实体框架 - Linq To Entities - 多对多查询问题

时间:2022-10-05 21:08:11

I am having problems querying many-to-many relationships in Linq To Entities. I am basically trying to replicate this query using Linq:

我在查询Linq To Entities中的多对多关系时遇到问题。我基本上试图使用Linq复制此查询:

Select * 
FROM Customer 
LEFT JOIN CustomerInterest ON Customer.CustomerID = CustomerInterest.CustomerID
LEFT JOIN Interest ON CustomerInterest.InterestID = Interest.InterestID
WHERE Interest.InterestName = 'Football'

I have looked around the net and not really found any suitable examples of how to do this. The closest I have got is:


List<Customer> _Customers = (from _LCustomers in _CRM.Customer.Include("CustomerInterest.Interest")
                                  where _LCustomers.CustomerInterest.Any(x => x.Interest.InterestName == "Football")
                                  select _LCustomers).ToList();

The problem with this is that if a customer has more than one interest and one of them is "Football" then all of them are returned. I have also looked at All() which has the inverse problem, i.e. will only return if they have one interest and it is football, if they have two and one of them isn't football nothing is returned.


Anyone got any ideas?


5 个解决方案


Try this,

var result = from c in ctx.Customer
             from i in c.Interest
             where i.InterestName == "Football"
             select c;

Hope this helps,




I am not sure what you want to obtain. A list of customers with a customer interest and a interest? Just start the query at customer interest.


   Where(ci => ci.Interest.InterestName == "Football").
   Select(ci => new
      Customer = ci.Customer,
      CustomerInterest = ci,
      Interest = ci.Interest

But this is highly redundant. Why not just get the matching customer interests?


IEnumerable<CustomerInterest> customerInterests = context.CustomerInterest.
   Where(ci => ci.Interest.InterestName == "Football");

You can still access the other information without needing to store it explicitly.


foreach (CustomerInterest customerInterest in customerInterests)


        var results = from c in _CRM.Customer
                      from ci in c.Interests
                      join i in _CRM.Interests
                      on ci.ID equals i.ID
                      where i.Interest = "Football"
                      select c;


If you trying to keep it generic, better way is to go with entity sql[Esql]. Coz L2E doesn't support where for collections in linq query.

如果你试图保持通用,更好的方法是使用实​​体sql [Esql]。 Coz L2E不支持linq查询中集合的位置。

You cannot use


customer.Interests.Where(interest => interest.Name =='FootBall')

customer.Interests.Where(interest => interest.Name =='FootBall')

The query would look like this..


context.CreateQuery(@"SELECT VALUE Customer FROM Customer WHERE EXISTS( SELECT VALUE FROM CustomerInterest WHERE CustomerInterest.Ineterest.Name = 'FootBall')).Include("Interest");

context.CreateQuery(@“SELECT VALUE Customer FROM Customer WHERE EXISTS(从CustomerInterest WHERE CustomerInterest.Ineterest.Name ='FootBall'中选择值))。包括(”兴趣“);

hope it helps!



That's to much for LINQT. Try use a view at your database or work as Deepak N said. Best

这对LINQT来说很重要。尝试使用您的数据库中的视图或作为Deepak N说。最好


Try this,

var result = from c in ctx.Customer
             from i in c.Interest
             where i.InterestName == "Football"
             select c;

Hope this helps,




I am not sure what you want to obtain. A list of customers with a customer interest and a interest? Just start the query at customer interest.


   Where(ci => ci.Interest.InterestName == "Football").
   Select(ci => new
      Customer = ci.Customer,
      CustomerInterest = ci,
      Interest = ci.Interest

But this is highly redundant. Why not just get the matching customer interests?


IEnumerable<CustomerInterest> customerInterests = context.CustomerInterest.
   Where(ci => ci.Interest.InterestName == "Football");

You can still access the other information without needing to store it explicitly.


foreach (CustomerInterest customerInterest in customerInterests)


        var results = from c in _CRM.Customer
                      from ci in c.Interests
                      join i in _CRM.Interests
                      on ci.ID equals i.ID
                      where i.Interest = "Football"
                      select c;


If you trying to keep it generic, better way is to go with entity sql[Esql]. Coz L2E doesn't support where for collections in linq query.

如果你试图保持通用,更好的方法是使用实​​体sql [Esql]。 Coz L2E不支持linq查询中集合的位置。

You cannot use


customer.Interests.Where(interest => interest.Name =='FootBall')

customer.Interests.Where(interest => interest.Name =='FootBall')

The query would look like this..


context.CreateQuery(@"SELECT VALUE Customer FROM Customer WHERE EXISTS( SELECT VALUE FROM CustomerInterest WHERE CustomerInterest.Ineterest.Name = 'FootBall')).Include("Interest");

context.CreateQuery(@“SELECT VALUE Customer FROM Customer WHERE EXISTS(从CustomerInterest WHERE CustomerInterest.Ineterest.Name ='FootBall'中选择值))。包括(”兴趣“);

hope it helps!



That's to much for LINQT. Try use a view at your database or work as Deepak N said. Best

这对LINQT来说很重要。尝试使用您的数据库中的视图或作为Deepak N说。最好