如何使用Entity Framework(EF6)删除Asp.Net MVC 5中的ApplicationUser?

时间:2022-09-18 08:33:10

I'm struggling with deleting an ApplicationUser in my application. I don't mind going with a hard delete, but that has given me a lot of challenges. The user can create posts in which other users can comment. If other users have commented on a user's post, the user can't be hard deleted since the delete is trying to cascade onto the post (which is blocked by the existing comments).


I'm also ok with a soft-delete approach, but this seems like a nightmare to deal with in a large application. I have found that I have to add if (!user.IsDeleted){...} around anything that mentions the user (comment and post author reference, login, register and almost everything in the Account/Manage controllers) and have to consider adding the check in all future additions to the code.


I have tried searching for established ways of handling user-deletes, but I can't seem to find any (other than quick articles like "how to add "IsDelete" property to your user, which does not go into nearly enough detail of the implications). So is there a proper way to handle user-deletes? It seems like the best way is to start getting my hands dirty with cascading but I'm not really sure where to start.


1 个解决方案



I highly recommend to see the Soft-delete approach which it has been implemented on the ASP.NET Boilerplate.It is Free and Opensource.

我强烈建议看看它已经在ASP.NET Boilerplate上实现的软删除方法。它是Free和Opensource。

Soft-delete filter is used to automatically filter (extract from results) deleted entities while querying database. If an entity should be soft-deleted, it must implement ISoftDelete interface which defines only IsDeleted property.


Ex :

public class Person : Entity, ISoftDelete
    public virtual string Name { get; set; }

    public virtual bool IsDeleted { get; set; }

Here is the Link : ISoftDelete


Source Code on Github


ASP.NET Boilerplate Documentation

ASP.NET Boilerplate文档



I highly recommend to see the Soft-delete approach which it has been implemented on the ASP.NET Boilerplate.It is Free and Opensource.

我强烈建议看看它已经在ASP.NET Boilerplate上实现的软删除方法。它是Free和Opensource。

Soft-delete filter is used to automatically filter (extract from results) deleted entities while querying database. If an entity should be soft-deleted, it must implement ISoftDelete interface which defines only IsDeleted property.


Ex :

public class Person : Entity, ISoftDelete
    public virtual string Name { get; set; }

    public virtual bool IsDeleted { get; set; }

Here is the Link : ISoftDelete


Source Code on Github


ASP.NET Boilerplate Documentation

ASP.NET Boilerplate文档