
时间:2022-10-15 20:20:10

I'm new to unit testing and PHPUnit, but I've reading a lot lately about design patterns and isolated tests and I've decided to refactor an application I'm working on to get rid of static classes, singletons, hardcoded dependencies and anything else defined on the global scope, hopefully making it "testable" and not a pain in the ass to mantain in the future, since it is meant to be a long term project.


So far I believe I understand the theory behind unit testing, but I was wondering, in a scenario where one delegates handling nested dependencies of objects to a Factory, how should one go about unit testing said Factory, or is it just redundant to test it? And what is the best approach to test that the "chain" of dependencies work well in sync?


Let me illustrate the questions. Suppose you have the following "legacy" code:


class House {
    protected $material;
    protected $door;
    protected $knob;

    public function __construct() {
        $this->door = new Door();
        $this->knob = $this->door->getKnob();
        $this->material = "stone";

        echo "House material: ".$this->material . PHP_EOL . "<br/>";
        echo "Door material: ".$this->door->getMaterial() . PHP_EOL . "<br/>";
        echo "Knob material: ".$this->knob->getMaterial() . PHP_EOL . "<br/>";

class Door {
    protected $material;
    protected $knob;

    public function __construct() {
        $this->knob = new Knob();
        $this->material = "wood";

    public function getKnob() {
        return $this->knob;

    public function getMaterial () {
        return $this->material;


class Knob {
    protected $material;

    public function __construct() {
        $this->material = "metal";

    public function getMaterial () {
        return $this->material;

$house = new House();

This is (as far as my understanding goes) bad for unit testing, so we replace the hardcoded dependencies with DI + a Factory class:

这是(据我的理解)单元测试不好,所以我们用DI + Factory类替换硬编码的依赖项:

class House {
    protected $material;
    protected $door;
    protected $knob;

    public function __construct($door) {
        $this->door = $door;
        $this->knob = $this->door->getKnob();
        $this->material = "stone";

        echo "House material: ".$this->material . PHP_EOL . "<br/>";
        echo "Door material: ".$this->door->getMaterial() . PHP_EOL . "<br/>";
        echo "Knob material: ".$this->knob->getMaterial() . PHP_EOL . "<br/>";

class Door {
    protected $material;
    protected $knob;

    public function __construct($knob) {
        $this->knob = $knob;
        $this->material = "wood";

    public function getKnob() {
        return $this->knob;

    public function getMaterial () {
        return $this->material;


class Knob {
    protected $material;

    public function __construct() {
        $this->material = "metal";

    public function getMaterial () {
        return $this->material;

class HouseFactory {
    public function create() {
        $knob = new Knob();
        $door = new Door($knob);
        $house = new House($door);

        return $house;

$houseFactory = new HouseFactory();
$house = $houseFactory->create();

Now (and again, as far as I understand) House, Door and Knob can be unit tested with mocked dependencies just fine. But:


1) What happens with HouseFactory now?


Should one just:


  • Not test it since it doesn't have any application logic worth testing yet and Factories generally stay that way. Assume that if the independ tests for House, Door & Knob pass the Factory should be fine.
  • 不测试它,因为它没有任何值得测试的应用程序逻辑,工厂通常保持这种方式。假设如果House,Door&Knob的独立测试通过工厂应该没问题。

  • Refactor the factory somehow, ie, using functions within the class to get each instance in such a way that one may override these functions via PHPUnit to return mock objects, just in case there is some extra logic in the class that could use some testing in the future.
  • 以某种方式重构工厂,即使用类中的函数以这样的方式获取每个实例,即可以通过PHPUnit覆盖这些函数以返回模拟对象,以防万一在类中有一些可以使用某些测试的额外逻辑未来。

2) Is it feasible to set up tests that rely on several (not mocked) dependencies at once? I understand this is technically not unit testing (integration testing perhaps?) but I guess it's still perfectly doable using PHPUnit? Given the example above, I would like to be able to set up a test that not only tests House, Door, Knob and HouseFactory in isolation, but also the results of the interaction of the real objects with each other, perhaps with some of their functions mocked, such as the ones which deal with data. Is PHPUnit a bad choice for this kind of tests?

2)设置依赖于多个(非模拟)依赖项的测试是否可行?我知道这在技术上不是单元测试(也许是集成测试?)但是我猜它仍然可以使用PHPUnit完美地实现?鉴于上面的例子,我希望能够设置一个测试,不仅可以隔离测试House,Door,Knob和HouseFactory,还可以测试真实物体之间相互作用的结果,也许还有一些模拟的函数,例如处理数据的函数。 PHPUnit对于这种测试来说是一个糟糕的选择吗?

Thanks in advance for your time. I realize some of the assumptions I'm making may not be correct, since I'm obviously not an expert on the matter; corrections are welcome and appreciated.


2 个解决方案



The factory is just like the new keyword. Do you test the new keyword? No, you test if you can construct a class. But that's independent to the factory itself and part of the unit so already part of your unit tests.


2) is called integration testing. And you can do that with PHPUnit as well.


Edit - As there was some discussion in comments:

编辑 - 由于评论中有一些讨论:

As far as Unit testing is concerned, you could unit-test your factory that it does for what it is for: return a concrete type, a type or any type at all.


There is nothing wrong with that, however it's normally not necessary as constructors of the returned type(s) are already under unit-tests and well that test is really trivial and just data-checking which smells like integration testing. Also those types which have that type from the factory as dependency (and which are under unit-test as well) will make compilation/execution fail if the dependency can not be provided. So everything the factory is for, is already tested, even from both sides. And if the factory does not get consumed, well then you don't need to test it.


I suggest you create once a factory purely TDD style, so to pre-formulate the use and then you'll get a feeling for this. You might want to test other aspects of your factory class(es), but probably this belongs more into integration than unit testing.


And I don't wanted to create the impression that other of your units should actually have hardcoded calls to the factory create method(s) instead of getting the dependency injected. As you should not use new inside your units, you should not use Factory::create therein either. Similar to new, the class-name (Factory) is hard-encoded, not injected. It is a hidden dependency then. But dependencies should not be hidden; but made visible.

而且我不想让人觉得其他单位实际上应该对工厂创建方法进行硬编码调用,而不是注入依赖项。因为你不应该在你的单位内使用new,所以你也不应该在其中使用Factory :: create。与new类似,类名(Factory)是硬编码的,不是注入的。那是一种隐藏的依赖。但是不应该隐藏依赖关系;但是显而易见。



You can test it with inheritance.


Just extend House with a FakeHouse for testing, and then check $material, $door and $knob etc. whether they've changed or not after testing.

只需用FakeHouse扩展House进行测试,然后检查$ material,$ door和$ knob等,测试后它们是否已经改变。



The factory is just like the new keyword. Do you test the new keyword? No, you test if you can construct a class. But that's independent to the factory itself and part of the unit so already part of your unit tests.


2) is called integration testing. And you can do that with PHPUnit as well.


Edit - As there was some discussion in comments:

编辑 - 由于评论中有一些讨论:

As far as Unit testing is concerned, you could unit-test your factory that it does for what it is for: return a concrete type, a type or any type at all.


There is nothing wrong with that, however it's normally not necessary as constructors of the returned type(s) are already under unit-tests and well that test is really trivial and just data-checking which smells like integration testing. Also those types which have that type from the factory as dependency (and which are under unit-test as well) will make compilation/execution fail if the dependency can not be provided. So everything the factory is for, is already tested, even from both sides. And if the factory does not get consumed, well then you don't need to test it.


I suggest you create once a factory purely TDD style, so to pre-formulate the use and then you'll get a feeling for this. You might want to test other aspects of your factory class(es), but probably this belongs more into integration than unit testing.


And I don't wanted to create the impression that other of your units should actually have hardcoded calls to the factory create method(s) instead of getting the dependency injected. As you should not use new inside your units, you should not use Factory::create therein either. Similar to new, the class-name (Factory) is hard-encoded, not injected. It is a hidden dependency then. But dependencies should not be hidden; but made visible.

而且我不想让人觉得其他单位实际上应该对工厂创建方法进行硬编码调用,而不是注入依赖项。因为你不应该在你的单位内使用new,所以你也不应该在其中使用Factory :: create。与new类似,类名(Factory)是硬编码的,不是注入的。那是一种隐藏的依赖。但是不应该隐藏依赖关系;但是显而易见。



You can test it with inheritance.


Just extend House with a FakeHouse for testing, and then check $material, $door and $knob etc. whether they've changed or not after testing.

只需用FakeHouse扩展House进行测试,然后检查$ material,$ door和$ knob等,测试后它们是否已经改变。