Rails has_many通过OR查询

时间:2022-09-23 08:00:16
class Game < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :game_types, :dependent => :destroy
  has_many :types, :through => :game_types

class Type < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :game_types, :dependent => :destroy
  has_many :games, :through => :game_types

Game Type 1 == Single Player Game Type 2 == Multiplayer

游戏类型1 ==单人游戏类型2 ==多人游戏

How can I query for Games that have either type IDs 1 OR 2 OR both?


Additionally, how can I query for Games that have neither?


This is being used with pagination via will_paginate so single queries would be preferable.


Thank you in advance for rescuing my sanity.


1 个解决方案



In rails you can always resort to just simple SQL. OR is not yet implemented fully in Arel (last I checked) so what you want is similar to this:

在rails中,您始终可以使用简单的SQL。 OR尚未在Arel中完全实现(我最后检查过),所以你想要的是这样的:

Game.joins("game_types ON (game_types.game_id = games.id)").where("game_types.id IN (1,2)")

This way the query is still reasonably performant. You can expand this a bit to not include direct references to the Ids, but that's up to you.




In rails you can always resort to just simple SQL. OR is not yet implemented fully in Arel (last I checked) so what you want is similar to this:

在rails中,您始终可以使用简单的SQL。 OR尚未在Arel中完全实现(我最后检查过),所以你想要的是这样的:

Game.joins("game_types ON (game_types.game_id = games.id)").where("game_types.id IN (1,2)")

This way the query is still reasonably performant. You can expand this a bit to not include direct references to the Ids, but that's up to you.
