
时间:2022-11-03 14:55:27

This is a general problem I've run into while trying to learn angular.


How would you create a directive that only acts on certain elements which have the directive name AND an ID, Class, or other property? Or/Also how might you make a directive that does different things depending upon ID, Class or other properties?


I don't mean the type of thing where you create a directive as a class, and just use ngClass. As an example... Imagine a scenario where a user is defining part of the HTML and I can't touch it, but I know that there will be a nav tag with ul's and li's inside of it. How do I make a directive that can be applied to the nav tag that has id="navi" without affecting the other nav tags on the page if there are any?

我不是指作为类创建指令的类型,而只是使用ngClass。作为一个例子......想象一下,用户正在定义HTML的一部分并且我无法触摸它,但我知道会有一个带有ul和li的导航标签。如何制作可以应用于具有id =“navi”的nav标签的指令,而不会影响页面上的其他导航标签(如果有的话)?

To be clear, I come from a jQuery background, so I'm trying to unlearn a lot of bad habits lol. I'm very used to the concept of selecting an element, or a collection of elements via $ and applying some kind of manipulation or what have you. How can I achieve this type of selective filtering of functionality in a scenario where I'm not able to touch parts of the HTML directly?


1 个解决方案



You have access to the element at hand as well at the attributes of that element within the link function. Example concerning you <nav id="navi"> case:


<nav my-directive id="navi"></nav>

Directive time!

.directive("myDirective", [function() {
    return {
        restrict: "A",
        link: function(scope, elem, attrs) {
            if (elem[0].id == "navi") {
                //apply specific condition to elem here

As you can see, you can check specific properties of the element within the link function. attrs is an object with all of the elements attributes as well.

如您所见,您可以在链接函数中检查元素的特定属性。 attrs是一个具有所有元素属性的对象。



You have access to the element at hand as well at the attributes of that element within the link function. Example concerning you <nav id="navi"> case:


<nav my-directive id="navi"></nav>

Directive time!

.directive("myDirective", [function() {
    return {
        restrict: "A",
        link: function(scope, elem, attrs) {
            if (elem[0].id == "navi") {
                //apply specific condition to elem here

As you can see, you can check specific properties of the element within the link function. attrs is an object with all of the elements attributes as well.

如您所见,您可以在链接函数中检查元素的特定属性。 attrs是一个具有所有元素属性的对象。