
时间:2022-11-21 12:11:12

I am using PNG image but its size is getting too big so I have to compromise with its quality. So i was thinking vectors may be the another way around ? Example will be a great help.


4 个解决方案



Can we use VectorDrawable or VectorXML as icons for push notifications?


Yes, just call the vector drawable the standard way for notifications:

是的,只需将vector drawable称为通知的标准方式:


In order to use the transparency (notification icons are only white and/or transparent), you will have to use the alpha channels when settings the colors in the vector XML, meaning #00000000 for transparent and #FFFFFFFF for white.




VectorDrawables will only work as notification icons for versions higher than (or equal to) Android Lollipop - i.e. API 21.

VectorDrawables仅作为高于(或等于)Android Lollipop版本的通知图标 - 即API 21。

I know this because I did try using .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.my_vector) as shown in one of the other answers here, and although this works perfectly fine for API 21 and above, I got the following error for versions prior to Lollipop:

我知道这是因为我确实尝试使用.setSmallIcon(R.drawable.my_vector),如此处的其中一个答案中所示,虽然这对于API 21及更高版本的效果非常好,但我对Lollipop之前的版本有以下错误:

android.app.RemoteServiceException: Bad notification posted from package com.example.app: Couldn't create icon: StatusBarIcon(pkg=com.example.appuser=0 id=0x7f02005a level=0 visible=true num=0 )

android.app.RemoteServiceException:从com.example.app包发布的错误通知:无法创建图标:StatusBarIcon(pkg = com.example.appuser = 0 id = 0x7f02005a level = 0 visible = true num = 0)

There are also other answers on Stack Overflow supporting this argument:

Stack Overflow上还有其他答案支持这个论点:



Probably you should not use VectorDrawable icons in notifications if you are using vector drawable support package - you may encounter errors on pre-lollipop devices.

如果您使用矢量绘图支持包,可能不应在通知中使用VectorDrawable图标 - 您可能会在棒棒糖前设备上遇到错误。

Check out this: Notification throws error when using vector drawables


Wuthout vector drawable support package, I didn't encounter any errors but after using it, pre-lollipop devices were unable to access the vector icon at the time of notification and threw this error:


android.app.RemoteServiceException: Bad notification posted from package com.xxx.xxx: Couldn't create icon: StatusBarIcon(pkg=com.xxx.xxxuser=0 id=0x7f020082 level=0 visible=true num=0)

android.app.RemoteServiceException:从包com.xxx.xxx发布的错误通知:无法创建图标:StatusBarIcon(pkg = com.xxx.xxxuser = 0 id = 0x7f020082 level = 0 visible = true num = 0)



For version < 21,


If you want to directly pass in vector drawable resource id into setSmallIcon(): No way.

如果你想直接将vector drawable资源id传递给setSmallIcon():没办法。

For setLargeIcon() indirectly, yes. Use


VectorDrawableCompat drawable = VectorDrawableCompat.create(context.getResources(), resource id, theme);

then create Bitmap from this drawable and pass into setLargeIcon()




Can we use VectorDrawable or VectorXML as icons for push notifications?


Yes, just call the vector drawable the standard way for notifications:

是的,只需将vector drawable称为通知的标准方式:


In order to use the transparency (notification icons are only white and/or transparent), you will have to use the alpha channels when settings the colors in the vector XML, meaning #00000000 for transparent and #FFFFFFFF for white.




VectorDrawables will only work as notification icons for versions higher than (or equal to) Android Lollipop - i.e. API 21.

VectorDrawables仅作为高于(或等于)Android Lollipop版本的通知图标 - 即API 21。

I know this because I did try using .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.my_vector) as shown in one of the other answers here, and although this works perfectly fine for API 21 and above, I got the following error for versions prior to Lollipop:

我知道这是因为我确实尝试使用.setSmallIcon(R.drawable.my_vector),如此处的其中一个答案中所示,虽然这对于API 21及更高版本的效果非常好,但我对Lollipop之前的版本有以下错误:

android.app.RemoteServiceException: Bad notification posted from package com.example.app: Couldn't create icon: StatusBarIcon(pkg=com.example.appuser=0 id=0x7f02005a level=0 visible=true num=0 )

android.app.RemoteServiceException:从com.example.app包发布的错误通知:无法创建图标:StatusBarIcon(pkg = com.example.appuser = 0 id = 0x7f02005a level = 0 visible = true num = 0)

There are also other answers on Stack Overflow supporting this argument:

Stack Overflow上还有其他答案支持这个论点:



Probably you should not use VectorDrawable icons in notifications if you are using vector drawable support package - you may encounter errors on pre-lollipop devices.

如果您使用矢量绘图支持包,可能不应在通知中使用VectorDrawable图标 - 您可能会在棒棒糖前设备上遇到错误。

Check out this: Notification throws error when using vector drawables


Wuthout vector drawable support package, I didn't encounter any errors but after using it, pre-lollipop devices were unable to access the vector icon at the time of notification and threw this error:


android.app.RemoteServiceException: Bad notification posted from package com.xxx.xxx: Couldn't create icon: StatusBarIcon(pkg=com.xxx.xxxuser=0 id=0x7f020082 level=0 visible=true num=0)

android.app.RemoteServiceException:从包com.xxx.xxx发布的错误通知:无法创建图标:StatusBarIcon(pkg = com.xxx.xxxuser = 0 id = 0x7f020082 level = 0 visible = true num = 0)



For version < 21,


If you want to directly pass in vector drawable resource id into setSmallIcon(): No way.

如果你想直接将vector drawable资源id传递给setSmallIcon():没办法。

For setLargeIcon() indirectly, yes. Use


VectorDrawableCompat drawable = VectorDrawableCompat.create(context.getResources(), resource id, theme);

then create Bitmap from this drawable and pass into setLargeIcon()
