PHP MySQL查询在1个月之前按日期显示表的当前日期

时间:2022-10-28 22:37:08

I will create a notification system with 1 month notice before deadline. I have a problem displaying a date that coincides with the current date. I want to show that appears only date today from the deadline date before 1 month deadline.


My tabel = notif :


| id   | name       | deadline   |
| 01   | Daniel     | 2018-02-13 |
| 02   | Elwin      | 2018-02-12 |
| 03   | Dika       | 2018-02-13 |

For example : date today = 2018-01-13
report table what i want :

例如:date today = 2018-01-13 report table我想要的:

| id   | name       | deadline   | alert_now  |
| 01   | Daniel     | 2018-02-13 | 2018-01-13 |
| 03   | Dika       | 2018-02-13 | 2018-01-13 |

My Query in model of codeigniter :


public function notification(){
        $query=$this->db->query('SELECT *, DATE_SUB(deadline, INTERVAL 1 MONTH) as alert_now FROM notif WHERE now() = DATE_SUB(deadline, INTERVAL 1 MONTH)');
        return $result=$query;

Note : Sorry, my english is poor. Thank you.


1 个解决方案



Assuming you deadline is date type Instead of now() (date time ) you should use curdate() (date)


  public function notification(){
          $query=$this->db->query('SELECT *, DATE_SUB(deadline, INTERVAL 1 MONTH) as alert_now 
                    FROM notif WHERE curdate() = DATE_SUB(deadline, INTERVAL 1 MONTH)');
          return $result=$query;

if deadline is datetime then you should get the date parte eg:


  date(DATE_SUB(deadline, INTERVAL 1 MONTH))



Assuming you deadline is date type Instead of now() (date time ) you should use curdate() (date)


  public function notification(){
          $query=$this->db->query('SELECT *, DATE_SUB(deadline, INTERVAL 1 MONTH) as alert_now 
                    FROM notif WHERE curdate() = DATE_SUB(deadline, INTERVAL 1 MONTH)');
          return $result=$query;

if deadline is datetime then you should get the date parte eg:


  date(DATE_SUB(deadline, INTERVAL 1 MONTH))