
时间:2022-09-24 08:30:01

I'm sending an email from an asp.net application via a 3rd party SMTP server. This server requires authentication. Generally I would use System.Net.Mail combined with System.Net.NetworkCredential to accomplish this.


In this particular case I keep getting an "authentication failed" message. I know the hostname, username, and password information is correct; I've successfully sent messages via Outlook.


I finally resorted to using System.Web.Mail to send the message and used System.Web.Mail.MailMessage.Fields.Add to specifiy the credentials.


Looking at the transmissions in Wireshark, I've noticed a slight difference in the initial AUTH command. Both Outlook and System.Web.Mail send "AUTH LOGIN" where System.Net.Mail sends "AUTH LOGIN bWFpba==".

看看Wireshark中的传输,我注意到初始AUTH命令略有不同。 Outlook和System.Web.Mail都发送“AUTH LOGIN”,其中System.Net.Mail发送“AUTH LOGIN bWFpba ==”。

After searching a bit, I've found others have the similar problems, but usually the fix is to use an intermediate relay server. I thought I'd post the question here to see if anyone has any ideas.


1 个解决方案



It looks like the System.Net.Mail version is sending a Hash or Challenge of some type while the System.Web.Mail version is not. Is there a setting that you are using in one that you are not using in another? Alternatively, it could be that setting the NetworkCredential assumes you want to use a Hashed or Encrypted mechanism for communication while the server you are sending to may not support that.




It looks like the System.Net.Mail version is sending a Hash or Challenge of some type while the System.Web.Mail version is not. Is there a setting that you are using in one that you are not using in another? Alternatively, it could be that setting the NetworkCredential assumes you want to use a Hashed or Encrypted mechanism for communication while the server you are sending to may not support that.
