Rails app中的Bootstrap Carousel,显示所有图像,没有缩略图。在Carousel中显示数据库中的图像

时间:2022-11-04 08:39:00

I'm adding a this https://bootsnipp.com/snippets/55Z0v Bootstrap carousel to a rails app.

我正在将这个https://bootsnipp.com/snippets/55Z0v Bootstrap轮播添加到rails应用程序中。

The pictures I wan't to show in the Carousel comes from the image.rb model.


The thing is when I add the logic to display the images in the carousel, they are appearing on top of each other.


I'm not sure what to do, but I understand that the Carousel is displaying all images for the selected product.


I have worked with bootstrap carousels before, but only in pure html/css, so working on it in a Rails app is new for me.

我之前曾使用过bootstrap轮播,但仅限于纯html / css,所以在Rails应用程序中进行操作对我来说是新的。

Can someone please advise me how I can make the images appear like it should normally?


Below is the carousel code in the show.html.erb


<div class="container">
    <div id='carousel-custom' class='carousel slide' data-ride='carousel'>
        <div class='carousel-outer'>
            <!-- me art lab slider -->
            <div class='carousel-inner '>
                <div class='item active'>
                    <% @product.images.each do |image_product| %>
                        <%= image_tag image_product.image.url(:medium), class: "img-responsive", id: "zoom_05" %>
                    <% end %>

                  $("#zoom_05").elevateZoom({ zoomType    : "inner", cursor: "crosshair" });
            <!-- sag sol -->
            <a class='left carousel-control' href='#carousel-custom' data-slide='prev'>
                <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left'></span>
            <a class='right carousel-control' href='#carousel-custom' data-slide='next'>
                <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right'></span>
                    <!-- thumb -->
        <ol class='carousel-indicators mCustomScrollbar meartlab'>
            <li data-target='#carousel-custom' data-slide-to='0' class='active'> 
                <% @product.images.each do |image_product| %>
                    <%= image_tag image_product.image.url(:small), class: "img-responsive", id: "zoom_05" %>
                <% end %>

    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function() {

1 个解决方案



If I am not mistaken the problem is that all the parents div of the images has the classes item active, and only must has the active class.


Also look at data-slide-to attribute of the lis inside the ol element.


<li data-target='#carousel-custom' data-slide-to='0' class='active'> 
  <% @product.images.each do |image_product| %>
    <%= image_tag image_product.image.url(:small), class: "img-responsive", id: "zoom_05" %>
  <% end %>

You are alwasys adding a slide in the position zero.


It must be something like this:


<div class="container">
    <div id='carousel-custom' class='carousel slide' data-ride='carousel'>
        <div class='carousel-outer'>
            <!-- me art lab slider -->
            <div class='carousel-inner '>
                <% @product.images.each_with_index do |image_product, index| %>
                    <div class="<%= index == 0 ? 'item active' : 'item' %>" >
                        <%= image_tag image_product.image.url(:medium), class: "img-responsive", id: "<%= index == 0 ? 'zoom_05' : '' %>" %>
                <% end %>

                  $("#zoom_05").elevateZoom({ zoomType    : "inner", cursor: "crosshair" });
            <!-- sag sol -->
            <a class='left carousel-control' href='#carousel-custom' data-slide='prev'>
                <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left'></span>
            <a class='right carousel-control' href='#carousel-custom' data-slide='next'>
                <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right'></span>
                    <!-- thumb -->
        <ol class='carousel-indicators mCustomScrollbar meartlab'>
            <% @product.images.each_with_index do |image_product, index| %>
                <li data-target='#carousel-custom' data-slide-to="<%= index %>" class="<%= index == 0 ? 'active' : '' %>" >
                    <%= image_tag image_product.image.url(:small), class: "img-responsive", id: "" %>
            <% end %>

    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function() {

In the iterator with index == 0 I check that if its the first image to set the active class.

在索引== 0的迭代器中,我检查它是否是第一个设置活动类的图像。

Also, with the same thing, in the li's inside the ol I set the slide-to attribute.




If I am not mistaken the problem is that all the parents div of the images has the classes item active, and only must has the active class.


Also look at data-slide-to attribute of the lis inside the ol element.


<li data-target='#carousel-custom' data-slide-to='0' class='active'> 
  <% @product.images.each do |image_product| %>
    <%= image_tag image_product.image.url(:small), class: "img-responsive", id: "zoom_05" %>
  <% end %>

You are alwasys adding a slide in the position zero.


It must be something like this:


<div class="container">
    <div id='carousel-custom' class='carousel slide' data-ride='carousel'>
        <div class='carousel-outer'>
            <!-- me art lab slider -->
            <div class='carousel-inner '>
                <% @product.images.each_with_index do |image_product, index| %>
                    <div class="<%= index == 0 ? 'item active' : 'item' %>" >
                        <%= image_tag image_product.image.url(:medium), class: "img-responsive", id: "<%= index == 0 ? 'zoom_05' : '' %>" %>
                <% end %>

                  $("#zoom_05").elevateZoom({ zoomType    : "inner", cursor: "crosshair" });
            <!-- sag sol -->
            <a class='left carousel-control' href='#carousel-custom' data-slide='prev'>
                <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left'></span>
            <a class='right carousel-control' href='#carousel-custom' data-slide='next'>
                <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right'></span>
                    <!-- thumb -->
        <ol class='carousel-indicators mCustomScrollbar meartlab'>
            <% @product.images.each_with_index do |image_product, index| %>
                <li data-target='#carousel-custom' data-slide-to="<%= index %>" class="<%= index == 0 ? 'active' : '' %>" >
                    <%= image_tag image_product.image.url(:small), class: "img-responsive", id: "" %>
            <% end %>

    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function() {

In the iterator with index == 0 I check that if its the first image to set the active class.

在索引== 0的迭代器中,我检查它是否是第一个设置活动类的图像。

Also, with the same thing, in the li's inside the ol I set the slide-to attribute.
