
时间:2022-09-20 19:24:27

I have a question of interest:


I have 2 tables in with InnoDb.
table tbl_a has a primary key, named a_id;
table tbl_b has a primary b_id and a foreign key on tbl_a.a_id with "ON DELETE NO ACTION".

我有两个表在mysql和InnoDb。表tbl_a有一个主键a_id;表tbl_b在tbl_a上有一个主b_id和一个外键。a_id与“ON DELETE NO ACTION”。

|  Table Name |  Primary Key  |  Foreign Key  |
|    tbl_a    |     a_id      |               |
|    tbl_b    |     b_id      |     a_id      |

why should I still use InnoDb and foreign keys, if i don't really use the magic of foreign keys in the end in anyway?
Is there still a point of using
and foreign keys
instead of
and no foreign keys.
If I just do "NO ACTION" on deletes or updates?


I hope you got my point of interest :)


2 个解决方案



I think you're misunderstanding what ON DELETE NO ACTION means. It does not mean to suppress the foreign-key constraint.


When you delete a record that is referred to by a foreign key, InnoDB has the ability to take an automatic action to rectify the situation:


  • it can CASCADE, meaning, delete the referring record. (This would make sense for something like user_address.user_id. If you hard-delete a user, you probably want to hard-delete all of the user's addresses as well.)
  • 它可以级联,意思是删除引用记录。(这对于user_address.user_id之类的东西是有意义的。如果你硬删除一个用户,你可能也想硬删除所有用户的地址。
  • it can SET NULL, meaning, clear out the referring key. (This might make sense for something like file.last_modified_by. If you hard-delete a user, you might want the file's last-modified-by to become simply "unknown".)
  • 它可以设置空值,也就是说,清除引用键。(这可能对file.last_modified_by之类的东西有意义。如果你硬删除一个用户,你可能想要文件的最后修改-by变成简单的“未知”)。

If you specify NO ACTION, you're telling InnoDB that you don't want it to take either of these actions. So InnoDB can't fix the situation for you; all it can do is reject the DELETE and return an error.


As a result, ON DELETE NO ACTION is actually the same as ON DELETE RESTRICT (the default).


(Note: in some DBMSes, and in standard SQL, ON DELETE NO ACTION is a bit different from ON DELETE RESTRICT: in those, ON DELETE NO ACTION means "accept the DELETE within the current transaction, but reject the whole transaction if I try to commit it before rectifying the problem". But InnoDB doesn't support deferred checks, so it treats ON DELETE NO ACTION exactly the same as ON DELETE RESTRICT, and always rejects the DELETE immediately.)


See §§ "FOREIGN KEY Constraints" and "Using FOREIGN KEY Constraints" in the MySQL 5.6 Reference Manual.

看到§§“外键约束”和13.1.17.2“使用外键约束”在MySQL 5.6参考手册。



The foreign key constraint even without ON DELETE / UPDATE CASCADE ensures that if you insert a value into the child table, that it has a correctly matching value in the parent table (or is NULL if the FK column is nullable). Attempting to insert an invalid value into the child table's FK column would result in error when the constraint fails, so your data integrity is protected.


ERROR 1452 (23000): Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails


Defining the foreign key constraint also implicitly defines an index on the FK column in the child table, which although you could have manually defined the index, will improve joining performance.


ON DELETE NO ACTION (which is the same as omitting the ON DELETE clause) will actively prevent deletion of a parent row if it is referenced by any child table, not passively allow it to be deleted without affecting child rows.

在删除时,任何操作(与删除ON DELETE子句相同)都不会主动阻止删除父行(如果它被任何子表引用),而不会被动地允许删除它而不影响子行。



I think you're misunderstanding what ON DELETE NO ACTION means. It does not mean to suppress the foreign-key constraint.


When you delete a record that is referred to by a foreign key, InnoDB has the ability to take an automatic action to rectify the situation:


  • it can CASCADE, meaning, delete the referring record. (This would make sense for something like user_address.user_id. If you hard-delete a user, you probably want to hard-delete all of the user's addresses as well.)
  • 它可以级联,意思是删除引用记录。(这对于user_address.user_id之类的东西是有意义的。如果你硬删除一个用户,你可能也想硬删除所有用户的地址。
  • it can SET NULL, meaning, clear out the referring key. (This might make sense for something like file.last_modified_by. If you hard-delete a user, you might want the file's last-modified-by to become simply "unknown".)
  • 它可以设置空值,也就是说,清除引用键。(这可能对file.last_modified_by之类的东西有意义。如果你硬删除一个用户,你可能想要文件的最后修改-by变成简单的“未知”)。

If you specify NO ACTION, you're telling InnoDB that you don't want it to take either of these actions. So InnoDB can't fix the situation for you; all it can do is reject the DELETE and return an error.


As a result, ON DELETE NO ACTION is actually the same as ON DELETE RESTRICT (the default).


(Note: in some DBMSes, and in standard SQL, ON DELETE NO ACTION is a bit different from ON DELETE RESTRICT: in those, ON DELETE NO ACTION means "accept the DELETE within the current transaction, but reject the whole transaction if I try to commit it before rectifying the problem". But InnoDB doesn't support deferred checks, so it treats ON DELETE NO ACTION exactly the same as ON DELETE RESTRICT, and always rejects the DELETE immediately.)


See §§ "FOREIGN KEY Constraints" and "Using FOREIGN KEY Constraints" in the MySQL 5.6 Reference Manual.

看到§§“外键约束”和13.1.17.2“使用外键约束”在MySQL 5.6参考手册。



The foreign key constraint even without ON DELETE / UPDATE CASCADE ensures that if you insert a value into the child table, that it has a correctly matching value in the parent table (or is NULL if the FK column is nullable). Attempting to insert an invalid value into the child table's FK column would result in error when the constraint fails, so your data integrity is protected.


ERROR 1452 (23000): Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails


Defining the foreign key constraint also implicitly defines an index on the FK column in the child table, which although you could have manually defined the index, will improve joining performance.


ON DELETE NO ACTION (which is the same as omitting the ON DELETE clause) will actively prevent deletion of a parent row if it is referenced by any child table, not passively allow it to be deleted without affecting child rows.

在删除时,任何操作(与删除ON DELETE子句相同)都不会主动阻止删除父行(如果它被任何子表引用),而不会被动地允许删除它而不影响子行。