
时间:2022-10-08 08:34:01

Question background:


I have an MVC4 project with a shopping cart as shown:



This uses Touchspin.js to provide a way for users to update their cart Quanity of each item in the cart. The input contain selector to increment or decrement the amount:



The issue:


If a user deletes an item from the cart I send the specified item ID through an ajax POST request to a method on the Cart Controller which in-turn deletes it from the cart items list. Once this is completed the item list is then returned to the Success function of the ajax call which builds up the html rows of the list items and then appends them to the cart Table.

如果用户从购物车中删除商品,我会通过ajax POST请求将指定的商品ID发送到购物车控制器上的方法,该方法又将其从购物车商品列表中删除。一旦完成,项目列表将返回到ajax调用的Success函数,该函数构建列表项的html行,然后将它们附加到购物车表。

The issue is I seem to be losing the Touchspin input selector HTML when the cart item table is rebuilt from the success call. It is using the same method when the page originally loads. Here an image displaying the incorrectly formatted HTML input with the red arrows denoting the missing selectors:



The code:


    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/MasterLayout.cshtml";

<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.0.min.js"></script>
<script src="~/Scripts/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="~/Scripts/bootstrap.js"></script>
<script src="~/Scripts/jquery.blImageCenter.js"></script>
<script src="~/Scripts/bootstrap.touchspin.js"></script>
<script src="~/Scripts/mimity.js"></script>

    <br />
    <table id="Table1" class="table table TableSection">
                <td style="display:none;">id</td>
                <td class="TableCell"><b>Item</b></td>
                <td class="TableCell"><b>Brand</b></td>
                <td class="TableCell"><b>Unit Price</b></td>
                <td class="TableCell"><b>Quantity</b></td>
    <input class="btn btn-success btn-block updateCart" type="button" value="Update Cart" />


    <div class="PaymentButtons">
        <div class="row">

            <div class="col-sm-4">

                <input class="btn btn-success btn-block updateCart" type="button" value="PayPal" onclick="location.href='@Url.Action("Index", "PayPalExpress")'" />

            <div class="col-sm-4 pull-left">
                <input class="btn btn-success btn-block updateCart" type="button" value="Card Payment" onclick="location.href='@Url.Action("ShippingDetails", "PayPalDirectPayment")'" />

AddRows is used to build up the rows of each item in the cart items list. This is append to the cart Table body.


<script type="text/javascript">

    var AddRows = function (productId, productImage, productName, productBrand, productPrice, productQty) {

        var button = '<input class="btn btn-primary btn-block deleteItem" type="button" value="Remove"/>';
        var image = '<img src="/Images/' + productImage + '" class="productCartImage"/>';
        var selectors = '<input id="demo1" type="text" value="' + productQty + '" name="demo1">';

        var $html = $('<tr class="item">' +
            '<td class="prodId" style="display:none;">' + productId + '</td>' +
            '<td class="prodImage hidden-xs">' + image + '</td>' +
            '<td class="prodName">' + productName + '</td>' +
            '<td class="prodBrand">' + productBrand + '</td>' +
            '<td class="prodPrice"> £' + productPrice + '</td>' +
            '<td class="prodQty TableCell">' + selectors + '</td>' +
            '<td>' + button + '</td>' +

        $('#Table1 > tbody:last').append($html);


@foreach (var cartItem in (List<LoginTest.Models.CartItem>)ViewBag.Data)
        var cartItemId = '@cartItem.CartItemId';
        var cartImage = '@cartItem.CartItemImage';
        var cartItemName = '@cartItem.CartItemName';
        var cartBrand = '@cartItem.CartItemBrand';
        var cartItemPrice = '@cartItem.CartItemPrice';
        var cartItemCartItemQty = '@cartItem.CartItemQty';

        AddRows(cartItemId, cartImage, cartItemName, cartBrand, cartItemPrice, cartItemCartItemQty);


The Delete function is used to delete the specified cart item, then in the Success method rebuild the cart Items using the AddRows method.


    $(".deleteItem").click(function () {
        var $row = $(this).closest("tr");
        var $text = $row.find(".prodId").text();

            url: '@Url.Action("RemoveCartItem")',
            type: 'POST',
            data: {
                "id": $text
            success: function (cartItems) {

                $('#Table1 > tbody:last').empty();

                $.each(cartItems.cartList, function (i, item) {

                    AddRows(item.CartItemId, item.CartItemImage, item.CartItemName, item.CartItemBrand, item.CartItemPrice, item.CartItemQty);


TouchSpin Input selector setup values.


        min: 1,
        max: 100,
        step: 1,

2 个解决方案



You have to add Touchspin API to the input element with name demo1 every time you dynamically add it to the DOM.

每次将动态添加到DOM时,都必须将Touchspin API添加到名为demo1的input元素中。

There are various ways to bind API to dynamically loaded content


Method 1


You can call Touchspin on demo1 in AddRows function just before appending $html to $('#Table1 > tbody:last')

在将$ html附加到$('#Table1> tbody:last')之前,您可以在AddRows函数中调用demo1上的Touchspin

like your end of AddRows function should look like


    /*....Addrows funcion....*/
        min: 1,
        max: 100,
        step: 1,
    $('#Table1 > tbody:last').append($html);

Method 2


You can call Touchspin on demo1 in success function just after $.each function. So your success function becomes

您可以在$ .each函数之后的success1函数中调用demo1上的Touchspin。所以你的成功功能就变了

success: function (cartItems) {
    $('#Table1 > tbody:last').empty();
    $.each(cartItems.cartList, function (i, item) {
        AddRows(item.CartItemId, item.CartItemImage, item.CartItemName, item.CartItemBrand, item.CartItemPrice, item.CartItemQty);
        min: 1,
        max: 100,
        step: 1,

However,your code needs refactoring as Ste-fu mentioned in comment, so you can return 1 or 0(or some text to differentiate between some error or OK response) and if response is something signifying that the item is removed then you remove $row from your DOM , in that case your success function would become like this

但是,您的代码需要重构为注释中提到的Ste-fu,因此您可以返回1或0(或某些文本来区分某些错误或OK响应),如果响应是表示项目已被删除,则删除$ row从您的DOM,在这种情况下,您的成功函数将变为这样

success: function (status) {
    if(status==1)//means that item is removed from database then
        $row.remove(); //remove the closest row to the clicked element                            



you should call the JS code that define TouchSpin again everytime you add new HTML content.


$(NewContentSelector). find("input[name='demo1']").TouchSpin({ min: 1, max: 100, step: 1, });

$(NewContentSelector)。 find(“input [name ='demo1']”)。TouchSpin({min:1,max:100,step:1,});



You have to add Touchspin API to the input element with name demo1 every time you dynamically add it to the DOM.

每次将动态添加到DOM时,都必须将Touchspin API添加到名为demo1的input元素中。

There are various ways to bind API to dynamically loaded content


Method 1


You can call Touchspin on demo1 in AddRows function just before appending $html to $('#Table1 > tbody:last')

在将$ html附加到$('#Table1> tbody:last')之前,您可以在AddRows函数中调用demo1上的Touchspin

like your end of AddRows function should look like


    /*....Addrows funcion....*/
        min: 1,
        max: 100,
        step: 1,
    $('#Table1 > tbody:last').append($html);

Method 2


You can call Touchspin on demo1 in success function just after $.each function. So your success function becomes

您可以在$ .each函数之后的success1函数中调用demo1上的Touchspin。所以你的成功功能就变了

success: function (cartItems) {
    $('#Table1 > tbody:last').empty();
    $.each(cartItems.cartList, function (i, item) {
        AddRows(item.CartItemId, item.CartItemImage, item.CartItemName, item.CartItemBrand, item.CartItemPrice, item.CartItemQty);
        min: 1,
        max: 100,
        step: 1,

However,your code needs refactoring as Ste-fu mentioned in comment, so you can return 1 or 0(or some text to differentiate between some error or OK response) and if response is something signifying that the item is removed then you remove $row from your DOM , in that case your success function would become like this

但是,您的代码需要重构为注释中提到的Ste-fu,因此您可以返回1或0(或某些文本来区分某些错误或OK响应),如果响应是表示项目已被删除,则删除$ row从您的DOM,在这种情况下,您的成功函数将变为这样

success: function (status) {
    if(status==1)//means that item is removed from database then
        $row.remove(); //remove the closest row to the clicked element                            



you should call the JS code that define TouchSpin again everytime you add new HTML content.


$(NewContentSelector). find("input[name='demo1']").TouchSpin({ min: 1, max: 100, step: 1, });

$(NewContentSelector)。 find(“input [name ='demo1']”)。TouchSpin({min:1,max:100,step:1,});