Laravel foreach循环返回的结果多于正确的结果

时间:2022-10-26 09:16:15

My foreach loop should only return 1 result, however, it returns three, of the same!


I'm using Blade for the template -

我正在使用Blade作为模板 -


returns '1'. But the foreach loop below:


@foreach($alerts as $alert)
        <td>{{ $alerts->id }}</td>

The controller function passing the array of data is:


public function getIndex()

    $id     = Auth::user()->id;    
    $alert = Alert::find($id);      
    $this->layout->content = View::make('index', array('alerts' => $alert));


A DD($alert) also returns just 1 result.

DD($ alert)也只返回1个结果。

Any help would be hugely appreciated.


1 个解决方案



To properly answer your question, I will post solution here:


$alert = Alert::find($id);

Will return only 1 object which has a unique identifier e.g. id. It should never turn more than 1 object.


So, since your view has a foreach loop, it expects an array objects. Thus if you know that you received only one object, just encase it in array:


View::make('index', array('alerts' => array($alert)));

However, some other methods like Alert::all() or others may already return an array of objects, because you request many of them. In this case, you do not need to encase it in arrays.

但是,其他一些方法(如Alert :: all()或其他方法)可能已经返回了一个对象数组,因为您请求了许多对象。在这种情况下,您不需要将其包含在数组中。



To properly answer your question, I will post solution here:


$alert = Alert::find($id);

Will return only 1 object which has a unique identifier e.g. id. It should never turn more than 1 object.


So, since your view has a foreach loop, it expects an array objects. Thus if you know that you received only one object, just encase it in array:


View::make('index', array('alerts' => array($alert)));

However, some other methods like Alert::all() or others may already return an array of objects, because you request many of them. In this case, you do not need to encase it in arrays.

但是,其他一些方法(如Alert :: all()或其他方法)可能已经返回了一个对象数组,因为您请求了许多对象。在这种情况下,您不需要将其包含在数组中。