
时间:2022-10-22 08:10:58

I am uploading image and showing it on the frontend using ionic framework, I am actually working on cordova app.I want to dynamically change the directive values like


<ion-content ng-controller="AppDetailCtrl">
        <ion-item collection-repeat="Doc in DocTypes">
                <img ng-show='imgURI_{{Doc.RequiredDocID}} !== undefined' width="100px" height="150px" ng-src="{{imgURI_1}}">
                <button class="button" ng-click="takePicture()">Upload Picture</button>

It replace the values correctly in the rendered HTML but not working fine. If I write hard coded value then It's work fine. How can I achieve this dynamic behaviour.


1 个解决方案



You should use something like this:


<ion-content ng-controller="AppDetailCtrl">
    <ion-item collection-repeat="Doc in DocTypes">
            <img ng-show="this['imgURI_' + Doc.RequiredDocID] !== undefined" width="100px" height="150px" ng-src="{{ 'imgURI_' + Doc.RequiredDocID }}">
            <button class="button" ng-click="takePicture()">Upload Picture</button>

this['imgURI_' + Doc.RequiredDocID] might look a little weird but in fact this is just normal for javascript bracket notation, in your case, a way to refer property of the object (this - is a scope object) by variable name ('imgURI_' + Doc.RequiredDocID).

这(imgURI_ + Doc。RequiredDocID看起来有点奇怪,但实际上对于javascript括号符号来说,这是很正常的,在您的例子中,这是一种通过变量名('imgURI_' + Doc.RequiredDocID)引用对象属性的方法。



You should use something like this:


<ion-content ng-controller="AppDetailCtrl">
    <ion-item collection-repeat="Doc in DocTypes">
            <img ng-show="this['imgURI_' + Doc.RequiredDocID] !== undefined" width="100px" height="150px" ng-src="{{ 'imgURI_' + Doc.RequiredDocID }}">
            <button class="button" ng-click="takePicture()">Upload Picture</button>

this['imgURI_' + Doc.RequiredDocID] might look a little weird but in fact this is just normal for javascript bracket notation, in your case, a way to refer property of the object (this - is a scope object) by variable name ('imgURI_' + Doc.RequiredDocID).

这(imgURI_ + Doc。RequiredDocID看起来有点奇怪,但实际上对于javascript括号符号来说,这是很正常的,在您的例子中,这是一种通过变量名('imgURI_' + Doc.RequiredDocID)引用对象属性的方法。