
时间:2022-09-20 21:06:53




<a href="" onclick=“page()”>那么浏览器中是不能实现跳转的呢。因为page()的js方法中不管你怎么写Windows.location.href="";都不能跳转,原因是a标签的href里面是空的,浏览器执行了这个地方。那么怎么办呢?


<a href="javascript:page();">现在去试试呢。或者:

<a href="javascript:;" onclick="page()">




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Title : Simpleton
Version : 1.0
Released : 20110315
Description: A two-column web design, best for your personal and business blogging.

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$(document).ready(function() {
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$(this).find("span").show().html(linkText); //Add the text in the span tag

$("#topnav li").hover(function() {//On hover...
marginTop: "-46" //Find the span tag and move it up 40 pixels
}, 250);
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marginTop: "0" //Move the span back to its original state (0px)
}, 250);
<!-- start header -->
<div id="header">
<div style="width:960px;text-align:right;">
<li><a href="/index.php/login/loginblog" style="font:10px Consolas,normal Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;">后台登录 | </a></li>
<li><a href="#" style="font:10px Consolas,normal Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;">版权申明 | </a></li>
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<div id="logo">
<div style="font-size:50px;font-family:Consolas,normal Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;"><a href="#" style="color:#0F2E5C">GayaYang's personal blog </a></div>
<a href="" style="font:14px Consolas,normal Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif bloder">In the day with the wind, go up in the world.</a>

<div style="width:960px;text-align:right;">

<!-- 导航条部分开始(拷贝过来的很不错的样式) -->
<div id=menu_out>
<div id=menu_in>
<div id="menu">
<ul id="topnav">
foreach ($menu as $row){
<li><a href="<?php echo $row->Path;?>" style="clear:both;"><?php echo $row->Name;?></a></li>
<!-- 导航条部分结束(拷贝过来的很不错的样式) -->
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<div id="wrapper">
<div id="page">
<!-- start content -->
<div id="content">
foreach ($datas as $row){
$month = substr($row->Date, 5,2);
$day = substr($row->Date, 8,2);
$month = $_month[$month];
$content = $row->Content;
//echo htmlspecialchars($content);
$content = mb_substr($row->Content,0,500,'utf-8').'......';
if(strpos($content, 'class="UGCode"')){
//$pos = strpos($content, '<div');
$content = $row->Content;
//$content = $this->index_model->getstr($row->Content,300,'utf-8');
//$content = $content.'......';
<div class="post" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #CCCCCC;margin:50px auto;">
<p class="date"><?php echo $month;?><b><?php echo $day;?></b></p>
<h2 class="title"><a href='/index.php/blog/blog_detail/<?php echo $row->ID;?>'><?php echo stripslashes($row->Title);?></a></h2>
<p class="meta"><small>Author: <a href="#"><?php echo $row->Author;?></a> | Date: <?php echo $row->Date;?>, 评论:<?php echo $row->Comment;?> | 转发:<?php echo $row->Transpublish;?> »</small></p>
<div class="entry">
<?php echo stripslashes($content);?>

<td height="29">
$num = $total_rows/$limit;
$num = intval($total_rows/$limit)+1;
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td width="15%" height="29" nowrap="nowrap"><span style="font-size:12px;">共<?php echo $total_rows;?>条纪录,每页<?php echo $limit;?>条纪录</span></td>
<td width="85%" valign="top" class=""><div align="right">
<table height="20" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td width="62" height="22" valign="middle"><div align="right">
<?php if($page>1){
<a href=<?php echo "/index.php/blog/index/0/".$limit."/";?>><img src="/tab/images/first.gif" width="37" height="15" /></a>
<img src="/tab/images/first.gif" width="37" height="15" />
<td width="50" height="22" valign="middle">
<div align="right">
<?php if($page>1){
<a href=<?php echo "/index.php/blog/index/".(($page-2)*$limit)."/".$limit."/";?>><img src="/tab/images/back.gif" width="43" height="15" /></a>
<img src="/tab/images/back.gif" width="43" height="15" />
<td width='50' height='22' valign='middle'>
<div align="right">
// for ($i = 1; $i < $num+1; $i++) {
// echo "<span id='pagea'><a id='pages' href='/index.php/blog/index/".(($i-1)*$limit)."/".$limit."'".">".$i."</a></span>";
// }
if ($num > $pageNumber) {//控制如果超过了显示的页码数量,就只显示规定数量的。例如总共分了50个页面,而50个页面全部显示出来肯定页面就乱了,所以就规定只显示10个页码或者8个5个什么的。
$index = $page;
$index = 1;
for ($i = $index; $i < $index+$pageNumber/2-1; $i++) {
echo "<span id='pagea'><a id='pages' href='/index.php/blog/index/".(($i-1)*$limit)."/".$limit."'".">".$i."</a></span>";
for ($i = 1; $i < $num+1; $i++) {
echo "<span id='pagea'><a id='pages' href='/index.php/blog/index/".(($i-1)*$limit)."/".$limit."'".">".$i."</a></span>";
<!-- <td width="150" height="22"><?php //echo $pagination;?></td>-->
<td width="54" height="22" valign="middle">
<div align="right">
<?php if($page<$num){
<a href=<?php echo "/index.php/blog/index/".($page*$limit)."/".$limit."/";?>><img src="/tab/images/next.gif" width="43" height="15" /></a>
<img src="/tab/images/next.gif" width="43" height="15" />
<td width="49" height="22" valign="middle">
<div align="right">
<?php if($page<$num){
<a href=<?php echo "/index.php/blog/index/".(($num-1)*$limit)."/".$limit."/";?>><img src="/tab/images/last.gif" width="37" height="15" /></a>
<img src="/tab/images/last.gif" width="37" height="15" />
<td width="59" height="22" valign="middle"><div align="right" style="font-size:12px;">转到第</div></td>
<td width="25" height="22" valign="middle"><span class="STYLE7">
<input name="textfield" id="go" type="text" class="STYLE1" style="height:10px; width:25px;" size="5" />
<td width="23" height="22" valign="middle" style="font-size:12px;">页</td>
<td width="30" height="22" valign="middle"><a href="javascript:gotoPage();"><img src="/tab/images/go.gif" width="37" height="15" /></a></td>
<script type="text/javascript">
function gotoPage(){
var go = document.getElementById('go').value;
var limit = <?php echo $limit;?>;
window.location.href = "/index.php/blog/index/"+(go-1)*limit+"/"+limit;
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