set" value="BNSet">Bracelet/Necklace Set<br>
<input name="BRSet" type="checkbox" id="BRSet" title="Bracelet/Ring Set" value="BRSet">Bracelet/Ring Set<br>
<input name="BWSet" type="checkbox" id="BWSet" title="Bracelet/Watch Set" value="BWSet" checked>Bracelet/Watch Set<br>
<input name="BENSet" type="checkbox" id="BENSet" title="Bracelet/Earring/Necklace Set" value="BENSet">Bracelet/Earring/Necklace Set<br>
<input name="BENRSet" type="checkbox" id="BENRSet" title="Bracelet/Earring/Necklace/Ring Set" value="BENRSet">Bracelet/Earring/Necklace/Ring Set<br>
<input name="BENRWSet" type="checkbox" id="BENRWSet" title="Bracelet/Earring/Necklace/Ring/Watch Set" value="BENRWSet">Bracelet/Earring/Necklace/Ring/Watch Set<br>
<input name="BENWSet" type="checkbox" id="BENWSet" title="Bracelet/Earring/Necklace/Watch Set" value="BENWSet">Bracelet/Earring/Necklace/Watch Set<br>
<input name="BERSet" type="checkbox" id="BERSet" title="Bracelet/Earring/Ring Set" value="BERSet">Bracelet/Earring/Ring Set<br>
<input name="BEWSet" type="checkbox" id="BEWSet" title="Bracelet/Earring/Watch Set" value="BEWSet">Bracelet/Earring/Watch Set<br>
<input name="BNRSet" type="checkbox" id="BNRSet" title="Bracelet/Necklace/Ring Set" value="BNRSet">Bracelet/Necklace/Ring Set<br>
<input name="BNWSet" type="checkbox" id="BNWSet" title="Bracelet/Necklace/Watch Set" value="BNWSet">Bracelet/Necklace/Watch Set<br>
<input name="BRWSet" type="checkbox" id="BRWSet" title="Bracelet/Ring/Watch Set" value="BRWSet" checked>Bracelet/Ring/Watch Set<br>
<input name="BERWSet" type="checkbox" id="BERWSet" title="Bracelet/Earring/Ring/Watch Set" value="BERWSet">Bracelet/Earring/Ring/Watch Set<br>
<input name="ENSet" type="checkbox" id="ENSet" title="Earring/Necklace Set" value="ENSet">Earring/Necklace Set<br>
<input name="ERSet" type="checkbox" id="ERSet" title="Earring/Ring Set" value="ERSet">Earring/Ring Set<br>
<input name="EWSet" type="checkbox" id="EWSet" title="Earring/Watch Set" value="EWSet">Earring/Watch Set<br>
<input name="ENRSet" type="checkbox" id="ENRSet" title="Earring/Necklace/Ring Set" value="ENRSet">Earring/Necklace/Ring Set<br>
<input name="ENWSet" type="checkbox" id="ENWSet" title="Earring/Necklace/Watch Set" value="ENWSet">Earring/Necklace/Watch Set<br>
<input name="ERWSet" type="checkbox" id="ERWSet" title="Earring/Ring/Watch Set" value="ERWSet">Earring/Ring/Watch Set<br>
<input name="NRSet" type="checkbox" id="NRSet" title="Necklace/Ring Set" value="NRSet">Necklace/Ring Set<br>
<input name="NWSet" type="checkbox" id="NWSet" title="Necklace/Watch Set" value="NWSet">Necklace/Watch Set<br>
<input name="NRWSet" type="checkbox" id="NRWSet" title="Necklace/Ring/Watch Set" value="NRWSet">Necklace/Ring/Watch Set<br>
<input name="RWSet" type="checkbox" id="RWSet" title="Ring/Watch Set" value="RWSet">Ring/Watch Set<br>
<input name="Any" type="checkbox" id="Any" title="Anything as long as its beautifully made by you" value="Any" checked>Anything as long as its beautifully made by you.<br><br><br>
<TEXTAREA NAME="comment" ROWS=8 COLS=100>Please leave any comments here
<input name="SUBMIT" type="submit" id="SUBMIT" title="SUBMIT" value="SUBMIT" align="center"><br>
<input name="RESET" type="reset" id="RESET" title="RESET" value="RESET" align="center"><br></p>

1 个解决方案



Using mailto: as a form action simply doesn't work.


You must use some form of server side programming to send email from a form.


That could be JavaScript, PHP or any other programming language.


It could be code you write yourself. It could be code written by a third party.


It could be code you host yourself. It could be code hosted by a third party.




Using mailto: as a form action simply doesn't work.


You must use some form of server side programming to send email from a form.


That could be JavaScript, PHP or any other programming language.


It could be code you write yourself. It could be code written by a third party.


It could be code you host yourself. It could be code hosted by a third party.
