
时间:2022-09-25 21:41:21

So I have a PHP array "$shared" with values [0, 1, 2] (I'm just using this as an example). I want to insert and retrieve this array from my MySQL database, but its not working.


Currently I'm using this code to insert it:


mysqli_query($dbhandle, "INSERT INTO table (arraytest) VALUES ('$shared')");

And after the above code the value in 'table' in column 'arraytest' is 'Array' instead of [0, 1, 2] or however an array should look like in a MySQL database.


After inserting the array into my database, I want to retrieve it, and am currently using this code:



$result = mysqli_query($dbhandle, "SELECT arraytest FROM table");

while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {


if(in_array($id, $shared)){

    echo 'Value is in the array. Success!';



I did some researching online, and have not found a way to do this specifically.


I want to insert a PHP array() into one cell in the table in the database, and then I want to retrieve that array from the database and check if a certain value is in the array which I previously inserted into the database.


P.S. I am not trying to retrieve an entire column of values from the database as an array. This is what i have found on google when i search for an answer, and it is not what i want to do.


4 个解决方案



I have to question why you would want to do this, but the simplest answer is to serialize the array.


"INSERT INTO table (arraytest) VALUES ('" . serialize($shared) . "')"

Then you can use unserialize when you retrieve it from the database


You should properly parameterize your queries to prevent injection or errors.




Or use json_encode() to make a JSON string out of your array (and json_decode() to convert it back). That will give you a more platform-independent, aka future-proof representation of your data. Besides this will result in slightly less characters stored in your DB.


I met a couple of cases where data was represented with way, usually 'additional' information for records that was hard to press into the schema is it was changing record by record. It's a pragmatic solution, though not a very nice one. In particular, you'll have a hard time querying the information stored in this array without reading the entire table into memory.




You cannot insert PHP arrays into a db. Your problem is this:


$arr = new Array(1,2,3);
echo $arr; // prints "Array"

When using arrays in a string context in PHP, you just get the word "Array", not the contents of the array. You have to run a loop on the array to insert each individual value, e.g.


foreach($arr as $val) {
   INSERT INTO yourtable VALUES ($val)



While storing an array like this isn't recommended, the best way is to use serialize and unserialize (for getting the data back from the database). However, I think you should just place each value is a separate cell using a foreach loop...




I have to question why you would want to do this, but the simplest answer is to serialize the array.


"INSERT INTO table (arraytest) VALUES ('" . serialize($shared) . "')"

Then you can use unserialize when you retrieve it from the database


You should properly parameterize your queries to prevent injection or errors.




Or use json_encode() to make a JSON string out of your array (and json_decode() to convert it back). That will give you a more platform-independent, aka future-proof representation of your data. Besides this will result in slightly less characters stored in your DB.


I met a couple of cases where data was represented with way, usually 'additional' information for records that was hard to press into the schema is it was changing record by record. It's a pragmatic solution, though not a very nice one. In particular, you'll have a hard time querying the information stored in this array without reading the entire table into memory.




You cannot insert PHP arrays into a db. Your problem is this:


$arr = new Array(1,2,3);
echo $arr; // prints "Array"

When using arrays in a string context in PHP, you just get the word "Array", not the contents of the array. You have to run a loop on the array to insert each individual value, e.g.


foreach($arr as $val) {
   INSERT INTO yourtable VALUES ($val)



While storing an array like this isn't recommended, the best way is to use serialize and unserialize (for getting the data back from the database). However, I think you should just place each value is a separate cell using a foreach loop...
