
时间:2022-10-14 16:17:48

I am using a PHP class that I have created based on the sample code from the paypal website. I am also using this with CodeIgniter. I test the IPN listener with the IPN simulator. My emails are sent, so I know it is being accessed. The problem is that I always get a response of INVALID and I have no idea why. This is my first time integrating PayPal within one of my sites. What could be causing this problem?


Here is my class:



class Paypal {

    public $sandbox = false;
    private $_url;
    public $verified = false;
    public $fields = array();
    public $post_fields = array();
    public $result;

    public function __construct($params = array()){

        $this->sandbox = (isset($params['sandbox'])) ? $params['sandbox'] : false;

        $this->_url = ($this->sandbox) ? 'https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr' : 'https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr';


    public function run(){

        $this->verified = false;

        // STEP 1: read POST data
        // Reading POSTed data directly from $_POST causes serialization issues with array data in the POST.
        // Instead, read raw POST data from the input stream.
        $raw_post_data = file_get_contents('php://input');
        $raw_post_array = explode('&', $raw_post_data);

        foreach ($raw_post_array as $keyval) {

          $keyval = explode ('=', $keyval);

          if (count($keyval) == 2)

            $this->post_fields[$keyval[0]] = urldecode($keyval[1]);


        // read the IPN message sent from PayPal and prepend 'cmd=_notify-validate'
        $req = 'cmd=_notify-validate';

        if (function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc')) {

          $get_magic_quotes_exists = true;


        foreach ($this->post_fields as $key => $value) {

          if ($get_magic_quotes_exists == true && get_magic_quotes_gpc() == 1) {

            $value = urlencode(stripslashes($value));

          } else {

            $value = urlencode($value);


          $req .= "&$key=$value";


        // Step 2: POST IPN data back to PayPal to validate
        $ch = curl_init($this->_url);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $req);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE, 1);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Connection: Close'));
        // In wamp-like environments that do not come bundled with root authority certificates,
        // please download 'cacert.pem' from "http://curl.haxx.se/docs/caextract.html" and set
        // the directory path of the certificate as shown below:
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, FCPATH.'cacert.pem');
        if ( !($res = curl_exec($ch)) ) {
          // error_log("Got " . curl_error($ch) . " when processing IPN data");
          die('curl did not work<br>'.FCPATH.'cacert.pem');

        if (strcmp ($res, "VERIFIED") == 0) {

            $this->verified = true;            


        $this->result = $res;


Here is my CI Controller:


function paypalipn(){

        $this->load->library('paypal', array('sandbox' => true));;


        $fields = $this->paypal->post_fields;


            $data = array(
                'user_id' => $fields['buyer_id'],
                'txn_id' => $fields['txn_id'],
                'payment_gross' => $fields['mc_gross'],
                'currency_code' => $fields['mc_currency'],
                'payer_email' => $fields['payer_email'],
                'plan_id' => $fields['item_number'],
                'payment_status' => $fields['payment_status']




        $this->email->subject('PayPal IPN');
        $this->email->message($this->paypal->result."\nAmount: ".$fields['mc_gross']."\nCurrency: ".$fields['mc_currency']."\nUser ID: ".$fields['buyer_id']);



All of the fields are blank in the email message and $this->paypal->result always returns "INVALID". Anybody have any ideas? Thanks for your time.


1 个解决方案



In your CI controller if you have written your code like this:


function paypalipn(){

        $this->load->library('paypal', array('sandbox' => true));;


        $fields = $this->paypal->post_fields;


            $data = array(
                'user_id' => $fields['buyer_id'],
                'txn_id' => $fields['txn_id'],
                'payment_gross' => $fields['mc_gross'],
                'currency_code' => $fields['mc_currency'],
                'payer_email' => $fields['payer_email'],
                'plan_id' => $fields['item_number'],
                'payment_status' => $fields['payment_status']

        $this->email->subject('PayPal IPN');
        $this->email->message($this->paypal->result."\nAmount: ".$fields['mc_gross']."\nCurrency: ".$fields['mc_currency']."\nUser ID: ".$fields['buyer_id']);

OR if you have stopped the script in case the if statement failed



            $data = array(
                'user_id' => $fields['buyer_id'],
                'txn_id' => $fields['txn_id'],
                'payment_gross' => $fields['mc_gross'],
                'currency_code' => $fields['mc_currency'],
                'payer_email' => $fields['payer_email'],
                'plan_id' => $fields['item_number'],
                'payment_status' => $fields['payment_status']

} else {
exit("We are sad to inform you that verification FAILED. Bye!");

you would not receive any email. The issue is in public function run() in your paypal class and this is most probably the failing part.

您不会收到任何电子邮件。问题在您的paypal类的public function run()中,这很可能是失败的部分。

       if ( !($res = curl_exec($ch)) ) {
          die('curl did not work<br>'.FCPATH.'cacert.pem');
       if (strcmp ($res, "VERIFIED") == 0) {   
            $this->verified = true;                

Try re-writing it like this


       $res=curl_exec($ch); // define $res
       if($res==null){  // check if $res is null
            exit('curl did not work<br>'.FCPATH.'cacert.pem');
       if (strcmp ($res, "VERIFIED") === 0) {   
            $this->verified = true;                

Regarding the last 3 lines where strcmp() is used, and based on a user comment in strcmp() documentation.


  • strcmp() will return NULL on failure.
  • 如果失败,strcmp()将返回NULL。
  • This has the side effect of equating to a match when using an equals comparison (==).
  • 这有一个副作用,当使用equals比较(==)时等于一个匹配。
  • Instead, you may wish to test matches using the identical comparison (===), which should not catch a NULL return.
  • 相反,您可能希望使用相同的比较(===)来测试匹配,该比较不应该捕获空返回。

What does the above mean? In a small example.


if(null==0) {
echo "1";
if(null===0) {
echo "2";

The above example will only output => 1 which in your case that means that if strcmp() fails you will have set verified to true which is not correct.

上面的示例将只输出=> 1,在您的示例中,这意味着如果strcmp()失败,您将会将已验证的设置为true,这是不正确的。



In your CI controller if you have written your code like this:


function paypalipn(){

        $this->load->library('paypal', array('sandbox' => true));;


        $fields = $this->paypal->post_fields;


            $data = array(
                'user_id' => $fields['buyer_id'],
                'txn_id' => $fields['txn_id'],
                'payment_gross' => $fields['mc_gross'],
                'currency_code' => $fields['mc_currency'],
                'payer_email' => $fields['payer_email'],
                'plan_id' => $fields['item_number'],
                'payment_status' => $fields['payment_status']

        $this->email->subject('PayPal IPN');
        $this->email->message($this->paypal->result."\nAmount: ".$fields['mc_gross']."\nCurrency: ".$fields['mc_currency']."\nUser ID: ".$fields['buyer_id']);

OR if you have stopped the script in case the if statement failed



            $data = array(
                'user_id' => $fields['buyer_id'],
                'txn_id' => $fields['txn_id'],
                'payment_gross' => $fields['mc_gross'],
                'currency_code' => $fields['mc_currency'],
                'payer_email' => $fields['payer_email'],
                'plan_id' => $fields['item_number'],
                'payment_status' => $fields['payment_status']

} else {
exit("We are sad to inform you that verification FAILED. Bye!");

you would not receive any email. The issue is in public function run() in your paypal class and this is most probably the failing part.

您不会收到任何电子邮件。问题在您的paypal类的public function run()中,这很可能是失败的部分。

       if ( !($res = curl_exec($ch)) ) {
          die('curl did not work<br>'.FCPATH.'cacert.pem');
       if (strcmp ($res, "VERIFIED") == 0) {   
            $this->verified = true;                

Try re-writing it like this


       $res=curl_exec($ch); // define $res
       if($res==null){  // check if $res is null
            exit('curl did not work<br>'.FCPATH.'cacert.pem');
       if (strcmp ($res, "VERIFIED") === 0) {   
            $this->verified = true;                

Regarding the last 3 lines where strcmp() is used, and based on a user comment in strcmp() documentation.


  • strcmp() will return NULL on failure.
  • 如果失败,strcmp()将返回NULL。
  • This has the side effect of equating to a match when using an equals comparison (==).
  • 这有一个副作用,当使用equals比较(==)时等于一个匹配。
  • Instead, you may wish to test matches using the identical comparison (===), which should not catch a NULL return.
  • 相反,您可能希望使用相同的比较(===)来测试匹配,该比较不应该捕获空返回。

What does the above mean? In a small example.


if(null==0) {
echo "1";
if(null===0) {
echo "2";

The above example will only output => 1 which in your case that means that if strcmp() fails you will have set verified to true which is not correct.

上面的示例将只输出=> 1,在您的示例中,这意味着如果strcmp()失败,您将会将已验证的设置为true,这是不正确的。