jQuery ajax调用在Mac Safari和Chrome浏览器上返回空错误

时间:2022-10-08 08:38:33

I have been searching for solutions and trying fixes for days now but with no change.


The boss man is on a Mac and I do not have one so I am having him try repeated fixes and relaying the output to me. So far no luck.


The current setup is thus, I have a form with username and password inputs which is submitted after it goes through validation. The validation is an ajax call which validates the username and password then submits the form.


Only on Mac Chrome and Safari (webkit) I get an error response from the ajax call which is blank.

仅在Mac Chrome和Safari(webkit)上,我收到来自ajax调用的错误响应,该响应为空。

I have stripped the php function that does the validation to simply echo "hello" so that I know it is not the php that is causing the problem.


So once the target element is clicked I grab the username and password values and send the ajax request. (which should hit my php file and just echo hello). However instead it returns and error with no message. What I mean by that is the xhr responseText and thrownError are all just blank/null.

因此,一旦点击了目标元素,我就会获取用户名和密码值并发送ajax请求。 (这应该打我的PHP文件,只是回声你好)。但是它返回并且没有消息而出错。我的意思是xhr responseText和thrownError都只是空白/ null。

so here is the code: (HTML)


<form id="signin_form" method="POST" action="index.php?cmd=Signin">
        <table id="welcomeSignin">
                    <div class="welcome"><span class="signin-title-text f-xxlarge-or-link-goth">Welcome Back!</span></div>
                    <div id="error_msg"></div>
                    <table id="input_field_table">
                                <td class="input-field-cell">
                                    <div class="singin-titles f-medium-gr-bold">Username</div>
                                <td class="input-field-cell">
                                    <div class="signin-inputs"><input class="signin styled" type="text" name="user_name"></div>
                            <td class="input-field-cell">
                                <div class="singin-titles f-medium-gr-bold">Password</div>
                            <td class="input-field-cell">
                                <div class="signin-inputs"><input class="signin styled" type="password" name="user_pass"></div>
                                <div class="forgot"><a href="" class="forgot-password f-small-or-link">Forgot your password?</a></div>
                            <td colspan="2">
                                <input type="hidden" name="post_type" value="signin">
                                <span id="create"><span class="f-medium">Don't have an account? <a href="" class="create"><span class="f-medium-or-link">click here</span></a></span></span> &nbsp;
                                <span class="active-login"><input type="checkbox" class="signin-radio" name="active_login"> <span class="f-medium"> Keep me signed in</span></span>
                                <div id="sign_in"><span class="signin-submit-button"><img src="../images/ready-create-icon.png"></span> <span class="signin-submit-text f-xxxlarge-gr-title-link">Sign In!</span></div>

Nothing special there. Here is the jquery piece:


    var url = window.location.href;
    var username = $('input[name="user_name"]').val();
    var password = $('input[name="user_pass"]').val();
    var err = '';
        url: ajaxUrl+'validate_signin',
        type: 'GET',
        cache: false,
        data: { username: encodeURIComponent(username), password: encodeURIComponent(password)},
        success: function(data, status, xhr){
            if(data !== 'OK'){
                err = data;
                return false;
                return false;
        error: function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError){
            var tmp_err = "";
            tmp_err = ":: "+xhr.responseText+" :: "+xhr.responseXML+" :: ";
            window.location.href = url;
        return false;

the php file is just: echo "hello"; exit; just to avoid any errors for testing.


A few things here, I added the encodeURIComponent() because I did see a post describing a problem with special characters and white space.(didn't work) on success: I included the status and xhr vars just for debugging normally I just have data.

这里有一些东西,我添加了encodeURIComponent(),因为我确实看到一篇文章描述了特殊字符和空格的问题。(没有成功)成功:我包含了状态和xhr vars只是为了正常调试我只是有数据。

Now in error: this is what is coming up each time however all responses are blank, or undefined. I was hoping to get some kind of decent error but I get nothing. Now this is only on a Mac recently upgraded to Mountian Lion and only on Webkit (Chrome/Safari) browsers.

现在是错误的:这是每次都会出现的情况,但所有响应都是空白或未定义的。我希望得到一些体面的错误,但我一无所获。现在,这只是在最近升级到Mountian Lion的Mac上,而且仅在Webkit(Chrome / Safari)浏览器上。

I tried doing just XMLHttpRequest without using jQuery and I get the same thing.


This works in IE, Firefox, Chrome and Safari on a PC, it also works in FireFox on his Mac.


Finally this was working for him previously, I believe before his upgrade.


Any help would be great. I am pulling my hair out, I am greener on jQuery than php so hopefully one of you can help me out.


1 个解决方案



This was a configuration issue. The problem occurred if the domain was entered without the leading www. on the domain name.


Adding header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); to the php file solves this. You can specify specific domains to allow or use *.




This was a configuration issue. The problem occurred if the domain was entered without the leading www. on the domain name.


Adding header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); to the php file solves this. You can specify specific domains to allow or use *.
