如何配置Apache / PHP以接受查询字符串中的斜杠?

时间:2022-10-06 10:08:43

I have two Apache servers running PHP. One accepts forward-slashes in the query string and passes it along to PHP in the expected way, for example:



works and in PHP this expression is true:


$_REQUEST['url'] == "http://foo.bar"

However, in the other Apache server, the same URL results in a 403 Forbidden error! Note that if the query string is properly URL-escaped (i.e. with %2F instead of forward-slash), then everything works.

但是,在其他Apache服务器中,相同的URL会导致403 Forbidden错误!请注意,如果查询字符串是正确的URL转义(即使用%2F而不是正斜杠),那么一切正常。

Clearly there's some difference in the Apache or PHP configuration that causes this, but I can't figure out what!


I want to accept this form of URL in both cases, not reject it.


7 个解决方案


http://server/index.php?url=http://foo.bar is not a valid url. You have to encode the slashes. I think browsers do this automagically, so maybe you were testing with different browsers?

http://server/index.php?url = http://foo.bar不是有效的网址。你必须编码斜杠。我认为浏览器会自动执行此操作,因此您可能正在使用不同的浏览器进行测试?

Or perhaps it's the AllowEncodedSlashes setting?



A few posts here suggest the OP's usage is wrong, which is false.


Expanding on Sam152's comment, query strings are allowed to contain both ? and / characters, see section 3.4 of http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt, which is basically the spec written by Tim Berners-Lee and friends governing how the web should operate.

扩展Sam152的注释,允许查询字符串包含两者?和/字符,请参阅http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt的第3.4节,这基本上是由Tim Berners-Lee和管理网络应如何运作的朋友编写的规范。

The problem is that poorly written (or poorly configured, or misused) parsers interpret query string slashes as separating path components.


I have seen examples of PHP's pathinfo function being used to parse URL's. Pathinfo wasn't written to parse a URL. You can however extract the path using parse_url then use fileinfo to retrieve details from the path. You will see that parse_url handles / and ? in query strings just fine.


In any case, the overall problem is that this area is poorly understood all-round, even among experienced developers, and most people (myself included until recently) just assume that anything after the filename has to be urlencoded, which is patently false if you take the standards into consideration.


tl;dr Read the spec :)

tl; dr阅读规范:)


Do you have mod_security installed? See this thread:


403 Forbidden on PHP page called with url encoded in a $_GET parameter

403在PHP页面上禁止使用在$ _GET参数中编码的url调用


In your Apache config:


AllowEncodedSlashes On

See the documentation for more information:


Edit: Hmm, this may be what you already have working... I had this same problem, and what ended up fixing it for me was to just use $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] as that had the data I needed.

编辑:嗯,这可能是你已经有的工作......我遇到了同样的问题,最后为我修复的只是使用$ _SERVER ['REQUEST_URI'],因为那里有我需要的数据。


You dont specify what PHP does with this url. Does it redirect to this page or try to read it?


There is probably some mod_rewrite rule to remove double slashes, or for some other purpose, which tries to redirect this to somewhere it should not.


Maybe a regex without ^ before http://



Note that if the query string is properly URL-escaped (i.e. with %2F instead of forward-slash), then everything works.


So it works when the query string is properly formatted and doesn't work when it isn't. What's the problem?



This sounds like another case of default magic_quotes_gpc. On the server causing problems check the php.ini and make sure that


magic_quotes_gpc = Off


http://server/index.php?url=http://foo.bar is not a valid url. You have to encode the slashes. I think browsers do this automagically, so maybe you were testing with different browsers?

http://server/index.php?url = http://foo.bar不是有效的网址。你必须编码斜杠。我认为浏览器会自动执行此操作,因此您可能正在使用不同的浏览器进行测试?

Or perhaps it's the AllowEncodedSlashes setting?



A few posts here suggest the OP's usage is wrong, which is false.


Expanding on Sam152's comment, query strings are allowed to contain both ? and / characters, see section 3.4 of http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt, which is basically the spec written by Tim Berners-Lee and friends governing how the web should operate.

扩展Sam152的注释,允许查询字符串包含两者?和/字符,请参阅http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt的第3.4节,这基本上是由Tim Berners-Lee和管理网络应如何运作的朋友编写的规范。

The problem is that poorly written (or poorly configured, or misused) parsers interpret query string slashes as separating path components.


I have seen examples of PHP's pathinfo function being used to parse URL's. Pathinfo wasn't written to parse a URL. You can however extract the path using parse_url then use fileinfo to retrieve details from the path. You will see that parse_url handles / and ? in query strings just fine.


In any case, the overall problem is that this area is poorly understood all-round, even among experienced developers, and most people (myself included until recently) just assume that anything after the filename has to be urlencoded, which is patently false if you take the standards into consideration.


tl;dr Read the spec :)

tl; dr阅读规范:)


Do you have mod_security installed? See this thread:


403 Forbidden on PHP page called with url encoded in a $_GET parameter

403在PHP页面上禁止使用在$ _GET参数中编码的url调用


In your Apache config:


AllowEncodedSlashes On

See the documentation for more information:


Edit: Hmm, this may be what you already have working... I had this same problem, and what ended up fixing it for me was to just use $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] as that had the data I needed.

编辑:嗯,这可能是你已经有的工作......我遇到了同样的问题,最后为我修复的只是使用$ _SERVER ['REQUEST_URI'],因为那里有我需要的数据。


You dont specify what PHP does with this url. Does it redirect to this page or try to read it?


There is probably some mod_rewrite rule to remove double slashes, or for some other purpose, which tries to redirect this to somewhere it should not.


Maybe a regex without ^ before http://



Note that if the query string is properly URL-escaped (i.e. with %2F instead of forward-slash), then everything works.


So it works when the query string is properly formatted and doesn't work when it isn't. What's the problem?



This sounds like another case of default magic_quotes_gpc. On the server causing problems check the php.ini and make sure that


magic_quotes_gpc = Off