如何在global.asax中捕获AJAX WebMethod错误?

时间:2022-10-28 13:13:41

I'm using the common practice of catching errors in global.asax in my ASP.net application. In global.asax, I have a function Application_Error that logs the errors to the database.


This works very well to log errors that occur when the user requests a page.


However, this does nothing to help when an asynchronous method (a method decorated with the [WebMethod] attribute) called from the client-side throws an exception. The exception simply bubbles up and may be returned to the client-side code, but I would like to have the error handling code run on the server automatically similar to how page errors are logged in global.asax.


How do I accomplish this? One way would be to wrap every single asynchronous method with try-catch, but this doesn't seem like a good solution to me.


2 个解决方案



One option is to create an ASP.NET output filter that intercepts and logs WebMethod exceptions sent by ASP.NET to the client. Here's the basic idea:


  1. Create a subclass of Stream that captures the content of the response.
  2. 创建Stream的子类,捕获响应的内容。

  3. When the stream is closed, check whether the response has a 500 status code as well as a "jsonerror: true" header. If so, the response contains a WebMethod exception; log the exception.
  4. 当流关闭时,检查响应是否具有500状态代码以及“jsonerror:true”标头。如果是,则响应包含WebMethod异常;记录异常。

  5. In Global.Application_PostMapRequestHandler, install an instance of this class as the output filter for JSON requests.
  6. 在Global.Application_PostMapRequestHandler中,安装此类的实例作为JSON请求的输出过滤器。

For complete source code, see this * answer.




How to create a global exception handler for a Web Service

如何为Web Service创建全局异常处理程序



One option is to create an ASP.NET output filter that intercepts and logs WebMethod exceptions sent by ASP.NET to the client. Here's the basic idea:


  1. Create a subclass of Stream that captures the content of the response.
  2. 创建Stream的子类,捕获响应的内容。

  3. When the stream is closed, check whether the response has a 500 status code as well as a "jsonerror: true" header. If so, the response contains a WebMethod exception; log the exception.
  4. 当流关闭时,检查响应是否具有500状态代码以及“jsonerror:true”标头。如果是,则响应包含WebMethod异常;记录异常。

  5. In Global.Application_PostMapRequestHandler, install an instance of this class as the output filter for JSON requests.
  6. 在Global.Application_PostMapRequestHandler中,安装此类的实例作为JSON请求的输出过滤器。

For complete source code, see this * answer.




How to create a global exception handler for a Web Service

如何为Web Service创建全局异常处理程序