jquery ui多日期选择器|选择所有月份的日期

时间:2022-09-27 20:37:34

jquery ui多日期选择器|选择所有月份的日期

Library used: http://multidatespickr.sourceforge.net/


I want to select all the dates of a particular month when clicked on the month title.


Suppose I click on "January 2016", all the dates should be selected under January including the existing dates.


codepen link :-- http://codepen.io/hardiksh/pen/zqmgBw

codepen链接: - http://codepen.io/hardiksh/pen/zqmgBw

i write below code :--

我写下面的代码: -

$( document .delegate( ".selectMonth", "click", function() {

var thisMonth = $(this).attr("data-month";
var thisYear = $(this).attr("data-year";

thisMonth = parseInt(thisMonth);
thisYear = parseInt(thisYear);

thisMonth = thisMonth +1;

lastDay = new Date(thisYear, thisMonth, 0).getDate();

if(thisMonth < 9){
    thisMonth = '0'+thisMonth;

allDates3 = [];

for (i = 1; i <= lastDay; i++) {

    if(i < 9){
        i = '0'+i;



addDates: allDates3,
numberOfMonths: [3,4],
defaultDate: '1/1/'+y

1 个解决方案



I don't know why, maybe a bug in the picker or a setting/option that I can't figure out this removed it. I don't see why it's picking it.


            addDates: allDates3,
            numberOfMonths: [3,4],
            defaultDate: '1/1/'+y



I don't know why, maybe a bug in the picker or a setting/option that I can't figure out this removed it. I don't see why it's picking it.


            addDates: allDates3,
            numberOfMonths: [3,4],
            defaultDate: '1/1/'+y