
时间:2022-10-31 22:52:11

I'm using the leaflet package in R to generate a map with a large number of circles on it. The goal is a map I can publish to my website. The problem I'm having is that as I increase the number of circles, the resulting map loads very slowly, I get "unresponsive script" warnings and ultimately it completely freezes up my browser.


I know this sort of thing is possible, because I've found a leaflet map that works the way I want mine to work:



I notice on the above map that the circles don't appear "clickable" like the circles on my map, and that they seem to load in square chunks. I have a hunch that these things are related to my problem. Unfortunately, I'm too much of a novice at leaflet/javascript stuff to figure this out on my own.

我在上面的地图上注意到,圆圈看起来并不像我在地图上的圆圈那样“可点击”,而且它们看起来像方块一样加载。我预感到这些事情与我的问题有关。不幸的是,我在传单/ javascript的东西上太多了,不能自己解决这个问题。

Here is a toy example illustrating my problem:



dots <- data.frame(x=c(runif(10000, -93.701281, -93.533053)),
                   y=c(runif(10000,  41.515962,  41.644369)))

m <- leaflet(dots) %>%
  addTiles('http://{s}.basemaps.cartocdn.com/dark_all/{z}/{x}/{y}.png') %>% 
  setView(-93.617167, 41.580166, zoom = 12) %>% 
  addCircles(~x, ~y, weight = 1, radius = 5, 
             color = "#FFA500", stroke = TRUE, fillOpacity = 0.1) 


saveWidget(widget = m, file="example.html", selfcontained = TRUE)

4 个解决方案



mapview can help you here. It builds upon the leaflet library for smaller data sets, but uses special javascript functionality for larger data.


your example with 1 Mio. points:

你的例子是1 Mio.要点:


dots <- data.frame(x=c(runif(1000000, -93.701281, -93.533053)),
                   y=c(runif(1000000,  41.515962,  41.644369)))

coordinates(dots) <- ~ x + y
proj4string(dots) <- "+init=epsg:4326"


It may still take a while to render, but once rendered it should be quite responsive. Note that mapview is designed to work with spatial* objects, that is why we need the calls to set the coordinate slot and the projection.

渲染可能还需要一段时间,但一旦渲染它应该是非常敏感的。请注意,mapview旨在使用spatial *对象,这就是我们需要调用来设置坐标槽和投影的原因。

For more information have a look here:



Hope that helps.




If you want to add a large number of vector objects to a map, it is rare that it can be done easily.


Notice that the raster data is broken into tiles so that all the information does not have to be shown at one time. For your vector data (in this case, circles) you have to do the same thing.


Basically what I like to do is to break the large data set into smaller (vector) tiles, with the same boundaries as the raster tiles you are showing. Duplicate the data if you want it to appear at several zoom level. As you are showing circle, imagine that you partition the circles' center points on the tile boundary.


I have an application similar to this where I basically partition my vector data on tile boundaries and store the information in geojson files. When I get an event that the raster tile has been loaded I can then load the equivalent vector file as a geojson layer (same thing when the raster tile is unloaded). In this way, you can limit the amount of vector data that has to be displayed at any one time.


If you have a lot of points, they are not really going to be visible at low zoom levels anyway, so it might be better just to show them at an appropriate zoom level (perhaps with a different representation at low zooms - like a heat map). This will keep the amount of data being shown at any one time lower.

如果你有很多分数,那么无论如何它们都不会在低变焦水平下显示,所以最好只是以适当的缩放级别显示它们(可能在低变焦时使用不同的表示 - 比如热图)。这将使任何时候显示的数据量保持较低。



Since this question has a few upvotes, I'll generally describe both of the solutions I found. Maybe if I have time later I'll get all the files together on GitHub.


First, I found TileMill. Simply load a data file of coordinates into TileMill, style the way you want them to appear, and output tiles (png). Host those tiles on the web somewhere and load them with leaflet. This process was a bit too manual for my liking because TileMill kept crashing when I loaded in csv files that were too large for it to render on my machine.


I found the best solution was use Processing, adapting Robert Manduca's code here: https://github.com/rmanduca/jobmaps. I don't use Python so I rewrote those parts in R and modified the Processing code according to my specifications.

我发现最好的解决方案是使用Processing,在这里调整Robert Manduca的代码:https://github.com/rmanduca/jobmaps。我不使用Python,所以我在R中重写了这些部分,并根据我的规范修改了处理代码。



Mapdeck (released on CRAN Aug 2018) uses WebGL (through Deck.gl) and is designed to handle millions of points (depending on your system's hardware of course)




n <- 1e6
dots <- data.frame(x=c(runif(n, -93.701281, -93.533053)),
                   y=c(runif(n,  41.515962,  41.644369)))

dots$letter <- sample(letters, size = n, replace = T)

    style = mapdeck_style('dark')
) %>%
        data = dots
        , lon = "x"
        , lat = "y"
        , fill_colour = "letter"
        , radius = 5
        , fill_opacity = 50
        , layer_id = "dots"




mapview can help you here. It builds upon the leaflet library for smaller data sets, but uses special javascript functionality for larger data.


your example with 1 Mio. points:

你的例子是1 Mio.要点:


dots <- data.frame(x=c(runif(1000000, -93.701281, -93.533053)),
                   y=c(runif(1000000,  41.515962,  41.644369)))

coordinates(dots) <- ~ x + y
proj4string(dots) <- "+init=epsg:4326"


It may still take a while to render, but once rendered it should be quite responsive. Note that mapview is designed to work with spatial* objects, that is why we need the calls to set the coordinate slot and the projection.

渲染可能还需要一段时间,但一旦渲染它应该是非常敏感的。请注意,mapview旨在使用spatial *对象,这就是我们需要调用来设置坐标槽和投影的原因。

For more information have a look here:



Hope that helps.




If you want to add a large number of vector objects to a map, it is rare that it can be done easily.


Notice that the raster data is broken into tiles so that all the information does not have to be shown at one time. For your vector data (in this case, circles) you have to do the same thing.


Basically what I like to do is to break the large data set into smaller (vector) tiles, with the same boundaries as the raster tiles you are showing. Duplicate the data if you want it to appear at several zoom level. As you are showing circle, imagine that you partition the circles' center points on the tile boundary.


I have an application similar to this where I basically partition my vector data on tile boundaries and store the information in geojson files. When I get an event that the raster tile has been loaded I can then load the equivalent vector file as a geojson layer (same thing when the raster tile is unloaded). In this way, you can limit the amount of vector data that has to be displayed at any one time.


If you have a lot of points, they are not really going to be visible at low zoom levels anyway, so it might be better just to show them at an appropriate zoom level (perhaps with a different representation at low zooms - like a heat map). This will keep the amount of data being shown at any one time lower.

如果你有很多分数,那么无论如何它们都不会在低变焦水平下显示,所以最好只是以适当的缩放级别显示它们(可能在低变焦时使用不同的表示 - 比如热图)。这将使任何时候显示的数据量保持较低。



Since this question has a few upvotes, I'll generally describe both of the solutions I found. Maybe if I have time later I'll get all the files together on GitHub.


First, I found TileMill. Simply load a data file of coordinates into TileMill, style the way you want them to appear, and output tiles (png). Host those tiles on the web somewhere and load them with leaflet. This process was a bit too manual for my liking because TileMill kept crashing when I loaded in csv files that were too large for it to render on my machine.


I found the best solution was use Processing, adapting Robert Manduca's code here: https://github.com/rmanduca/jobmaps. I don't use Python so I rewrote those parts in R and modified the Processing code according to my specifications.

我发现最好的解决方案是使用Processing,在这里调整Robert Manduca的代码:https://github.com/rmanduca/jobmaps。我不使用Python,所以我在R中重写了这些部分,并根据我的规范修改了处理代码。



Mapdeck (released on CRAN Aug 2018) uses WebGL (through Deck.gl) and is designed to handle millions of points (depending on your system's hardware of course)




n <- 1e6
dots <- data.frame(x=c(runif(n, -93.701281, -93.533053)),
                   y=c(runif(n,  41.515962,  41.644369)))

dots$letter <- sample(letters, size = n, replace = T)

    style = mapdeck_style('dark')
) %>%
        data = dots
        , lon = "x"
        , lat = "y"
        , fill_colour = "letter"
        , radius = 5
        , fill_opacity = 50
        , layer_id = "dots"
