PHP MYSQL基于评级和时间戳的搜索

时间:2022-09-25 16:42:50

My search query runs like:


 select * from posts p where like '%test%' ORDER BY p.upvotes DESC, 
 p.unix_timestamp DESC LIMIT 20

If there are more than 20 results for the searched keyword, i find out the minimum timestamp value, store it in a hidden element and run another query to Load More results like:


select * from posts p where like '%test%' and p.unix_timestamp < 1360662045
ORDER BY p.upvotes DESC, p.unix_timestamp DESC LIMIT 20

Whats really happening is that my first query is ignoring (Obviously, my mistake) posts which haven't had any votes(meaning 0 votes) because of my ORDER BY p.upvotes DESC and as a result of this, i noticed that it fetched the first post in the table in the first 20 results, so the minimum timestamp becomes first post's timestamp. Now after this, if i try to fetch the next 20 results which is less than the minimum timestamp, it doesn't give anything.

真正发生的是我的第一个查询忽略了(显然,我的错误)帖子,因为我的ORDER BY p.upvotes DESC而没有任何投票(意味着0票),因此,我注意到它已经获取在前20个结果中表中的第一个帖子,因此最小时间戳成为第一个帖子的时间戳。在此之后,如果我尝试获取小于最小时间戳的接下来的20个结果,则它不会给出任何结果。

Right now, i am simply using the upvotes ordering to fetch top records. Should i be using some algorithm like Bayesian Average or some other algorithm?


Please advise how i can improve the queries if i had to stay with current system of ordering or is there any viable and more efficient method i should be using?


P.S. If possible, please refer some resources about the Bayesian Average(it seems to be most used) or some other alternative?


1 个解决方案



Storing the timestamp when you first do a search and then using that for the next query you could use something like this:-

在您第一次搜索时存储时间戳,然后将其用于下一个查询,您可以使用以下内容: -

$sql = "SELECT * 
FROM posts p 
LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT post_id, COUNT(*) FROM post_ratings WHERE timestamp_rated <= $SomeTimeStoredBetweenPages GROUP BY post_id) pr ON = pr.post_id 
WHERE like '%test%' 
ORDER BY pr.post_ratings DESC, p.unix_timestamp 
DESC LIMIT ".(($PageNo - 1) * 20)." 20";

This is very much an example as I have no real idea of you table structures. Also not sure if you just have a row for each up vote, or whether there are down votes to take account of as well.




Storing the timestamp when you first do a search and then using that for the next query you could use something like this:-

在您第一次搜索时存储时间戳,然后将其用于下一个查询,您可以使用以下内容: -

$sql = "SELECT * 
FROM posts p 
LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT post_id, COUNT(*) FROM post_ratings WHERE timestamp_rated <= $SomeTimeStoredBetweenPages GROUP BY post_id) pr ON = pr.post_id 
WHERE like '%test%' 
ORDER BY pr.post_ratings DESC, p.unix_timestamp 
DESC LIMIT ".(($PageNo - 1) * 20)." 20";

This is very much an example as I have no real idea of you table structures. Also not sure if you just have a row for each up vote, or whether there are down votes to take account of as well.
